The Rose Garden and White House happenings: Listening to voters’ concerns

jimmurphy said:

Move to strike.  Non-responsive.

Time to bring up back burner issues, quashed to avoid upsetting China/USA relations. What Relations?

Time will reveal what the real cost of ignoring the source of Covid will add up to — aside from the millions killed by diplomacy.

mtierney said:

Time to bring up back burner issues....

mtierney said:

Time to bring up back burner issues, quashed to avoid upsetting China/USA relations. What Relations?

Time will reveal what the real cost of ignoring the source of Covid will add up to — aside from the millions killed by diplomacy.

I know this would not be your style, but -- instead of posting to articles behind a paywall that almost none of us will pay to read, why not read the article, form your own opinions from it, and post your own thoughts on the issue?

that way you could get an actual dialog going instead of dropping links that none of us can access.

ml1 said:

that way you could get an actual dialog going instead of dropping links that none of us can access.

Or would access, even if we could. In any case, I think this post is more about evading responsibility for her earlier posts than starting a new conversation.

mtierney said:

Time to bring up back burner issues, quashed to avoid upsetting China/USA relations. What Relations?

Time will reveal what the real cost of ignoring the source of Covid will add up to — aside from the millions killed by diplomacy.

What you are missing is this:

1.  A global pandemic such as the COVID pandemic was overdue.

2.  We were not prepared to handle a pandemic.

3.  There will be more pandemics.

The particular source of this pandemic has no bearing on points 1 and 2.

Your boy Trump's efforts to blame this pandemic on China is responsible for many excess deaths.

ml1 said:

I know this would not be your style, but -- instead of posting to articles behind a paywall that almost none of us will pay to read, why not read the article, form your own opinions from it, and post your own thoughts on the issue?

that way you could get an actual dialog going instead of dropping links that none of us can access.

You expect her to understand, form her own opinion and post thoughts on said ppinion?

Are you joking?

U guys are amazing! No matter the topic, response is off the charts with kill the messenger comments.

I will admit that I am an easy target, so confident that I have as much a right to express my opinions as anyone else,  I stay the course. When freedom of speech is ridiculed, we all suffer.

Fear plays a huge role in bitter, nasty responses about my sources, to which I subscribe BTW, and share with everyone here. What is the point of my regurgitating an article here? Read it, or not.

Incidentally, the resident troll here has shown personal animosity toward me for years, using various disguises. It would take an expert to analyze what’s going on with this person. Not my concern.

mtierney said:

Fear plays a huge role in bitter, nasty responses about my sources, to which I subscribe BTW, and share with everyone here. What is the point of my regurgitating an article here? Read it, or not.

doesn’t sound like MT responding here.

Whoever you are, tell her that if she posts a link that’s behind a paywall, we can’t read it. Please convey the message.

I’ll admit I’m surprised we’re not discussing ‘the Biden papers’ especially since, as soon as we heard about them, we knew they’d become a hot political tool. And indeed they have! Republicans to investigate the classified files at Biden office How Trump and Biden secret-files cases are different 

I’m surprised, and a bit saddened, that we’re not discussing the disaster responses to those atrocious storms - we almost completely ignored the winter disaster responses, and that’s continuing now with the extended summer responses through fires and storms. Not only didn’t MOL used to ignore such things, political MOL didn’t used to ignore such things. Millions at risk of flooding

And what about that little boy in Newport who shot his teacher???

We’re devolving to petty spats or long-winded pedantic parsing of mental/emotional intent in word choices, leaving larger issues completely alone unless there’s already a very long intense thread on it. 

joanne said:

I’ll admit I’m surprised we’re not discussing ‘the Biden papers’ especially since, as soon as we heard about them, we knew they’d become a hot political tool. And indeed they have! Republicans to investigate the classified files at Biden office How Trump and Biden secret-files cases are different 

I’m surprised, and a bit saddened, that we’re not discussing the disaster responses to those atrocious storms - we almost completely ignored the winter disaster responses, and that’s continuing now with the extended summer responses through fires and storms. Not only didn’t MOL used to ignore such things, political MOL didn’t used to ignore such things. Millions at risk of flooding

And what about that little boy in Newport who shot his teacher???

We’re devolving to petty spats or long-winded pedantic parsing of mental/emotional intent in word choices, leaving larger issues completely alone unless there’s already a very long intense thread on it. 

Biden pro-actively returning documents in his possession once he realized he had them seems the exact opposite of Trump's hiding documents and willful refusal to return them? I know political messaging is mainly about surface level screaming to engage the partisans, but on the actual substance this feels a bit like saying water and oil are the same because they're both liquids?

Oh no!  Someone disagreed with mtierney.  Don't they know that is not allowed?

