The Rose Garden and White House happenings: Listening to voters’ concerns

Stumbling upon this article today, I recalled the MeToo movement and asked myself, what ever happened to it?  The insight provided by the author into the world of journalism 2022 is jarring, upsetting, and hard to fathom. Did Covid brain infect CNN male staffers? What about what aboutism?

ml1 said:

hard to believe anyone with any bit of humanity would read that article and come to that conclusion.

Harder to believe that anyone would read my link and see only what they want to see — and comment on it!

“And yet they still come” begs the question how in the world does our president and our vice president/immigration czar, who have consistently ignored dealing with the immigration desperation of migrants on our border, sleep at night? Surely, they both must know what’s going on — presumably they get news excerpts daily from their staff minions to keep them aware on what’s happening. They may even scan the Times, at least on Sunday.

Supercilious one-liners, by liberals, ring hollow. 

Maybe a bit of the trillions earmarked to relieve student debt could be siphoned off to finish the wall, process immigrants wishing to come here safely, in a humane, but thorough way to apply for visas. Jungle hellholes do not provide a road to safety and is a treacherous, illegal way to obtain entry.

America cannot not chose to be powerless, at the risk of losing what it has built which  brings millions of people to our shores.

mtierney said:

ml1 said:

hard to believe anyone with any bit of humanity would read that article and come to that conclusion.

Harder to believe that anyone would read my link and see only what they want to see — and comment on it!

“And yet they still come” begs the question how in the world does our president and our vice president/immigration czar, who have consistently ignored dealing with the immigration desperation of migrants on our border, sleep at night? 

You ask how can they sleep at night, knowing that there are migrants and refugees trying to get to the U.S.? How can you?

nohero said:

You ask how can they sleep at night, knowing that there are migrants and refugees trying to get to the U.S.? How can you?

I can ask you,  nohero, the same question. The better question is, how can Biden and Harris sleep at night? The big guy was frustrated after almost 50 years on the government payroll and 8 years as veep, he was determined to be remembered for turning America into a welfare state.

One of his first acts was to stop building the wall, the only physical  sign of control the US had, and introducing the word, trillion, to taxpayers. Biden also spoke of immigrants getting a lot of money upon arrival and survival. What was the amount? $450,000  per family?

Two million undocumented and unprocessed immigrants have illegally entered this country in the last two years. It only took 19 men, after completing pilot training school in Florida,  to bring down the WTC.

I have no idea what a heart-beat-away Harris, says, or thinks, about anything.


mtierney said:

Two million undocumented and unprocessed immigrants have illegally entered this country in the last two years. It only took 19 men, after completing pilot training school in Florida,  to bring down the WTC.,

It only took 1 homegrown white supremacist with a rented truck  and a fertilizer bomb to kill 168 people in Oklahoma City.

mtierney said:

nohero said:

You ask how can they sleep at night, knowing that there are migrants and refugees trying to get to the U.S.? How can you?

I can ask you,  nohero, the same question. The better question is, how can Biden and Harris sleep at night? The big guy was frustrated after almost 50 years on the government payroll and 8 years as veep, he was determined to be remembered for turning America into a welfare state.

One of his first acts was to stop building the wall, the only physical  sign of control the US had, and introducing the word, trillion, to taxpayers. Biden also spoke of immigrants getting a lot of money upon arrival and survival. What was the amount? $450,000  per family?

Two million undocumented and unprocessed immigrants have illegally entered this country in the last two years. It only took 19 men, after completing pilot training school in Florida,  to bring down the WTC.

I have no idea what a heart-beat-away Harris, says, or thinks, about anything.


this post is a remarkable map of your brain.

so much misinformation pointing to even more misinformation and on and on.

The FoxNews Brain - our greatest threat.

mtierney said:

ml1 said:

hard to believe anyone with any bit of humanity would read that article and come to that conclusion.

Harder to believe that anyone would read my link and see only what they want to see — and comment on it!

“And yet they still come” begs the question how in the world does our president and our vice president/immigration czar, who have consistently ignored dealing with the immigration desperation of migrants on our border, sleep at night? Surely, they both must know what’s going on — presumably they get news excerpts daily from their staff minions to keep them aware on what’s happening. They may even scan the Times, at least on Sunday.

Supercilious one-liners, by liberals, ring hollow. 

Maybe a bit of the trillions earmarked to relieve student debt could be siphoned off to finish the wall, process immigrants wishing to come here safely, in a humane, but thorough way to apply for visas. Jungle hellholes do not provide a road to safety and is a treacherous, illegal way to obtain entry.

America cannot not chose to be powerless, at the risk of losing what it has built which  brings millions of people to our shores.

