What's your current mask etiquette?

This puta de sal is an embarrassment to MT…to know they vote alike must make her cringe reading the stupidity that emanates from his dyson vacuum. 
Over the years of seeing trolls come and go on here, this one takes the cake for stupidity. 

drummerboy said:

 dumbest paragraph of the month

The main problem we have in this country is we have too many people who think they know everything.

They are too quick to judge, and too quick to mock, but what do you know?  I guess you and your friends who vote for the same idiots every couple of years probably think you know how this phase of COVID got started too. We haven't figured that out for sure yet and you think you know the solution (a mask).

Oh, but what am I talking about?  I forgot, you all watch TV so you get all the latest "Breaking News".

You know what's going to happen?  Everyone is going to be forced to vaccinate and then vaccinate some more and suddenly there is going to be a new COVID or something else even worse.

Meanwhile, the ice cream eating zombie in the white house is going to kick the bucket, we are going to be left with no solution, no cure, no "national healing" as he once promised on TV as he was allowing people to celebrate his win in large groups in the streets while COVID was surging.  Then he turned around and blamed it on Thanksgiving and how people were not following the rules.

Then twenty years from now we are all going to have to watch some attorney paid spokesman on TV talk about the class action suit for all who were vaccinated against COVID.

LaSalePute said:

drummerboy said:

 dumbest paragraph of the month

The main problem we have in this country is we have too many people who think they know everything.

They are too quick to judge, and too quick to mock, but what do you know?  I guess you and your friends who vote for the same idiots every couple of years probably think you know how this phase of COVID got started too. We haven't figured that out for sure yet and you think you know the solution (a mask).

Oh, but what am I talking about?  I forgot, you all watch TV so you get all the latest "Breaking News".

You know what's going to happen?  Everyone is going to be forced to vaccinate and then vaccinate some more and suddenly there is going to be a new COVID or something else even worse.

Meanwhile, the ice cream eating zombie in the white house is going to kick the bucket, we are going to be left with no solution, no cure, no "national healing" as he once promised on TV as he was allowing people to celebrate his win in large groups in the streets while COVID was surging.  Then he turned around and blamed it on Thanksgiving and how people were not following the rules.

Then twenty years from now we are all going to have to watch some attorney paid spokesman on TV talk about the class action suit for all who were vaccinated against COVID.

 nice word salad


Where did Redfruit go?

I assume jamie wanted to spare a commenter possible pain from an ignorant gibe. Good call, jamie.

LaSalePute said:

The main problem we have in this country is we have too many people who think they know everything.

They are too quick to judge, and too quick to mock, but what do you know?  

Worrying about mask 'judgement' is something even 11 year-olds seem mature enough not to care about -- Perhaps they are less susceptible to a sense of peer pressure than you are?

I coach tweens and teens outdoors, and everyone was required to wear masks to play last year. They all ran around with masks on, even in the heat, without complaint.

This year, masks are optional, as the research became clearer, and as  vaccinations became more common for coaches and the older kids. Some kids currently wear masks while playing, some don't. There has been no judgment and no peer pressure -- it's just whatever each kid is comfortable with. 

These kids don't care who is/isn't wearing masks when it is optional. Perhaps you can try not worrying about it, or mocking it, so much either.

DaveSchmidt said:

I assume jamie wanted to spare a commenter possible pain from an ignorant gibe. Good call, jamie.

I did happen to see some of that but I don't know where that tangent went before it went into the ether. If it was in reference to me, yes, my traumatic brain injury has really changed my life. I've regained a lot of functionality and that includes a sharper sarcastic edge to my comments sometimes. Overall, life is a lot more complicated and it has taken a while to return to what I consider usefulness.

All that said, I will own what I have been doing since the appearance of CHTP and LaSale. I've been speculating that those are alternate accounts owned by redfruit (formerly straw). That's a level of "outing" a poster in addition to mocking them, two behaviors that aren't exactly friendly. Although straw openly admitted he was using the redfruit account, I wondered if I would get banned for that behavior. I wouldn't fault jamie or dave if they felt it necessary to do so.

PeterWick said:

DaveSchmidt said:

I assume jamie wanted to spare a commenter possible pain from an ignorant gibe. Good call, jamie.

I did happen to see some of that but I don't know where that tangent went before it went into the ether. If it was in reference to me, yes, my traumatic brain injury has really changed my life. I've regained a lot of functionality and that includes a sharper sarcastic edge to my comments sometimes. Overall, life is a lot more complicated and it has taken a while to return to what I consider usefulness.