Well, I’m not trying to stir anything up, however those sensitive documents have been in that old office for around 5 years now, and I had heard a short snip of an interview on my car radio yesterday where Mr Biden said he didn’t ‘recall those documents being there’. Yes, agreed, the handling of the discovery is quite different and quite professional (as should be). 
Out here, we’ve been cutting the staff of the Parliamentary and National libraries who would normally check such files are returned, and follow-up. (The staff are assigned to follow and maintain material that will be in the National Archives) 

Have you had such staff cuts? 
How else would you account for such important files being missing for so long, yet no-one following up?

What other important, confidential/secret/planning files are missing or have gone astray? Regardless of who ‘borrowed’ them. (What projects and policies are severely impacted as a result?)

joanne said:

How else would you account for such important files being missing for so long, yet no-one following up?

Because maybe those files weren't so important and are just an example of a classification system run amok.

joanne said:

Well, I’m not trying to stir anything up, however those sensitive documents have been in that old office for around 5 years now, and I had heard a short snip of an interview on my car radio yesterday where Mr Biden said he didn’t ‘recall those documents being there’. Yes, agreed, the handling of the discovery is quite different and quite professional (as should be). 
Out here, we’ve been cutting the staff of the Parliamentary and National libraries who would normally check such files are returned, and follow-up. (The staff are assigned to follow and maintain material that will be in the National Archives) 

Have you had such staff cuts? 
How else would you account for such important files being missing for so long, yet no-one following up?

What other important, confidential/secret/planning files are missing or have gone astray? Regardless of who ‘borrowed’ them. (What projects and policies are severely impacted as a result?)

That angle is an important and interesting story, but not a political one, and so not an angle that will garner the same level of attention.

Consider, if Trump, upon being notified that he still had documents he shouldn't, had simply handed them over, that would have been the end of that as a high-prominence story. The question of how those documents left their proper home in the first place would remain as a question, as you point out, and might point to necessary changes in how the government handles documents in presidential transitions, but apart from those working in or keenly interested in government administrative minutiae, there would be little story there.

joanne said:

I’ll admit I’m surprised we’re not discussing ‘the Biden papers’ especially since, as soon as we heard about them, we knew they’d become a hot political tool. And indeed they have! Republicans to investigate the classified files at Biden office How Trump and Biden secret-files cases are different 

I’m surprised, and a bit saddened, that we’re not discussing the disaster responses to those atrocious storms - we almost completely ignored the winter disaster responses, and that’s continuing now with the extended summer responses through fires and storms. Not only didn’t MOL used to ignore such things, political MOL didn’t used to ignore such things. Millions at risk of flooding

And what about that little boy in Newport who shot his teacher???

We’re devolving to petty spats or long-winded pedantic parsing of mental/emotional intent in word choices, leaving larger issues completely alone unless there’s already a very long intense thread on it. 

The Republican Party is more interested in rabble-rousing than governance.

This Biden interview did not age well:  

One of the fastest reading of a presidential address ever! We can all feel safe when Biden admitted he kept documents in his “locked garage,  next to his Corvette!”

The woke folks continue to attack our language!

A New Attack on ‘Racist

January 11, 2023 7:36 AM

University officials are keeping busy with their obsession over purifying the language to make sure it’s always “inclusive” and never “racist.” As we read here, the University of Southern California’s School of Social Work has decided that the word “field” has to go.

The word, you see, “could be considered anti-Black or anti-immigrant” because it might make people think of working in the fields.

Does anyone seriously believe that hearing the word “field” provokes feelings of apprehension in a person, even the most fragile of snowflakes?

But we can’t be too safe, can we? So I suggest that baseball stop using terms like “infield” and “outfield” because they might frighten away some people who might otherwise be able to enjoy the game.

mtierney said:

One of the fastest reading of a presidential address ever! We can all feel safe when Biden admitted he kept documents in his “locked garage,  next to his Corvette!”

The woke folks continue to attack our language!

A New Attack on ‘Racist

January 11, 2023 7:36 AM

University officials are keeping busy with their obsession over purifying the language to make sure it’s always “inclusive” and never “racist.” As we read here, the University of Southern California’s School of Social Work has decided that the word “field” has to go.

The word, you see, “could be considered anti-Black or anti-immigrant” because it might make people think of working in the fields.

Does anyone seriously believe that hearing the word “field” provokes feelings of apprehension in a person, even the most fragile of snowflakes?

But we can’t be too safe, can we? So I suggest that baseball stop using terms like “infield” and “outfield” because they might frighten away some people who might otherwise be able to enjoy the game.

Every day, the internet reminds me that just because people can read doesn't mean they're literate.

mtierney said:

One of the fastest reading of a presidential address ever! We can all feel safe when Biden admitted he kept documents in his “locked garage,  next to his Corvette!”

