This or That ? Game

sober up

one the rocks, or neat?


central air or unit air ??

Central air.

Western omelet or huevos rancheros?

Western omelet.

With cheddar, swiss, or mozzarella?

Swiss, with a side of lactaid.

White or whole wheat?

Whole wheat.

Heatwave or cold snap?

Cold snap.

Superman or Spider-Man?


X-Ray vision or ability to bend steel with your bare hands?

Bend steel. Bare hands down. X ray vision would just get me in trouble.

Christopher Reeve or Brandon Routh?

Christopher Reeve

Zorro or the Lone Ranger?


Antonio Banderas or George Hamilton?

Antonio Banderas

Plain English or Talk Like a Pirate?

Arr! Talk like a pirate, ye scurvy swab from down under!

Keel hauled or walk the plank?

Walk the plank.

Ten foot or 30 foot (high) diving board?

10 metre (hee hee).

Sushi or sashimi?


frozen yogurt or frozen custard?

Frozen custid (a shout out to my high school friend's Gram from Portchester who taught us how to say it).

Carvel or Rita's?


oat or bran?


hurricane or earthquake?


Calm before or after the storm?

After, as in I can't wait for it to be after!

Over-prepared or head in the sand?

Over prepared

Rain or heavy wind ??


October frankenstorm or frankensnow?


Pinhole camera or watch the total eclipse on TV?

Pinhole camera.

Regular or dark roast?


Apple pie or pumpkin pie ?? wink


whipped cream or plain?

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