Sarabeth and Simon's legacy: Charlotte

All of this makes me so happy! 

I really wish I could bring home another friend for Betty but with a 4.5 month old, it's just not the right time. She's starting to show more interest in her human brother though so I hope he'll help ease her depression a bit. She LOVES kids. 

@wallflower,  I know it is so hard to balance life, and try to take care of the emotional needs of our animal companions, as well.  Betty's interest in the baby could be the best thing for everyone. She can never replace Brooklyn, but this might be the way to make her connected to the family again, as a full pack member.

just reading this for the first time and in the space of a few moments teary eyes were replaced with laughter.    I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved pet and so very happy for your new family.  Thank you so much for this thread.  Wishing all of you years of love and joy.  

Oh @Sarahzm, I am so glad you are enjoying it---it is really grief therapy for me.  Sarabeth was really my soul (while Gracie is  my heart) and I still get weepy just thinking about her.  These two are both little broken spirits are coming around little by little.  I think Charlotte would prefer to be an only cat, but this is her last stop, so that is not going to happen.  Timmy is always getting into trouble---he is curious and hapless (which is a dangerous combination).  He and Charlotte had a spat the other night, but I took a chance and put them in the same room at night.  They seem to have enough room in there , and while I don't ever expect them to be lovey dovey, but, they are at least in a state of détente. 

In the meantime, I am re-reading  Pam Johnson-Bennett's Cat vs. Cat

Today, Charlotte hijacked my computer and sent a Facebook message to one of my friend's cats.

What a gorgeous face. I love Maine Coons. And Timmy sounds like my Mischa. Always looking for trouble and then wishing he hadn't found it.

Thanks ,Peggy,  Charlotte definitely has the MCC catitude,  And we are working on keeping her off the kitchen counters (argh! that is a pet peeve of mine.) She is very athletic. But I am trying out Positive Reinforcement techniques on the cats.

They are both so beautiful---and both had been in rescue and up on Petfinder for a while. I can't believe there were no applications on them.    Both have very endearing personalities, too.  They require some work, but who doesn't?  

calliope said:

@wallflower,  I know it is so hard to balance life, and try to take care of the emotional needs of our animal companions, as well.  Betty's interest in the baby could be the best thing for everyone. She can never replace Brooklyn, but this might be the way to make her connected to the family again, as a full pack member.

I think you're right. Baby was on his rug this morning while I changed his sheets quickly and Betty came in to visit him. She gave him a few kisses and lay down right next to him. She has such a gentle soul and seemed so content. (Even though she's the world's sweetest dog, I make sure I am always there with them to monitor the situation!)

I took this picture a few days after Brooklyn died.

Thank you both for sharing such wonderful photos.  Charlotte at the computer made me smile and Wallflower's photo is simply beautiful.

@wallflower, that is a photo to be cherished. Thank you for that. Betty looks like his Guardian Beagle.

A little blip along the way today.  Charlotte started picking on Timmy.  I wonder what kind of vibe he gives off, because he was returned this last time because  the woman with 7 other cats said her cats were ganging up on him.   I do not want him to be in another home where he is terrorized.  So I am feeding them in separate rooms, and I bedded Timmy down in the bathroom tonight.  I will fix up the room  which I made into Simon's Hospice, tomorrow.  I was going to do it  tonight, but I have not been feeling well (crummy cold) and it entails moving the Christmas decoration containers back to the basement, and I just didn't feel steady enough on my feet to traipse up and down the stairs half a dozen times.  He really didn't seem to mind being in the bathroom. He has run there as his secure place.  They are both in their rooms and everything is quiet.  I will begin reintroducing them tomorrow, maybe I made a mistake putting them together too soon.

Oh, poor Timmy! Hopefully it's just a temporary setback. 

Might Timmy have any sort of health issue that the other cats pick up on? I know I've read of something like this happening with canines, don't know if it is applicable to cats as well.  It doesn't have to be an illness, could be an endocrine disturbance, or anything that another cat could pick up on.

Millie was picked on in her foster home before I got her. Marvin isn't afraid of messing with her, either. I just separate them when he starts messing with her too much (Millie gets attic and our room, Marvin gets everything else). Maybe some cats give off that kind of a vibe. Kind of sad when you think about it! Hopefully your cats will figure it out soon, or you can figure out a way to keep them separate during the rough times. Marvin gets super swatty with Millie when I feed them at night, for instance....

Good luck today, calli!

