Can we talk Politics?

LOST said:
Perhaps we should start evaluating potential Presidential candidates. Here's one I hadn't heard of:

 He has been on the Rachel Maddow show months ago and I hadn't heard of him either. Then it crossed my mind that he might have some political ambitions. I saw him throw out a casual announcement somewhere in the blur of political information that I ingest. I haven't read the article above yet but he seems pleasant. Sorry but that's the best adjective I can come up with and that doesn't inspire excitement from my perspective.

As for a bit of inspiration, not sure if it was mentioned on any thread here in the past few days but Elizabeth Warren just said she is taking a hard look at running. If she does I think she will squash the possible ambition of either Klobuchar or Gillibrand. Not sure if Harris is considering a run, but if she did, its hard to imagine anything could discourage her.

I'm afraid if I start reading that link right now, I'll be typing away into the wee hours trying to dissect each and every candidates options.

“Ted Cruz worked his way through Princeton and Harvard Law. I respect that, because most guys with his looks end up at Duke. After the Ivy League, Ted could’ve gone anywhere, but he came back home to Texas. I respect that even more.”

ml1 said:
"I think it's great that because of Ted Cruz, millions of Americans have learned the German word 'Backpfeifengesicht.' It's important that Americans acquaint themselves with other languages."


A German compound word/term that loosely translates to "Cheek pipe face".

In common use it means something to the effect of "A face badly in need of a fist" meaning this is a person that needs to be punched. Alternate translations list the given action as "slap" rather than "punch" or the given weapon as "crowbar" rather than "fist".
Uwe Boll's offenses against the video game industry would not be as bad were he not a Backpfeifengesicht.

I learn something every day on MOL,

whether I want to or not

Lost, my dad used to remind us frequently that a day you didn’t learn something new was a day wasted cheese

And of course I'm ready to start asking again, "can we please move the New Jersey, New York and California Primaries to an earlier date?"

Did Ted Cruz really decline to attend CNN’s next Town Hall with Beto? Leaving Beto with a whole hour of National TV to himself? Or maybe it’s an Onion article I read. I’m positively giddy. 

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