The Rose Garden and White House happenings: American voters decided

I loved when Obama called Romney's accusations of politicizing Libya "offensive".

JLD................pack it in John. This is the most infantile example of word games I have ever seen. He said this........he did not say that.

Willard is showing himself to be nothing more that a corporate executive who can't understand why his employees are not happy.

That silver spoon in his mouth with which he was born must have choked off part of the oxygen supply to his brain.

He does have good hair though.

ffof said:

I loved when Obama called Romney's accusations of politicizing Libya "offensive".

That was a defining moment and one to remember. He put Romney in his place. For a man always getting his way, it must have been hard for Mittens not to exploded on national tv.

johnlockedema said:

dave said:

Why do you think did he held that press conference?

Because of an attack on our underprotected consulate, the place where our Ambassador had requested more security and where he feared for his safety. The one that didn't have a riot outside protesting a Youtube video. The one the State Department had real time intel saying it was being attacked by rpg's and mortars. The consulate that was quiet as a church mouse before the terrorist attack.

That's why.

The consulate that wasn't a consulate? The compound that didn't get attacked by rpg's and mortars?

johnlockedema said:

Face it, he spoke about terror attacks in the Rose Garden speech in general terms, not about Benghazi. And sending out Rice days later on 5 or 6 tv shows to continue the farce about the video proves this.

The question is, why?

We should know Monday in the foreign affairs debate-if Obama will answer the question honestly, and the moderator doesn't pander to him like Candy Crowley.

Wow. That's a chock-full-a Fox News nonsense.

Sorry folks, if you view the Rose Garden speech in toto, he wasn't specifically talking about Benghazi-because he didn't specifically say it.

Pointing that out to people blind and deaf to the facts seems to be useless though.

Barack Hussein Obama will be under the gun to explain how he sent his press secretary and UN Ambassador to lie about the terror attack over and over again. Not to mention his comments on Letterman.

Monday he won't be able to hide behind Crowleys skirt.

johnlockedema said:

Sorry folks, if you view the Rose Garden speech in toto, he wasn't specifically talking about Benghazi-because he didn't specifically say it.

Pointing that out to people blind and deaf to the facts seems to be useless though.

You're wrong. Dead wrong. Turn off Fox News.

Washington Post:

"A series of missteps by Republican nominee Mitt Romney in criticizing President Obama’s account of the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, may make it far harder for him to continue using the incident as the heart of his wider complaint about the incumbent’s foreign policy record."

Just the thought of JLD asking us to look at any of President Obama's speeches in context cracks me up.

Sorry, anyone who heard Benghazi and terror attack in the same sentence in the Rose Garden speech is hearing things in his/her head.

johnlockedema said:

Sorry, anyone who heard Benghazi and terror attack in the same sentence in the Rose Garden speech is hearing things in his/her head.

You're right. They were in the same paragraph, so obviously they were unrelated. Every good speech writer opens a paragraph on one subject and then changes it by the end.

johnlockedema said:

Sorry, anyone who heard Benghazi and terror attack in the same sentence in the Rose Garden speech is hearing things in his/her head.

The entire reason the Rose Garden speech was held was because of the Benghazi attack.

You know there is a video of this, right?

The denial of reality is unbelievable.

johnlockedema said:

Sorry folks, if you view the Rose Garden speech in toto, he wasn't specifically talking about Benghazi-because he didn't specifically say it.

By that very same exact standard Churchill's "Blood Sweat and Tears" speech had nothing to do with Germany or the Nazis or even Hitler* because he didn't specifically mention even one of them.

OMFG who do you think you're fooling with this nonsense?

* I hope I can get an exemption of Godwin's law, since it's proper in context.

johnlockedema said:

Barack Hussein Obama will be under the gun to explain how he sent his press secretary and UN Ambassador to lie about the terror attack over and over again.

You have yet to post a single "lie".

Just a reminder.

ktc said:

johnlockedema said:

Sorry, anyone who heard Benghazi and terror attack in the same sentence in the Rose Garden speech is hearing things in his/her head.

The entire reason the Rose Garden speech was held was because of the Benghazi attack.

You know there is a video of this, right?

The denial of reality is unbelievable.