It's hard to believe anyone would have read that article and turned it into a political hit job on two people, the president and VP, who are clearly NOT to blame for what's described in it. There are no obvious solutions to the misinformation that is prompting Venezuelans to risk their lives on such a perilous journey. And your solution -- to process more of these refugees legally -- would only serve to give incentive for more of them to take that dangerous journey. (This is not to say I am against processing more refugees more quickly and legally.  I am. But that's not going to solve this particular problem of people risking their lives trekking through dangerous jungles.)

Try as you might to make it a story of the failures of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, it isn't that at all. It's really a story of the desperation of hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans, and the destructive power of social media misinformation.  It's a sad tragic story that really doesn't have a solution that can come from the United States government.

drummerboy said:

this post is a remarkable map of your brain.

so much misinformation pointing to even more misinformation and on and on.

The FoxNews Brain - our greatest threat.

The FoxNews Brain works because many are fearful.

Afraid of change, crime, immigrants. Often living in gated communities or very non-diverse communities, a sameness. Afraid of outsiders with a strong need to keep them away. 

Predators use their fears to stoke anger and thereby open them up for easy manipulation. Causing them to support that strong leader or party that promises protection and promising to keep out or put in place anyone who is different.

mtierney said:

Harder to believe that anyone would read my link and see only what they want to see — and comment on it!

“And yet they still come” begs the question how in the world does our president and our vice president/immigration czar, who have consistently ignored dealing with the immigration desperation of migrants on our border, sleep at night? Surely, they both must know what’s going on — presumably they get news excerpts daily from their staff minions to keep them aware on what’s happening. They may even scan the Times, at least on Sunday.

Supercilious one-liners, by liberals, ring hollow. 

Maybe a bit of the trillions earmarked to relieve student debt could be siphoned off to finish the wall, process immigrants wishing to come here safely, in a humane, but thorough way to apply for visas. Jungle hellholes do not provide a road to safety and is a treacherous, illegal way to obtain entry.

America cannot not chose to be powerless, at the risk of losing what it has built which  brings millions of people to our shores.

I applied to renew my green card in January, it's still being reviewed. Any longer and I'll need another extension letter. I should probably apply for my citizenship instead, as it'll probably arrive faster, but the price for citizenship application is $725 and I've already dropped $540 for the green card renewal.

ridski said:

I applied to renew my green card in January, it's still being reviewed. Any longer and I'll need another extension letter. I should probably apply for my citizenship instead, as it'll probably arrive faster, but the price for citizenship application is $725 and I've already dropped $540 for the green card renewal.

We are taxed, taxed and taxed. Yet for just about every optional governmental service we're charged a fee.

Citizenship application should be free considering we supposedly welcome the eligible.

RTrent said:

We are taxed, taxed and taxed. Yet for just about every optional governmental service we're charged a fee.

Citizenship application should be free considering we supposedly welcome the eligible.

Fortunately, the application for asylum seekers is still free.

RTrent said:

We are taxed, taxed and taxed. Yet for just about every optional governmental service we're charged a fee.

Citizenship application should be free considering we supposedly welcome the eligible.

This argument is idiocy. If not for the fees, we’d all be taxed some more.

Just like when people argue, for the taxes we pay, garbage pickup should be free, or water, or sewer or whatever.

If those thing were covered by taxes, the taxes would be higher still.

Fee-for-service makes sense in many cases.

ridski said:

RTrent said:

We are taxed, taxed and taxed. Yet for just about every optional governmental service we're charged a fee.

Citizenship application should be free considering we supposedly welcome the eligible.

Fortunately, the application for asylum seekers is still free.

So, its political. Soak those who can likely afford to pay.

jimmurphy said:

RTrent said:

We are taxed, taxed and taxed. Yet for just about every optional governmental service we're charged a fee.

Citizenship application should be free considering we supposedly welcome the eligible.

This argument is idiocy. If not for the fees, we’d all be taxed some more.

Just like when people argue, for the taxes we pay, garbage pickup should be free, or water, or sewer or whatever.

If those thing were covered by taxes, the taxes would be higher still.

Fee-for-service makes sense in many cases.

Wow. Governmental services paid for by taxes instead of taxes and often cumbersome fees. The horror.

At what point do we decide fee vs. tax supported? In NYC municipal ambulance service was tax based. It was changed to a fee based system with ambulance calls now costing about $1500. Too bad if you didn't have insurance. And if you did you can be sure that insurance rates were adjusted for the additional ambulance costs, a cost picked up by all insurees.

Should we go further? Like charge for fire calls? The would too but for the fact that some would then hesitate to call the fire department. 

