Today's Google Doodle

So glad to find this thread again.

Today, Google is paying homage to my absolute favorite artist -- Gustav Klimt -- in honor of his 150th birthday!

At first, I didn't see the Google, just the famous lovers.

Knew I shared my B'day with Woody Guthrie (Happy 100th, Woody!) but didn't realize I also was a birthday twin of Klimt. No wonder he is one of my favorite artists!!

Happy birthday, LL!

AND ... it's France's "National Day". Happy birthday -- and Happy Bastille Day! :*

Wow, that is awesome. And happy birthday, LibraryLady!

Amelia Earhart's 115th birthday....

Olympic opening games...

They are so cute! And I love the Earhart one...

She shoots, she scores!

I'm not too fond of this cartoon-style doodle, so I'm not going to continue posting these Olympic ones. I really like the Mozilla Firefox home page's Olympic burning flame, but I can't get the animation to copy.

I think they have gone downhill since Marissa Mayer left to run Yahoo . The way it looked was one of her duties.


First one I've seen that's animated, and a game you can play, so I thought it was noteworthy. Can't get the animation to load, but worth a visit to the site.

I'm getting tired of the Olympic cartoons, too. Not as ingenious, but this may be an exception.

so here it is:

Oh, man, I am NOT good at the hurdles when it involves cursor keys! oh oh

The trick is to keep the arrows alternating quickly to build up speed, then hit the space bar right before the hurdle.

15.3 is my best speed. Must do better.

I did 32 or something the first time. 13.8 the second... then I quit.

I loved the way my hurdler just kept strolling leisurely over all the hurdles, for a long time of 48.1 secs!! Kinda like like my real-time efforts, I suspect. (I meant to write here aobut the doodle over 12 hours ago, but it's been a horrible day, and I collapsed into bed early)

Can't play on my smartphone. :-(

It's basketball today (remember I'm ahead of you in time), and I got 18 balls down that hoop!!! (yeah, I'm useless - there are many many more than 18 that you can throw!)

Well, I feel better now that Ridski has confessed.

Space bar? I'd been using the "up" cursor key. Hah. Must try new method.

It's a PNG file, but the animation doesn't seem to work when it's posted here.

I can't get the hang of the basketball thing. How do you get the little person to throw higher and farther?? I can get her/him to throw, but can't seem to affect HOW s/he throws.

I tried hitting the space bar twice in a row quickly and made a basket. When some of the balls got behind the free throw line, had to wait a bit before the 2nd space bar to get more distance and height.

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