Sarabeth and Simon's legacy: Charlotte

good thinking--- I was going to do it closer to the date---but now would be good--- I guess I know where that chicken, from the chicken soup I made today, will be going.

I was wondering about Feliway, but that's a much better idea! Especially for a clever thinker like Timmy. Such a pity you can't write little reminders for them inside the carriers, that they will be coming home to you afterwards. 

A special toy each?

Now I know Charlotte is a counter surfer. I have never had a cat who jumped up on the kitchen counters. I was taking the chicken apart to put the shredded pieces back in the huge pot of  soup I just made. I guess the temptation was just too much. I don't think she got anything that was in the bowl, before I whisked it away and put it in the 'fridge---- this will be a learning experience~~~for ME!

hauscat said:

hey Calli - I would have those carriers out and open now, with treats off and on in them.


calliope said:

Now I know Charlotte is a counter surfer. I have never had a cat who jumped up on the kitchen counters. I was taking the chicken apart to put the shredded pieces back in the huge pot of  soup I just made. I guess the temptation was just too much. I don't think she got anything that was in the bowl, before I whisked it away and put it in the 'fridge---- this will be a learning experience~~~for ME!

Too funny! It looks live you've got a couple of characters on your hands. Looking forward to hearing more about their adventures. 

It is never too late to complete a cat's socialization. My mother's cat, Tigger, was terrifying to everyone in the family just a few years ago. Since we took her in three years ago, she has become a different cat with me and Jim. Much more mellow and affectionate, and far less skittish and reactive. Time was when she would battle anyone who came near her. Now she is a love bug, with very few mood swings. I actually give Jim most of the credit for this. He doesn't take no for an answer when handling a cat, and his very determined affection seems to win them all over, even Tigger.

I'm sure you will reach a good place with Charlotte and Timmy.

Princess Charlotte gave me pointers on how to post a charming picture. oh fer cryin' out loud why do some pictures upload with no problems and others don't?

Renamed, resized, still won't upload---let's try another one

Well, now we know a good photo exists, and that we have something to look forward to. oh oh 

Could it be the size of the photo file? The name (forbidden characters)?

This one worked fine. Go figure!   Gracie and Charlotte waiting for someone to dig us out!

Ok, this is the first picture--- it is way too dark-- I guess I can't edit lighting.  Anyway--if you can see her--Charlotte is smiling having foiled me from using the keyboard.

And  The Tim man is never far away.  I got a kick out of this pose.  The sign has pictures of wine glasses across the bottom.  I guess this is only funny if you know that Timmy is cross-eyed.

Will this do for the first picture, or does it need to be even lighter? 

And, this is the second photo

Thank you , @marksierra!

Hah. Thanks, Marksierra. I was about to do the lightening of the photos, but you beat me to it. They are very cute, and obviously very much at home. It speaks volumes that Charlotte already seems to co-exist very well with Gracie.

Actually, Timmy seems to be the most comfortable with Gracie.  Of course he is still a cat, and will arch and hiss if she gets too close, but by and large, she respects his space.  She tries to make herself small (ha! a losing battle) but she will lie down, when she wants to be near the cats. She keeps her head low,and wags slow and low. Too bad the cats don't speak dog, because Gracie is eloquent!

Here is Timmy's newest favorite place.  This pew is from the Church of my childhood.  Timmy likes it as a spot for meditation.

Yay!  So glad you got new kitties to love and so happy for them!  The most touching to me was how Gracie reacted to just having them in the house.  How awesome.

Carolanne, it was amazing. Oddly, I never knew she was so attached to the cats, that their loss would devastate her (independent of my feelings).  I knew she wanted to herd them, she liked to have them both in the same room with her ---although they weren't always so keen on the idea.

That video is too cute!  I was laughing out loud.  Your Timmy looks a lot like our cat Lou who died last spring.  He was blind in one eye.

calliope said:

Carolanne, it was amazing. Oddly, I never knew she was so attached to the cats, that their loss would devastate her (independent of my feelings).  I knew she wanted to herd them, she liked to have them both in the same room with her ---although they weren't always so keen on the idea.  


That's my all-time favorite cute pet video, hands down. I loved the "torture the dog" one that it's based on, but this one just melts my heart. Very happy for Gracie that she, too, has new kitty pals.

I adore that video. I think I have forced Jim to watch it three times. "Snakes? Bleahhhh!" 

Gracie's body language is adorable. I think they sense her as a benign or at least neutral presence, or they would not hang out anywhere near her. Mine always vanish when a new person or animal comes around, and only come out when they feel VERY safe.

Lou was beautiful, @EBennett!  Timmy does look like Lou! Was he a Ragdoll?  I have been reading up on them.   Timmy is a classic Bi-Color-- Chocolate and white.  He looks like Hot fudge, Milk chocolate and  Cappuchino.  Timmy is Yummy!

Did I ever tell you that I have the best dog in the world? Gracie averted disaster this morning when Timmy tried to stage a breakout! I opened the front door so Gracie can watch the world go by, and I noticed that the porch was a sheet of ice. I had some icemelt in the hall closet, so I put on my shoes and prepared to battle the elements. As I opened the storm door a crack, Timmy came bolting from nowhere. Gracie herded him into the corner as I slipped out quickly and slammed the door. I came back in through the garage. Disaster averted.

Charlotte is warming up to me. In fact, she made me her new bed.

smart girl knows a good thing when she sees it. oh oh

oh, that's priceless!!! 

aaaahhh so cozy and comfy.

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