All that said, I will own what I have been doing since the appearance of CHTP and LaSale. I've been speculating that those are alternate accounts owned by redfruit (formerly straw). That's a level of "outing" a poster in addition to mocking them, two behaviors that aren't exactly friendly. Although straw openly admitted he was using the redfruit account, I wondered if I would get banned for that behavior. I wouldn't fault jamie or dave if they felt it necessary to do so.

 You need to stop assuming everyone who you don’t like is the same guy. You also need to stop demanding that those you don’t like delete their accounts. 

Redfruit said:

 You need to stop assuming everyone who you don’t like is the same guy. You also need to stop demanding that those you don’t like delete their accounts. 

You may want to do some more self-reflection before your account [and not just a post] is deleted for you.

sprout said:

Redfruit said:

 You need to stop assuming everyone who you don’t like is the same guy. You also need to stop demanding that those you don’t like delete their accounts. 

You may want to do some more self-reflection before your account is deleted for you.

 Another immature threat. How old are you? I’d say old enough to know better. 

Redfruit said:

sprout said:

Redfruit said:

 You need to stop assuming everyone who you don’t like is the same guy. You also need to stop demanding that those you don’t like delete their accounts. 

You may want to do some more self-reflection before your account is deleted for you.

 Another immature threat. How old are you? I’d say old enough to know better. 

Old enough to remember you being banned a few times.

sprout said:

Redfruit said:

sprout said:

Redfruit said:

 You need to stop assuming everyone who you don’t like is the same guy. You also need to stop demanding that those you don’t like delete their accounts. 

You may want to do some more self-reflection before your account is deleted for you.

 Another immature threat. How old are you? I’d say old enough to know better. 

Old enough to remember you being banned a few times.

 Well you must be pretty old since you’re going back over a decade. 

Yep. If you click on "sprout" you'll see I've had the same MOL username since 2004.  

What.... you don't remember me from the old days?

sprout said:

Yep. If you click on "sprout" you'll see I've had the same MOL username since 2004.  

What.... you don't remember me from the old days?

 No, I don’t. 

Redfruit said:

 You need to stop assuming everyone who you don’t like is the same guy. You also need to stop demanding that those you don’t like delete their accounts. 

That's quite a laugh coming from you, someone who persistently trolls MOL and mocks users while posting under an anonymous MOL username. Why does that stuff irritate you? I could understand if it was someone else.

Redfruit said:

sprout said:

Yep. If you click on "sprout" you'll see I've had the same MOL username since 2004.  

What.... you don't remember me from the old days?

 No, I don’t. 

 Do you remember anyone from the old days?

sprout said:

Redfruit said:

sprout said:

Yep. If you click on "sprout" you'll see I've had the same MOL username since 2004.  

What.... you don't remember me from the old days?

 No, I don’t. 

 Do you remember anyone from the old days?

sbenois, Nohero. algebra2 and  Justmelaura, are the Mount Rushmore of MOL.   If you add two more heads you can include Straw and Mem. Tom Reingold is not under consideration. 

OK. I guess it's always good to include your spouse when you try to give a compliment. And including Straw [yourself] was not unexpected.

sprout said:

OK. I guess it's always good to include your spouse when you try to give a compliment. And including Straw [yourself] was not unexpected.

 Going back a long way but along with those names  already mentioned, mamma bear was a riot, AJC was a character, bobk was always in the mix, Joan Crystal was always being wrong but steadfast in her beliefs. There was Scrotus who was and remains annoying on FB, glory days of MOL. Just the Aunt, loved her, TJohn and Paul S. (Beaboutpeace.) doubleT, the coolest, Bets who is much cooler in person than she allowed for On line. 

Redfruit said:

sprout said:

OK. I guess it's always good to include your spouse when you try to give a compliment. And including Straw [yourself] was not unexpected.

 Going back a long way but along with those names  already mentioned, mamma bear was a riot, AJC was a character, bobk was always in the mix, Joan Crystal was always being wrong but steadfast in her beliefs. There was Scrotus who was and remains annoying on FB, glory days of MOL. Just the Aunt, loved her, TJohn and Paul S. (Beaboutpeace.) doubleT, the coolest, Bets who is much cooler in person than she allowed for On line. 

 No "Scrotus" here, as far as I can recall. Or was that even before my time?

sprout said:

Redfruit said:

sprout said:

OK. I guess it's always good to include your spouse when you try to give a compliment. And including Straw [yourself] was not unexpected.

