WandaVision - Help me Wanda, is it a Vision?

joanne said:

I’ll be late to join in - he won’t start until he’s got everything related to it. Sigh. 

 Hey, if you are looking for background on this show and the Marvel Universe in general, check out the show Legends.  It's pretty much a primer on individual characters and I think they've done both Falcon and Winter Soldier Separately.  Call it a 'cheat sheet' show so you don't have to rewatch the movies.  I will tell you that there are references in this first feature that I probably won't even get.  I've tried to rewatch movies, but the only one you probably need to skim for this one is Civil War and Captain America The Winter Soldier.  I bet they recap it nicely anyway.  

For me it will be fun to keep this threat going too, as you have not seen the last episode of WandaVision, which brought Kevin Smith to tears.  Don't ask me why, by the way.  I have not watched him explain it on his various comic shows.  I do know I went around singing It was Agatha All Along after episode 7.  My daughter sang it at the top of our stairs and even did a little dance, though that may be TMI.  

Loved Wanda.  I've been watching The Boys on Amazon for a real different look at supes.

My D is currently grabbing some DC stuff (at least I think that’s what I heard him say) but I told I want to discuss MCU in real-time, as it were cheese He’s keeping an eye out. 
I think Legends are on the binge list anyway, thanks for reminder!! smile smile

I'm going to ruminate without giving any spoilers, if that's OK?  I will tell you that my source for reflection is a disappointment in Flipboard and nothing to do with this thread.  I feel like the 'conversations' I've read in various articles about both this show and even the one after have left me feeling very manipulated by media in general.  I sort of feel like that most days about 'real news', but that's another story entirely and probably TMI.

So, in the spirit of not giving anything away, here goes.  While I still feel this show was executed brilliantly, I feel like it was a prelude to setting up more shows and films and exists now in a vacuum.  From what I've read there are no plans for any SWORD shows, or Wanda/Vision programming, or even a glimpse of where White Vision went.  The end credits were all a tease that is not in any release dates I know of, and that was actually the point.  It's not conspiracy theory to note that there is a 'rigid' release date of shows and films that are already 'in the can', as they say.  So bravo Marvel, you will 'sell more T shirts' to the next show.  

Do I sound bitter? 

PS - For reasons beyond this post, I feel like I need to change my media source from Flipboard - anyone have a better recommendation? I'm tired of articles 'tailored' to my interests, typos and redundancy worse than I could imagine.  

TheJmon said:

PS - For reasons beyond this post, I feel like I need to change my media source from Flipboard - anyone have a better recommendation? I'm tired of articles 'tailored' to my interests, typos and redundancy worse than I could imagine.  

 I watched a few Nerdist videos on youtube.

I think that the best content on these media are not in print but in video format.  It annoys me, but my sorry boomer **** is not the target audience anyway so I have to go where the core demographic goes

max_weisenfeld said:

 I watched a few Nerdist videos on youtube.

I think that the best content on these media are not in print but in video format.  It annoys me, but my sorry boomer **** is not the target audience anyway so I have to go where the core demographic goes

 You are probably correct, MW.  I feel your pain, because my standards are just as high and I feel like I need to lower the bar to participate in even watching regular news on TV these days.  Gone are the days when a bunch of us comic book nerds could hang out at the local 24 hour diner and discuss why Michael Keaton was either the suckiest or most brilliant Batman on film.  You actually gave me the best explanation - I am not the target audience, which is why my 15 year old son laughs at me for watching Reels on Instagram.  Oops! Did I just reveal that to you.....

ridski said:

TheJmon said:

OK, no major spoilers, but what did y'all think about episode 3?  I absolutely LOVED it, as it's starting to open up what is really going on here.  As they won't talk about it (but we should), they are beginning to set up something called the Multi-Verse.  It's clear that Wanda has created this universe in response to her grief over the loss of her husband Vision.  I'm not actually all that well versed in the comics this stems from, as I don't read comics anymore.  They are delving into 'older' characters as well, but not in a way you would need to have read any of the comics.  

OK, grab a cup of coffee and let your inner geek free flag fly.

 Thanks for this explanation. I watched all 3 eps, and haven’t got a fricking clue what is happening. Then again, I lost interest in the MCU after the one where they punch each other and smash a lot of things, so my mileage may vary.

 I wanted to follow up on this because I've become obsessed with this guy's take on popular movies and how he breaks them down as if he's pitching it to an exec, and as soon I saw his pitch of the "one where they punch each other and smash a lot things" I was like, "that's the movie that made me not want to watch any more Marvel movies!" and even though I did, I still wonder why. Having said that, I'm still a nerd and need to keep up with this **** so I can talk to my friends about stuff, so no L0k1 spoilers, I'm only at episode 2. 

So yeah, this was mostly going through my mind while I was watching it.

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