The Rose Garden and White House happenings: Listening to voters’ concerns

The President, I guess, needs to speak in simple declarative sentences of four or five words, without using any pronouns. Heaven forbid, subordinate clauses.

Otherwise he gives the wing-nuts a chance to get their low-information audiences confused.

Of course that way, they'd complain that he's talking down to voters like they're simpletons.

dave said:

Loved the "Please continue". Romney, the inveterate moron, walked right into it. At least he didn't finish his point with a cringe-worthy rendition of Who Let the Dogs Out.

I love the look on Romney's face when he challenged the president. A pause, and then he lifted his chin up and popped his eyes wide. And then Obama let him have it. I guess the look on his face afterward was pretty priceless, too. An ignoramus who got schooled.

tom said:

The President, I guess, needs to speak in simple declarative sentences of four or five words, without using any pronouns. Heaven forbid, subordinate clauses.

And speaking in paragraphs? Fuggedaboutit!

"But the Cons that I know down here don't live in a reactionary mode where they have to be as extreme as the most extreme liberal they interact with."

Those are the 'real' cons, right rastro? Both of them? Not the reactionaries like me, which you say without a shred of evidence except for the stereotypes you've hurled and obviously embraced. Give me one 'reactionary' post of mine you can remember or cite. Your thinking isn't stereotypical -- it's something else -- and the conclusions from you thinking are lazy and worth very little. Can read you mind? No. If I could, it wouldn't take long.

cjc said:

Can read you mind? No. If I could, it wouldn't take long.

More personal insults from cons.

Republicans are clearly edgy because they realize that this election is most likely the last chance the party will have to compete on the national stage. When Jeb Bush's prediction that, due to fast-changing demographics, Texas will flip to blue by 2016, there really isn't any viable electoral way forward for the party. This is it.

The evidence, cjc, is in each post after sarcasm- and bile-filled post of yours.

But you've clearly cut me to the quick with your sharp words. I'll go off and cry now...

Or have lunch.

yeah, maybe lunch.

Why don't both of you let this go. It has no place to go but down.

cjc, I don't know what rastro's problem is but, in my case, you seem to make sure to include a "stupid public school teacher" barb in every response to one of my posts. For that reason, I just get annoyed rather than consider your point (apart from how "dumb" I am). Now, I don't think it's personal. I think you just see some composite of your idea of what a public worker is like.

@debby - love your new avatar!

If you really want to get into the weeds on this and see someone completely tear apart this right wing meme, read this:

No one here believes BHO made/makes decisions about security at embassies or embassy satellites.
Or that the facts were obvious immediately. This issue couldn't be more bogus.

GL2 said:

No one here believes BHO made/makes decisions about security at embassies or embassy satellites.
Or that the facts were obvious immediately. This issue couldn't be more bogus.

Within 24 hours sounds pretty immediate to me.

They knew within 24 hours 5 weeks later.


dave23 said:

mtierney said:

Obviously, because it would have derailed the subsequent brouhaha!

So it's just political.

who is it that said everything is politics?

"you seem to make sure to include a "stupid public school teacher" barb in every response to one of my posts"

Easily demonstrated to be untrue. Do you know rastro? He has the same tendency to exaggerate, project and overreach.

But we digress...

Various sources including this attempt by me to cut and paste on an iPad tell a sad story of numerous communications sent by the ambassador to The White House expressing his concern for their safety and warned of the increasing signs of terrorist infiltration.

Since when is the State Department The White House?

drummerboy said:

Since when is the State Department The White House?

I assume that the state dept reports to the White House in a timely fashion. If that is not the case, then we have a whole new set of concerns!

Can we at least not forget that the main conduit of communications in this case was killed? I'm guessing most reporting about the invasion came through the British firm Blue Mountain, which was tasked with security, and who had outsourced jobs to perform that function. Too bad there wasn't this level of concern with intelligence over invading Iraq, huh?

cjc said:

"you seem to make sure to include a "stupid public school teacher" barb in every response to one of my posts"

If I had the will and energy I'd collect the posts. It's very clear.

dave said:

Can we at least not forget that the main conduit of communications in this case was killed? I'm guessing most reporting about the invasion came through the British firm Blue Mountain, which was tasked with security, and who had outsourced jobs to perform that function. Too bad there wasn't this level of concern with intelligence over invading Iraq, huh?

I can't picture a scared Ambassor detailing what he saw happening over several weeks and then handing the pleas for support (directed to his superiors in Washington) to the temporary or the outsourced security guys for delivery! Really?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

mtierney said:

drummerboy said:

Since when is the State Department The White House?

I assume that the state dept reports to the White House in a timely fashion. If that is not the case, then we have a whole new set of concerns!

If you think every piece of paper that hits State gets to the WH, well, then, I can't help you.

mtierney said:

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

Reminds me of the joke about the couple with three sets of twins. A woman says to them "Imagine that. You got twins every time" To which the husband replies "Most times we didn't get anything".

drummerboy said:

mtierney said:

drummerboy said:

Since when is the State Department The White House?

I assume that the state dept reports to the White House in a timely fashion. If that is not the case, then we have a whole new set of concerns!

If you think every piece of paper that hits State gets to the WH, well, then, I can't help you.

I can't be quite so cavalier over the deaths of four Americans, including the first American ambassador to be killed in over 30 years!

These pieces of paper represented reports and pleas for help from Mr. Stevens who certainly knew how the situation was developing in that he was fluent in Arabic.

Who's being cavalier? You're the one who's trying to place blame for this on the WH.

CHASER - David Ignatius column, "CIA documents supported Susan Rice's description of Benghazi attacks": "The Romney campaign may have misfired with its suggestion that statements by President Obama and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice about the Benghazi attack last month weren't supported by intelligence, according to documents provided by a senior U.S. intelligence official. 'Talking points' prepared by the CIA on Sept. 15, the same day that Rice taped three television appearances, support her description of the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate as a reaction to Arab anger about an anti-Muslim video prepared in the United States.

"According to the CIA account, 'The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. Consulate and subsequently its annex. There are indications that extremists participated in the violent demonstrations.'"

mtierney said:

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.
Who's being cavalier?

Probably those politicizing these deaths.

dave said:

Probably those politicizing these deaths.

That word, politicizing, is being used by libs to protect the president from being taken to task for his and his team's mishandling of these events.

What happened in Banghazi and the weeks afterward happened on Obama's watch.

No it is being used by the parents of Stevens.

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