 Going back a long way but along with those names  already mentioned, mamma bear was a riot, AJC was a character, bobk was always in the mix, Joan Crystal was always being wrong but steadfast in her beliefs. There was Scrotus who was and remains annoying on FB, glory days of MOL. Just the Aunt, loved her, TJohn and Paul S. (Beaboutpeace.) doubleT, the coolest, Bets who is much cooler in person than she allowed for On line. 

 No "Scrotus" here, as far as I can recall. Or was that even before my time?

 He was a right wing guy who’s now all over FB,  same thing as now, People used to claim he was Strawberry too. A different IP address ended that speculation. There was also Shhh. She used to act like she was this hottie chick. Turns out she is a hottie. Sharon of course RIP. ESS, Boomie. Names are coming back. It was a better site back then because obviously the traffic was stronger but there was a sense of humor. I don’t see that as much with today’s MOLers or at least the ones that want to pretend I’m every poster who disagrees with them. Too bad, maybe some of the fun can return.  Oh Monster! Pain in the **** he was.

sprout said:

 No "Scrotus" here, as far as I can recall. Or was that even before my time?

 Scrotusknowlos. Or something like that.

jimmurphy said:

sprout said:

 No "Scrotus" here, as far as I can recall. Or was that even before my time?

 Scrotusknowlos. Or something like that.

 Ah, kinda rings a bell. Or maybe I'm confusing it with "RealityforAll".  Wonder if it's a username theme.

jimmurphy said:

sprout said:

 No "Scrotus" here, as far as I can recall. Or was that even before my time?

 Scrotusknowlos. Or something like that.

 scrotusloknows, I believe...

Redfruit said:

 Going back a long way but along with those names  already mentioned, mamma bear was a riot, AJC was a character, bobk was always in the mix, Joan Crystal was always being wrong but steadfast in her beliefs. There was Scrotus who was and remains annoying on FB, glory days of MOL. Just the Aunt, loved her, TJohn and Paul S. (Beaboutpeace.) doubleT, the coolest, Bets who is much cooler in person than she allowed for On line. 

 Joan Crystal and Tom Reingold I hold in high esteem. You are ridiculous. Of course monster was a pain in your ****. 

Jaytee said:

Redfruit said:

 Going back a long way but along with those names  already mentioned, mamma bear was a riot, AJC was a character, bobk was always in the mix, Joan Crystal was always being wrong but steadfast in her beliefs. There was Scrotus who was and remains annoying on FB, glory days of MOL. Just the Aunt, loved her, TJohn and Paul S. (Beaboutpeace.) doubleT, the coolest, Bets who is much cooler in person than she allowed for On line. 

 Joan Crystal and Tom Reingold I hold in high esteem. You are ridiculous. Of course monster was a pain in your ****

He still is..

Today, I was in Starbucks ordering a venti pumpkin spice latte without a mask observing all the dummies around me wearing masks. What a joke.

Best entertainment my $6.40 can buy.  It's like when people go to church to compare clothing.  For some reason, though, masks are optional at Village Coffee. Must be the CBD that counters the free flying COVID germs in the air. LOL

LaSalePute said:

Today, I was in Starbucks ordering a venti pumpkin spice latte without a mask observing all the dummies around me wearing masks. What a joke.

Best entertainment my $6.40 can buy.  It's like when people go to church to compare clothing.  For some reason, though, masks are optional at Village Coffee. Must be the CBD that counters the free flying COVID germs in the air. LOL

 i'd like to go laugh at people spending $6 on coffee!  Sure for a treat on occassion, but as much business as Starbucks and other coffee shops do....people spending $70K or more -maybe over 100K-over the course of their lifetime on coffee? LOL!

Jmitw, you have to come visit me, for decent coffee  wink

jmitw said:

LaSalePute said:

Today, I was in Starbucks ordering a venti pumpkin spice latte without a mask observing all the dummies around me wearing masks. What a joke.

Best entertainment my $6.40 can buy.  It's like when people go to church to compare clothing.  For some reason, though, masks are optional at Village Coffee. Must be the CBD that counters the free flying COVID germs in the air. LOL

 i'd like to go laugh at people spending $6 on coffee!  Sure for a treat on occassion, but as much business as Starbucks and other coffee shops do....people spending $70K or more -maybe over 100K-over the course of their lifetime on coffee? LOL!


KarenMarlowe said:

 scrotusloknows, I believe...


ETA random SLK thread: https://maplewood.worldwebs.com/forums/discussion/damn-i-wanted-to-squeeze-slk-s-pecs

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