Thanks,@wallflower (I think I might need it. cheese )

@cody---very good point, and one I have considered.  Timmy is cross-eyed, and that may disconcert other cats, because they can't tell where his attention is focused. They might misinterpret his gaze as a stare down. Just my theory-- I don't know if it holds water or not.  They both go to the vet on Monday.  Both of them are grossly underweight.  I have them on an all wet-food diet, and at this point they are each getting a full 5.5 oz can of grain free, high quality food, divided into 2 meals.

I would SO love to have them both groomed---Timmy's white paws are grimy, Charlotte's fur is dull and dry--- but IF that ever happens, they need to be much calmer and more docile than they are today.  I am looking forward to the vet visit, and having them both get good nail clippings.  

Both of them spent a quiet night, and things seem ok this morning,although Timmy seems very wary of Charlotte.   

@afa,  I took Simon because he was getting beaten up in his foster home, and was all puffed up and growly when he was at PetSmart for adoption days.  As I gained his trust he turned into a perfect gentleman (in the best sense of the word) Charlotte is very affectionate, one on  one, She head butts, slow blinks, kneads and shows her belly.  But she can turn on a dime, when Timmy is around. It is going to take more than a couple of weeks to win her over. 

Calli, I am loving your pictures and your blog! I have a question, what kind of positive reinforcement do you use on your new sweeties? I have a new adopted 10 month old kitten, has been neutered, but is pretty busy getting into everything. Would like to try your technique. Thanks

Emmie: under 2 yrs of age, they pretty much get into everything...

@ emmie, I am trying to clicker train Charlotte to stay off the counter by using  a combination of treats and play. 

Karen Pryor developed and popularized clicker training for dogs (Gracie was pretty successful, but I wasn't) and adapted it for cats.  I just ordered her kit on amazon (it is around $35)  But I have been working with Charlotte---who is VERY smart---and food motivated.   Timmy is equally food motivated, but he needs to calm down before I train him away from the doors.    Here is a good video to demonstrate cat clicker training. It is introduced by Karen Pryor.

Here is another video that basically demonstrates how to get the cat conditioned to the click/reward.

Thanks Calli, my kitten loves the fly swatter, though not a real wand, he responds to it when I wave it in the direction I want him to go, but I haven't combined it with treats. I think I will try it out.

Hauscat, thanks too, he is very young, don't know if I will get away with the above.

Remember, emmie, high value treats!(I've been using pot roast---and will switch to turkey when I get a chance to run to the deli)

But  hauscat is right, he will get into things---he's a kitten, that's what he does!

Thanks for the tips, Calli and hauscat!

High quality food might improve the quality of Charlotte's fur all by itself. When we adopted Tigger, she had been eating cheap grocery store food all her life, and her fur was rough and dull. Now, after a couple of years on higher quality food, she has a nic, glossy, soft coat. (The change happened within a few months of the change in food.) And if Timmy calms down and feels more at home, he will probably pay more attention to his grooming.

Will he let you touch his paws at all? You could always put a little of his food on his paws, and he will lick it off. Accidental grooming.  cheese 

I wonder if blue-eyed cats put out the "pick on me!" vibe...!

Wow, I just caught back up with this thread, and I'm happy for the good news of new friends. I'm sure in time you'll sort them out, calli, and they're lucky to have been picked by you.

And wallflower, that is one gorgeous bundle of joy you've got there.

Thankyou, @jasper! I now understand the phrase "fills my heart with pride and joy" completely.

How's it going with Timmy and Charlotte, calli? Hoping for some improvements!

Baby steps,@wallflower, baby steps. 

 During the day they both have free range (except for my bedroom, which is Gracie's domain at night, so, for now, I am keeping them out of there) I am keeping them separated at night. She seems to tolerate him ok, but doesn't want to sleep with him!  This is ok during the re-introduction phase.  I hope to move them both to another bedroom, this week end,and avoid the territorial issue.

Timmy seems to hang with Gracie, more than Charlotte.  Charlotte pretty much stays in the bedroom during the day.  When I go in there she is very affectionate, but she rarely ventures out.  Around dinner time she comes out to the kitchen/family room.  This is when we have the counter surfing problem.  She is SO quiet (and I can only hear out of one ear) that it is rare that I see her before she springs up ,vertically---she is getting better when I say "Off!" click the clicker and give a treat.  The goal is that I will just have to say "off"----but the trick is to catch her in the act, to intercept her.  Baby steps.

Charlotte has been asking questions about an immersion program sponsored by Girls Who Code.

So she's beautiful and intelligent! Girls Who Code is an awesome organization. I don't think they have a Cats Who Code group yet, but maybe one is in the works.

@mauras, it is one of my favorite charities! Charlotte is obsessed with the computer. And she is very smart.  This morning I was at the sink, she jumped up, and I said "Off!" and she got right off---no bribery, no threats.  She catches on very quickly.

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