Twitter is a Private Company

DaveSchmidt said:

paulsurovell said:


Your reason for calling Twitter liars, then, remains enigmatic.

ETA: It’s possible you were referring not to Twitter but to the two men whose tweets were attached to yours. Still enigmatic.

I can't confirm that the tweets were about the NY Post story, but I can confirm that Twitter intervened regarding those tweets at the behest of the Biden campaign. Still enigmatic?

You can input those tweets into I haven't done so myself, but IIUC they're revenge porn pics. Seems reasonable to me that twitter took these down. It's enigmatic to me why Paul disagrees.

paulsurovell said:

Still enigmatic?

No longer. You’ve successfully confirmed the shakiness of your “Liar” claim.

And to add insult to injury, the NY Times didn't cover the story of Taibbi tweeting out pictures from pages of a report that isn't public, except for the pictures Taibbi tweeted out. 

And even though the Taibbi version notes that both parties made similar requests to the Twitter, Elon assumes it's because of the "far left".

nohero said:

ml1 said:

Are we going to end up having another conversation over whether or not correlation implies causation?

You're always in the middle of those conversations, so it's probably your fault.

some people need to be reminded.

nohero said:

And to add insult to injury, the NY Times didn't cover the story of Taibbi tweeting out pictures from pages of a report that isn't public, except for the pictures Taibbi tweeted out. 

And even though the Taibbi version notes that both parties made similar requests to the Twitter, Elon assumes it's because of the "far left".

"far left". 

He keeps using that term. I do not think it means what he thinks it means.

Here's Elon feeding red meat to the Bolsonaro thugs in Brazil. 

ml1 said:

"far left". 

He keeps using that term. I do not think it means what he thinks it means.

Elon is the kind of jerk who uses "social justice" as a pejorative term.

The muskrat thinks the “far left” is antifa…. and they are his target. 

Elon kept the Muskovites waiting all day yesterday for "Episode 2", but last night told them that it's still "Coming Soon". After seeing the critical reaction to Episode 1 ("The Phantom Menace"), they probably realized they needed to do a little more work on it than just declaring it a "bombshell".

I won’t be surprised if this muskrat decides to run for president…would be entertaining to watch the pool of fascists attack each other like rats in a barrel…. But then again he’s not a born American, but so is Teddy Cruz right? 

DaveSchmidt said:

paulsurovell said:

Still enigmatic?

No longer. You’ve successfully confirmed the shakiness of your “Liar” claim.

Perhaps. But they did ask for tweets from Hunter's laptop to be deleted.

paulsurovell said:

DaveSchmidt said:

paulsurovell said:

Still enigmatic?

No longer. You’ve successfully confirmed the shakiness of your “Liar” claim.

Perhaps. But they did ask for tweets from Hunter's laptop to be deleted.

More details from that article, about what they asked to be removed from the Twitter.

"Elon Musk's 'Twitter Files' drop revealed some of the tweets the Biden campaign asked the social app to remove were nude photos of Hunter Biden spread without his consent"

"Some of the posts contained nude photos of Hunter Biden shared without his consent."

"The posts were in violation of Twitter's non-consensual nudity policy and contained no political content."

"Twitter's non-consensual nudity policy specifically prohibits sharing 'images or videos that are taken in an intimate setting and not intended for public distribution.' California state law, where Twitter is headquartered, also makes sharing such imagery illegal."

    paulsurovell said:

    The article is documenting an increase in downloads of the Twitter app (people want to see what's going on at the Twitter), and a slight increase in views (because the Twitter has been in the news).

    The article includes a quote, which is what I was going to write myself in response to Paul's post -

    “People slow down to watch a crash scene in real life, so I think there’s a lot of rubbernecking going on,” said Matt Navarra, an industry analyst.

    Both Musk and trumpenstein are capable of deliberately running off the highway in order to create a “rubbernecking” situation…

    nohero said:

    And to add insult to injury, the NY Times didn't cover the story of Taibbi tweeting out pictures from pages of a report that isn't public, except for the pictures Taibbi tweeted out. 

    And even though the Taibbi version notes that both parties made similar requests to the Twitter, Elon assumes it's because of the "far left".

    Elon and the Muskovites got their wish (sort of) and the NY Times is covering Episode 1 of "The Twitter Files".

    "Mr. Musk and Mr. Taibbi framed the [email] exchanges as evidence of rank censorship and pernicious influence by liberals. Many others — even some ardent Twitter critics — were less impressed, saying the exchanges merely showed a group of executives earnestly debating how to deal with an unconfirmed news report that was based on information from a stolen laptop."