RTrent said:

So, its political. Soak those who can likely afford to pay.

I'm willing to pay for the service because I can in order for others less fortunate than me to file for free. 

Filing the application for asylum is free, it’s when you have to file the “change of status” application is when you have to pay. Close to $2000. Homeland security is making millions daily on immigrants. It’s big business.

Ridski, don’t they mail the extension letter to your home? I think it’s automatic now since the pandemic. If you apply for citizenship it’s taking a while also. They are backed up like crazy.

ridski said:

RTrent said:

So, its political. Soak those who can likely afford to pay.

I'm willing to pay for the service because I can in order for others less fortunate than me to file for free. 

Government doesn't work like that. They do want a lot of money to spread to those in "need." Its not the less fortunate. 

Being absolved from citizenship application fees won't make one iota of difference. The less fortunate will continue to get their free applications until someone for political, not financial, reasons decides they should pay.

Both Democrats and Republicans pass laws to minimize corporate and investor taxes. I know an investor whose Federal tax was less than 1,000 on 42,000 of investment gain. The magic of the Line 16 Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet. If they really they wanted to help the less fortunate they could charge corporations and investors more.

I worked in government. The amount of waste can be colossal. One example. I ordered a supply costing 6.50 per unit. Paid using misc cash. Somehow the Bureau of Supply got wind (probably finance gave them a heads up on supplies bough directly using cash). I get a call advising me to buy through the bureau. I didn't like ordering that needed expendable because of the purchase order paperwork and the two to six month wait for delivery. Their cost was 24.00 per unit.

Jaytee said:

Filing the application for asylum is free, it’s when you have to file the “change of status” application is when you have to pay. Close to $2000. Homeland security is making millions daily on immigrants. It’s big business.

Ridski, don’t they mail the extension letter to your home? I think it’s automatic now since the pandemic. If you apply for citizenship it’s taking a while also. They are backed up like crazy.

They do mail it, but traveling with it is a PITA. 

RTrent said:

Government doesn't work like that. 

Yeah, I know.

Feel free to continue whatever beef you have without me, though. 

RTrent said:

Government doesn't work like that. They do want a lot of money to spread to those in "need." Its not the less fortunate. 

Being absolved from citizenship application fees won't make one iota of difference. The less fortunate will continue to get their free applications until someone for political, not financial, reasons decides they should pay.

Both Democrats and Republicans pass laws to minimize corporate and investor taxes. I know an investor whose Federal tax was less than 1,000 on 42,000 of investment gain. The magic of the Line 16 Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet. If they really they wanted to help the less fortunate they could charge corporations and investors more.

I worked in government. The amount of waste can be colossal. One example. I ordered a supply costing 6.50 per unit. Paid using misc cash. Somehow the Bureau of Supply got wind (probably finance gave them a heads up on supplies bough directly using cash). I get a call advising me to buy through the bureau. I didn't like ordering that needed expendable because of the purchase order paperwork and the two to six month wait for delivery. Their cost was 24.00 per unit.

private business are full of waste too. It's the nature of organizations run by humans. 

ml1 said:

private business are full of waste too. It's the nature of organizations run by humans. 

So, there is nothing that be done, or be changed because we are all human?  Wow!

ml1 said:

private business are full of waste too. It's the nature of organizations run by humans. 

As I well know.

After I left government I consulted at this firm. A printer broke, the only one in that office. We could have bought a nicer new one for $400. But no, that was a capital expense which was not available. Instead they paid $750 to repair their decrepit old  machine.

ridski said:

Yeah, I know.

Feel free to continue whatever beef you have without me, though. 

A beef? Do I detect uncomfortableness? Do you need a safe space?  smile

Sadly, this is not a college. There's no safe space for the delicate.

Florida must be grateful having so many undocumented people to help rebuild after Ian;  I know they were critical to the Big Easy's comeback. 

dave said:

Florida must be grateful having so many undocumented people to help rebuild after Ian;  I know they were critical to the Big Easy's comeback. 

But, do they really have to worry?  I mean they were so flush with money before the storm that they were flying migrants all over the US on the Florida tax payers dime.

I will be VERY skeptical of any requests for funding from the federal government.

mtierney said:

So, no reason to worry about this, then, either?

That anyone thinks the Washington Examiner is quote worthy worries me greatly.  It's almost as bad as the National Review.  One wonders what they were teaching school kids back in the 1930s.  It sure as hell wasn't critical thinking. Too much focus on spelling Arithmetic with an "R" I guess.

mtierney said:

ml1 said:

private business are full of waste too. It's the nature of organizations run by humans. 

So, there is nothing that be done, or be changed because we are all human?  Wow!

that's an interesting interpretation.

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