The woke folks continue to attack our language!

A New Attack on ‘Racist

January 11, 2023 7:36 AM

University officials are keeping busy with their obsession over purifying the language to make sure it’s always “inclusive” and never “racist.” As we read here, the University of Southern California’s School of Social Work has decided that the word “field” has to go.

The word, you see, “could be considered anti-Black or anti-immigrant” because it might make people think of working in the fields.

Does anyone seriously believe that hearing the word “field” provokes feelings of apprehension in a person, even the most fragile of snowflakes?

But we can’t be too safe, can we? So I suggest that baseball stop using terms like “infield” and “outfield” because they might frighten away some people who might otherwise be able to enjoy the game.

This story is SOOOO January 11th.

I’d like to take this moment to salute the High King of Unforced Errors. 

And, before someone lectures me on the differences between the two cases, let me tell you that it just doesn’t matter. Biden, through what appears to be an act of casual forgetfulness (either personal or institutional) has destroyed what could have been a key weapon in the fight for 2024. It’s gone and it isn’t coming back. Thanks Joe!

GoSlugs said:

And, before someone lectures me on the differences between the two cases, let me tell you that it just doesn’t matter. Biden, through what appears to be an act of casual forgetfulness (either personal or institutional) has destroyed what could have been a key weapon in the fight for 2024. It’s gone and it isn’t coming back. Thanks Joe!

the tax evasion will be a bigger issue. TFG's method of creating dummy "consulting" businesses to avoid taxes are pretty easy for the average person to understand. 

There’s a difference between someone who is cooperating with an investigation into classified documents, and someone who deliberately loaded a truck with classified documents to his home, then refuses to hand them over…huge difference… but righteous conservatives don’t care about differences? Do they?

Jaytee said:

There’s a difference between someone who is cooperating with an investigation into classified documents, and someone who deliberately loaded a truck with classified documents to his home, then refuses to hand them over…huge difference… but righteous conservatives don’t care about differences? Do they?

many voters don't pay attention to details or nuance. The fact that TFG was lying about having the documents, and fighting like hell to keep them was always the issue. Not that he had them in his possession. That's bad, and if there was intent to take the documents it is a crime. But if a person can plausibly say they took the documents by mistake, and they were discovered by their lawyers and returned to the archives, it would have been no harm no foul. Even for TFG. 

But of course that's not what he did. He fought tooth and nail to keep the documents.

All of that is true and won’t matter at all politically. Besides, you are all assuming the other guy is Trump. All this what aboutism won’t matter an iota against DeSantos (or whatever other evil is festering in the GOP footlocker). Then, all we will have is the recorded soundbites of every Dem over the age of 10 talking about how bad it is to keep classified documents. 

Biden needs to start clearing the way for whoever ends up being the Dem nominee. He was barely viable when he had done everything right. His candidacy died this morning. 

Bright side is that having an octogenarian president was never a good idea. 

ml1 said:

The fact that TFG was lying about having the documents, and fighting like hell to keep them was always the issue. Not that he had them in his possession.

Trump’s possession of the documents was enough of an issue to form the basis of the affidavit that led to the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago:

“After an initial review of the NARA Referral, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened a criminal investigation to, among other things, determine how the documents with classification markings and records were removed from the White House (or any other authorized location(s) for the storage of classified materials) and came to be stored at the PREMISES: determine whether the storage location(s) at the PREMISES were authorized locations for the storage of classified information; determine whether any additional classified documents or records may have been stored in an unauthorized location at the PREMISES or another unknown location, and whether they remain at any such location; and identify any person(s) who may have removed or retained classified infmmation without authorization and/or in an unauthorized space.”

DaveSchmidt said:

ml1 said:

The fact that TFG was lying about having the documents, and fighting like hell to keep them was always the issue. Not that he had them in his possession.

Trump’s possession of the documents was enough of an issue to form the basis of the affidavit that led to the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago:

“After an initial review of the NARA Referral, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened a criminal investigation to, among other things, determine how the documents with classification markings and records were removed from the White House (or any other authorized location(s) for the storage of classified materials) and came to be stored at the PREMISES: determine whether the storage location(s) at the PREMISES were authorized locations for the storage of classified information; determine whether any additional classified documents or records may have been stored in an unauthorized location at the PREMISES or another unknown location, and whether they remain at any such location; and identify any person(s) who may have removed or retained classified infmmation without authorization and/or in an unauthorized space.”

But is it not the case that the criminal investigation followed several requests for Trump to return the documents which he apparently refused?  

It's like dealing with the IRS.  If you make a mistake on your taxes, they ask you to correct the mistake and that's it.  At some point, however, if you stonewall the IRS or they see evidence of deliberate illegal tax avoidance, it becomes a criminal matter.

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