As nonsensical wingnut obsessions go, this is about the weirdest. I can only attribute it to the death throes of desperation.

ktc said:

johnlockedema said:

Sorry, anyone who heard Benghazi and terror attack in the same sentence in the Rose Garden speech is hearing things in his/her head.

The entire reason the Rose Garden speech was held was because of the Benghazi attack.

You know there is a video of this, right?

The denial of reality is unbelievable.

OK, for arguments sake, he said the Benghazi was a terror attack.

Why did he send out Carney and Rice to deny this over and over again days later? THEY KNEW IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE YOU TUBE VIDEO.

I'm sure someone in the WH was watching the Sunday TV shows. After Rice lied on, say, shows 1, 2, and 3-you'd think someone would've picked up the phone to her and said 'hey, that's not the narrative that Obama said earlier in the week?'

johnlockedema said:

Sorry, anyone who heard Benghazi and terror attack in the same sentence in the Rose Garden speech is hearing things in his/her head.

This was like that time he said the Benghazi attack was a "bump in the road" without saying the words "Benghazi", mentioning Ambassador Stevens or the other three that were killed, or anything specific at all, but , you know, this:

JLD feels he's entitled to rewrite the principles of rhetoric, even though they've been studied for thousands of years.

He's forgotten his Cicero, but he knows his Orwell inside-out.

drummerboy said:

johnlockedema said:

Sorry, anyone who heard Benghazi and terror attack in the same sentence in the Rose Garden speech is hearing things in his/her head.

You're right. They were in the same paragraph, so obviously they were unrelated. Every good speech writer opens a paragraph on one subject and then changes it by the end.

Good one.

tom said:

johnlockedema said:

Sorry folks, if you view the Rose Garden speech in toto, he wasn't specifically talking about Benghazi-because he didn't specifically say it.

By that very same exact standard Churchill's "Blood Sweat and Tears" speech had nothing to do with Germany or the Nazis or even Hitler* because he didn't specifically mention even one of them.

OMFG who do you think you're fooling with this nonsense?
* I hope I can get an exemption of Godwin's law, since it's proper in context.

You should get an exemption, although since you were discussing Churchill you could have written "Nar-Zees".

At least Obama didn't show up at the Olympics and offend the host nation. That spectacular display will go down in history.

dave said:

At least Obama didn't show up at the Olympics and offend the host nation. That spectacular display will go down in history.

And will undoubtedly be brought front and center at the next foreign policy debate.

Just like giving the Queen of England an I-pod or the wrong formatted DVD's to Gordon Brown. Oh can't forget the plastic Marine One Helicopter to Browns children.

glock23 said:

Just like giving the Queen of England an I-pod or the wrong formatted DVD's to Gordon Brown. Oh can't forget the plastic Marine One Helicopter to Browns children.

Good point! They are exactly the same thing. That the POTUS did not think of getting a PAL DVD, rather than NTSC, when he was in Best Buy shopping for a gift for the English PM is an affront to everything America stands for.

glock23 said:

Just like giving the Queen of England an I-pod or the wrong formatted DVD's to Gordon Brown. Oh can't forget the plastic Marine One Helicopter to Browns children.

Man, I hope Romney brings that up.

OMG he gave toys to children!

glock23 said:

Just like giving the Queen of England an I-pod or the wrong formatted DVD's to Gordon Brown. Oh can't forget the plastic Marine One Helicopter to Browns children.

I will be offering a free analogy workshop to the analogy impaired.

drummerboy said:

glock23 said:

Just like giving the Queen of England an I-pod or the wrong formatted DVD's to Gordon Brown. Oh can't forget the plastic Marine One Helicopter to Browns children.

I will be offering a free analogy workshop to the analogy impaired.

Can you start by letting glock know that HRH Elizabeth II is Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as well as Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda and Saint Kitts and Nevis. "Queen of England" is not inaccurate, but not truly accurate at the same time.

tom said:

OMG he gave toys to children!

OMG, he gave the children White House gift shop crap. Should have went to the W.H. kitchen and gave them a cookie at least they would have been made in the U.S.

How do you guys EVER find the time to come up with so much stuff to be outraged over?

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