    Looks like they need still another day for "Episode 2"/

    I though Elon demanded "hardcore" work from his employees?

    nohero said:

    Elon kept the Muskovites waiting all day yesterday for "Episode 2", but last night told them that it's still "Coming Soon". After seeing the critical reaction to Episode 1 ("The Phantom Menace"), they probably realized they needed to do a little more work on it than just declaring it a "bombshell".

    Yes, Elon does expect hardcore work from his employees…. He fired almost everyone in charge of filtering out child pornographers on Twitter… left one person to do that task. 

    More reality for the Muskhaters:

    paulsurovell said:

    More reality for the Muskhaters:

    "Elon's Impossible Electric Truck Is Getting the Last Laugh. Batteries as heavy as an elephant are not ideal for long-haul trucking, but non-diesel eighteen-wheelers may have found a niche."

    That's all it says in the picture of the article.  What is the "niche"? Is the article just about the Tesla trucks, or about all electric trucks (hard to tell from that second sentence)? Is there a link?

    paulsurovell said:

    More reality for the Muskhaters:

    Your Musk posts are so embarrassing.


    I kinda liked and rooted for Musk the Tesla/better-batteries promoter. (And, unfortunately, that trucking-last-laugh thing you referenced isn't because Musk's company has had a great battery breakthrough. At the moment, it's just because diesel has gotten crazy expensive. I still hope the battery breakthrough is found -- but I'd be worried about volatility of anything new Musk puts out. Which leads to the next sentence...).

    I started to get a bit skeptical of the Musk who is so into speed that he doesn't do good QA /product-testing. E.g., the "unbreakable" armor windows of his cyber truck that ended up being so easily smashed during the demo.

    Then I really didn't like Musk the egocentric guy who called a rescuer of the Thai boys soccer team (they got stuck in flooded caves) a pedophile.

    And Musk the crazy rich egomaniacal guy worries me, as he doesn't seem to understand how social media can result in bad things, from online harassment and threats to real world child porn and violence. He seemed to believe that his status as a semi-friend to those who enjoy harassing others would be enough to keep them from going too far. But it didn't work with "Ye". It won't work with others.

    Being a raging, narcissistic a-hole seems an occupational hazard of being a billionaire. Who's going to give Musk a reality check? When you're rich and powerful, people around you want to be in your good graces and maybe get some of that wealth and power for themselves. It would take an extraordinary individual to resist the natural tendency to become surrounded by a circle of flatterers and yes-persons, and Musk is clearly not extraordinary in this regard.

    PVW said:

    Being a raging, narcissistic a-hole seems an occupational hazard of being a billionaire. Who's going to give Musk a reality check? When you're rich and powerful, people around you want to be in your good graces and maybe get some of that wealth and power for themselves. It would take an extraordinary individual to resist the natural tendency to become surrounded by a circle of flatterers and yes-persons, and Musk is clearly not extraordinary in this regard.

    I wrote a while back that anyone who hates Musk really doesn't care about climate change, because Musk has done more -- far more -- than any other individual on the planet to fight climate change.

    And he's prepared to do much more:

    drummerboy said:

    paulsurovell said:

    More reality for the Muskhaters:

    Your Musk posts are so embarrassing.

    This WaPo article is a reprint of the Bloomberg article that I posted. What's your point? That WaPo is embarrassing?

    paulsurovell said:

    I wrote a while back that anyone who hates Musk really doesn't care about climate change, because Musk has done more -- far more -- than any other individual on the planet to fight climate change.

    I know, right? He's even flying on a carbon-emissions-free private jet he invented.  Oh, wait.

    As of Feb. 7, Sweeney’s jet-tracking Twitter accounts are still up and running. A tweet on Feb. 5 highlighted that one of Musk’s recent flights used 424 gallons of jet fuel and emitted 4.48 tons of CO2.

    paulsurovell said:

    This WaPo article is a reprint of the Bloomberg article that I posted. What's your point? That WaPo is embarrassing?

    I don't think the Bloomberg/WaPo article says what you think it says.

    paulsurovell said:

    drummerboy said:

    paulsurovell said:

    More reality for the Muskhaters:

    Your Musk posts are so embarrassing.

    This WaPo article is a reprint of the Bloomberg article that I posted. What's your point? That WaPo is embarrassing?

    No, that you reference stuff without having any idea of what it's about.

    i.e. what sprout said.

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