Running for BOT - 3 incumbent Trustees are uncontested; 2 women competing for VP seat

South Orange desperately needs some people to run for trustee other than the incumbents who too often went along with everything Torpey proposed. They have not shown themselves to be willing to take a stand when it counted.

One good thing about
Torpey not running again.....
No IT projects

For over 5 years
We got excited about
New website, budgets.

Instead, what we get...
An app to tell on neighbors.
Who don't shovel quick.

If Calabrese runs...
Town goes back to the days of
Baghdad New Jersey

Question here between
Either vague platitudes or
More "coming Soon" signs.

Or, a new person
Shines a light of competence
On this whole ***** show

Jayjayp, you're one of the loudest complainers. Are you in?

Would you vote for me?


I would definitely vote for you. But, then again I would vote for just about anyone running against the three stooge incumbents.

jayjayp said:

Would you vote for me?

jayjayp, I don't know yet. I only know you through your online personality. I'd have to watch debates and see how you are IRL in order to make a decision. If you are the guy to take up Michael Goldberg's mantle and ask tough questions in a tough, data-driven but collegial way, then you could well get my vote (depending on who else is running). If you are just an angry guy, then not so much.

And I'd be more likely to consider you as a trustee than as VP.
FWIW, I've been a non-profit Board member and president, and I know what it cost in time, stress and extra costs to do it right. I was quite willing to do it to help the truly needy (homeless families). But, with all apologies to Michael and others who've said kind things to me on MOL, at this point, I won't take on a run for Trustee.

As much as I love South Orange, I am not rich enough to ignore the un-reimbursed costs, flexible enough to not have serious parenting issues, driven enough by a specific cause (local legislation or resume-buffing), or thick-skinned enough to take this on.

If I take on the responsibility (and time, stress and financial costs) of unpaid Board service again in the near future, it will be to help those in need, rather than to join local government.

I realize that that puts me at risk of being led by the wrong people, but the best I can do is try to support the best candidates, and stay engaged on the issues as my time allows. Crossing my fingers and hoping to support candidates I can believe in, but I'm not stepping into the ring if there is a gap. I guess that means that the current guys haven't done a bad enough job to radicalize me into the major commitment.

You're a smart woman, @susan1014.

scottgreenstone said:

Reminder, we need qualified, smart, gutsy, good decision makers to run for BOT. Only 1 month left to file.
Are you going to put up?

You did have the initiative to agitate & advocate for getting utilities and transit restored if I recall. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong there. You've also probably done other things we haven't been hearing about.

Clearly you have enough bandwidth to come on here and take potshots at Torpey's leadership in almost any thread you open. Or start.

Yes I did do those things, along with other great people. I have not decided yet if I am going to run. I still have time to submit the petition with 123 signatures.



scottgreenstone said:

Yes I did do those things, along with other great people. I have not decided yet if I am going to run. I still have time to submit the petition with 123 signatures.

I don't know you in real life but count me as a supporter. I would sign your petition and I would happily work to get signatures as well. I think you would be a wonderful addition to the BOT.

Please consider running.

As snarky as my post sounded, Scott, I do think it isn't a bad idea for you to run. Your sarcasm wasn't always empty chatter. You looked to be taking the time to read documents and comment on details.

Sensibly addressing public infrastructure, physical and IT-wise, seems like it's your bag.

I can't vote for you though. Just not gonna do it...

Well without your vote - its just not worth it... cheese

scottgreenstone said:

Well without your vote - its just not worth it... cheese

But I can and I will!

My sources say that there is another player in the running.
does anyone on this thread want to comment before it goes public?

funtimes said:

My sources say that there is another player in the running.
does anyone on this thread want to comment before it goes public?

I heard there is a slate being put together consisting of the CEOs of Public Stuff, Zip Car, and Metaryhtm.

Mayor Duke from Cormorant Minnesota is the prototype for our mayor. He is quiet offends no one and is loved by all residents.

resident48 said:

Mayor Duke from Cormorant Minnesota is the prototype for our mayor. He is quiet offends no one and is loved by all residents.

Is he the only resident of the town?

Definitely not the only resident, and he accepts no monetary salary. Find his story on the internet.

Ha ha ha ha ha! I'D vote for him! grin

resident48 said:

Definitely not the only resident, and he accepts no monetary salary. Find his story on the internet.

I hear he's accepted a year's worth of kibble.

It's a slippery slope. Before you know it, you'll be able to erase your traffic fine by donating an elk antler.

Is there a confirmation that resident Goldberg pulled papers to run? I was in a local eatery and overheard this conversation by other trustees discussing it.
will he/wont he?
also there seems to be a slate being built by trustees already on the BOT.. yawn

I was asked the same question by a local journalist who will be sharing a story shortly. My response to her:

"I did request petition packets for both VP and Trustee with the hope of finding qualified candidates who were interested in serving our Village and to avoid having another uncontested election. However, at this point, nobody has been willing to commit to run for BOT so it appears we are facing an uncontested election, unless anyone comes forward in the next few days to gather the required signatures prior to the March 9 deadline."

mjh said:

resident48 said:

Definitely not the only resident, and he accepts no monetary salary. Find his story on the internet.

I hear he's accepted a year's worth of kibble.

It's a slippery slope. Before you know it, you'll be able to erase your traffic fine by donating an elk antler.

A scoop of kibble here, a greenie there... SMH...

Spoken like the Trustee Goldberg we all knew,

Haiku said:

One good thing about
Torpey not running again.....
No IT projects

For over 5 years
We got excited about
New website, budgets.

Instead, what we get...
An app to tell on neighbors.
Who don't shovel quick.

If Calabrese runs...
Town goes back to the days of
Baghdad New Jersey

Question here between
Either vague platitudes or
More "coming Soon" signs.

Or, a new person
Shines a light of competence
On this whole ***** show

It's official - only 4 candidates, so far, for 4 seats:

"The four are trustee Sheena Collum, who will run for Village President; and trustees Mark Rosner, Howard Levison and Deborah Davis Ford, who are each running for reelection as trustee. The candidates are running on the same ticket, “South Orange 2015.”

If Sheena wins - won't her BOT seat be open?

@michaelgoldberg, you're so fast, sir.

@scottgreenstone - in the event that there is a vacancy, the BOT can appoint someone to fill the seat until the next municipal/general election (whichever comes first). In this case, another election would occur in November.

A little bit of history because we discussed this during the Charter Review process. The BOT in the past was able to fill seats for an "unexpired" term. When the Charter Review Committee discussed this, we felt it was necessary that everyone be "elected" as soon as possible and ultimately deferred to state statute - in which that provision was an appointment could occur until the next time people head to the polls - so it's very temporary that someone who was unelected by the people could hold a seat.

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