The New York Times - They're even more evil now

yahooyahoo said:

Does a "result" equal a stand-alone article? Or could that must be a mention of Claudine Gay somewhere in the paper?

The latter, except they were mentions anywhere on the Times site and in emailed newsletters, not just in the paper. If you saw the results list (I duplicated the search a day after DB), you’d have seen 33 daily newsletters, labeled Briefing or DealBook, which mentioned Gay in roundups that merely referred newsletter subscribers to the actual articles; 17 opinion pieces, because columnists and outside contributors apparently felt they had a lot to say on the subject; a dozen brief items that were published as running online coverage the day Gay resigned and then were compiled into a single article; passing references to Gay in articles about the Penn president; and odds and ends like letters to the editor, an SNL recap, a corrections file, etc.

All in all, it looked like the list contained about 20 news articles on the Gay/Harvard dispute. Numerous for a month, but shy of 95.

DaveSchmidt said:

The latter, except they were mentions anywhere on the Times site and in emailed newsletters, not just in the paper. If you saw the results list (I duplicated the search a day after DB), you’d have seen 33 daily newsletters, labeled Briefing or DealBook, which mentioned Gay in roundups that merely referred newsletter subscribers to the actual articles; 17 opinion pieces, because columnists and outside contributors apparently felt they had a lot to say on the subject; a dozen brief items that were published as running online coverage the day Gay resigned and then were compiled into a single article; passing references to Gay in articles about the Penn president; and odds and ends like letters to the editor, an SNL recap, a corrections file, etc.

All in all, it looked like the list contained about 20 news articles on the Gay/Harvard dispute. Numerous for a month, but shy of 95.

my bad in not considering that they would return results from non-articles. a filter limiting the search to only news articles or op-eds would be useful.

regardless, your analysis of the results just emphasizes the point that they over-covered the story. not only did they publish way too many articles, but they also pushed it through their briefings, etc.

drummerboy said:

a filter limiting the search to only news articles or op-eds would be useful.

In the screenshot you posted, there’s a dropdown menu for Section under the search bar. Choose Opinion and the results will be op-eds. Choose U.S. for a search like Harvard Claudine Gay and the results will be news articles. But you’d have to look through the list, not just at the number, to filter out the tangential stories on your own.

I mean, c'mon. Is that Trump headline front page material? And the headline next to it ignores the main story, which is Republicans' blatantly political obstructionism. Plus is it really a "crisis"? WTAF?

good piece on the utter ridiculousness of the Times political coverage. Fire the entire editorial staff please.

drummerboy said:

good piece on the utter ridiculousness of the Times political coverage. Fire the entire editorial staff please.

I mean, yes, those stories pale by comparison to Trump's lies BUT.....

In any other context, Biden's apparent lies about his participation in the Civil Rights movement should have be disqualifying. I mean, the context of his story about the black couple moving into Wilmington strongly suggests that, if he participated in the protests around this issue, he may have been protesting FOR SEGREGATION.

Why, in the face of such a desperate threat, can't this dumb a@@ geezer get his act together?  Maybe he doesn't need to apologize for past lies but could he PLEASE stop retelling them?

"Stuff" like this really makes one wonder about his mental state. The fact that Biden is our best hope for democracy just shows how very far our nation has fallen.

A school bus is not a semi truck.

how about his one? I couldn't believe the NYT published this article with this headline (which of course is often the only part of an article many people read):

Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

But when you read the article, it's clear the "probably" in the headline should have been a "possibly."

ml1 said:

how about his one? I couldn't believe the NYT published this article with this headline (which of course is often the only part of an article many people read):

Why the Pandemic Probably Started in a Lab, in 5 Key Points

But when you read the article, it's clear the "probably" in the headline should have been a "possibly."

yeah, almost posted about that one.

drummerboy said:

I am just curious, since you brought the issue up, why do you think Biden lies about these things?

Do you think he is unaware that he is lying or does he just not care?  Is he really just confused?

(I am speaking specifically about his confusion with regards to his role in the Civil Rights Movement and the truck driving)

My Dad had a cousin who claimed he had served in Vietnam even though everyone knew he had just been doing time in prison.

My Uncles used to say he had been dropped on his head one time too many.

GoSlugs said:

drummerboy said:

I am just curious, since you brought the issue up, why do you think Biden lies about these things?

Do you think he is unaware that he is lying or does he just not care?  Is he really just confused?

(I am speaking specifically about his confusion with regards to his role in the Civil Rights Movement and the truck driving)

He's a politician, number one. Every successful politician does this to some extent. He's also had a 50 year public career. Show me someone with 50 years of public statements on all manner of things where you won't find discrepancies.

The point is that it's not unusual. And pretty much none of it is material to anything, so really, who gives a crap?

The troubling thing is that investigating nonsense like this when you have a guy like Trump on the stage is ludicrous. And articles like this can not help but have the effect of equating Biden's statements with Trump's. Which is beyond ludicrous.

To my mind, this pattern of lies should have stopped him in the primaries, particularly the Stolen Valor issues concerning Civil Rights.

That said, what is concerning now is that he keeps on repeating them.  I guess you are arguing that he is incapable of stopping himself.

Biden....Better than the Worst Case Scenario.


NYT headline, 7/21/24, 5:30 eastern, top of the righthand column online:

Vice President Kamala Harris was often derided as out of her depth. Now, she could lead the Democratic ticket.

When drummerboy started this thread, i thought he was a little over the top.  Maybe, maybe not.

NY Times sucks these days. You’d think that Trump is normal and Biden is the crazy one based on the headlines.

yahooyahoo said:

NY Times sucks these days. You’d think that Trump is normal and Biden is the crazy one based on the headlines.

NYT has become the onion.

mjc said:

NYT headline, 7/21/24, 5:30 eastern, top of the righthand column online:

Vice President Kamala Harris was often derided as out of her depth. Now, she could lead the Democratic ticket.

When drummerboy started this thread, i thought he was a little over the top.  Maybe, maybe not.

I'm never over the top.

Maybe ahead of my time sometimes. cheese

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