No 45

The discussion of my avatar has kind of hijacked my leaf blower thread so I thought I would move that conversation over here.

POTUS 45 is as close to a Nazi as we have come in this country.  The icon is based on a classic Dead Kennedys T-shirt from the 1980s when we also had a problem with Nazis (skinheads). The avatar is my way of telling Nazi Presidents what they can do.

yes, it is a horrible and offensive avatar

As I said in the leaf blower thread, I understand fully what you mean with your avatar. I agree 1,000% with your feelings about the Cheeto Benito, about Fcukface Von Clownstick, about President Rancid Velveeta, about Trumplethinskin, about Dolt45, about Orange Julius Caesar.  And I certainly support your right to use any avatar you want. I just find it disturbing to see a swastika or something that suggests a swastika. I'm merely informing you of my response. Play on.

how about this instead?  Like soulful said: "it disturbing to see a swastika or something that suggests a swastika"

I don't know, what is horrible and offensive to me is that this monster was able to seize the Presidency with the help of our nation's enemies.  If we can't call the abomination by its name, I don't really know how we are going to fight it.

That said, I know that the folks who post here are decent, patriotic people and I don't want to be triggering posters every time they log in so.....

you think people like seeing a swastika or a swastika-like image on their community forum?  The fact that there's a crossed out circle above it makes it ok?

jamie said:

you think people like seeing a swastika or a swastika-like image on their community forum?  The fact that there's a crossed out circle above it makes it ok?

You know, the original shirt/poster/sign was a symbol of the movement against nazi skin heads in the Bay Area in the 1980s.  It was a symbol that brought people together, a symbol that let folks who might other wise worry about their safety know that they were amongst friends.

I guess things were different here.  Maybe you didn't have those problems or maybe folks just didn't fight back in the same way.  When I adopted the avatar, I assumed that people would understand where I was coming from.  Apparently, I was wrong.  Like I said, I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable so I changed the avatar.

Pax dude.

I am reminded of the Dead Milkmen lyric

"If your store don't have Mojo Nixon, your store could use some fixin"

Klinker, you can explain it over and over. We get it. We just don't like it.

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:

As I said in the leaf blower thread, I understand fully what you mean with your avatar. I agree 1,000% with your feelings about the Cheeto Benito, about Fcukface Von Clownstick, about President Rancid Velveeta, about Trumplethinskin, about Dolt45, about Orange Julius Caesar.  And I certainly support your right to use any avatar you want. I just find it disturbing to see a swastika or something that suggests a swastika. I'm merely informing you of my response. Play on.

perhaps read it again.....

Klinker said:

When I adopted the avatar, I assumed that people would understand where I was coming from.  Apparently, I was wrong.  Like I said, I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable so I changed the avatar.

We do. We hate Trump, too. We just don't like Nazi imagery.

Jah Rastafari.

ETA: Thank you for changing it.

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:

Klinker said:

When I adopted the avatar, I assumed that people would understand where I was coming from.  Apparently, I was wrong.  Like I said, I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable so I changed the avatar.

We do. We hate Trump, too. We just don't like Nazi imagery.

Jah Rastafari.

ETA: Thank you for changing it.

ANTI Nazi Imagery.... but you're welcome

You have to admit that my new avatar is astonishingly cute (for a weasel).

Now I have side 2 of "In God We Trust Inc." running through my head like a not unpleasant earworm.....

We Gotta Bigger Problem Now indeed.....

weirdbeard said:

Now I have side 2 of "In God We Trust Inc." running through my head like a not unpleasant earworm.....

We Gotta Bigger Problem Now indeed.....

As far as I can see, the only up side to the Trump presidency is that it makes all those punk songs from the 80s newly relevant.

I find it more offensive that you compare a guy you don't like with a guy that killed 6 million jews, and this community is more upset with the symbol than the meaning of your statements.

Starsong said:

I find it more offensive that you compare a guy you don't like with a guy that killed 6 million jews, and this community is more upset with the symbol than the meaning of your statements.

There is a difference between comparing someone to Hitler and saying that they are a Nazi.  Hitler died in 1945.  The Nazis are alive and marching with their tiki torches through the streets of our cities. 

In any case, I took down my ANTI nazi avatar and replaced it with a cute little weasel.  

Starsong said:

I find it more offensive that you compare a guy you don't like with a guy that killed 6 million jews, and this community is more upset with the symbol than the meaning of your statements.

Doesn’t the fact that tRump is actually killing people with his policies (let’s start with healthcare) bother you even a little bit?  

That, and his misogyny, racism, etc., etc., reminds me a LOT of Hitler...

Anyway, Klinker’s avatar was ANTI Nazi which was fine with me...

Starsong said:

I find it more offensive that you compare a guy you don't like with a guy that killed 6 million jews, and this community is more upset with the symbol than the meaning of your statements.

there were literally Nazis marching in the streets of a U.S. city and Trump called them "very fine people."

Isn't THAT what you should find truly offensive? 

He's Hitler, so let's give him all our guns.  Brilliant stuff on this board.

it's quite an accomplishment to get two straw men into one sentence.

I understand that Klinker's avatar was supposed to represent a ban on Nazis.  The problem for me was that every time I saw it, it reminded be more of the flag of the Third Reich than anything else.

tjohn said:

I understand that Klinker's avatar was supposed to represent a ban on Nazis.  The problem for me was that every time I saw it, it reminded be more of the flag of the Third Reich than anything else.

Eggs Ackley.

terp said:
He's Hitler, so let's give him all our guns.  Brilliant stuff on this board.

I do not own any guns. I know of no one who is advocating that any gun owner transfer ownership of any guns to Trump. There is strong sentiment to destroy many guns or transfer ownership to local police departments.

terp said:
He's Hitler, so let's give him all our guns.  Brilliant stuff on this board.

People compare Hitler to others frequently. At the time of the first Gulf War an elderly Republican lawyer told me that it was his understanding that Saddam was "worse than Hitler". I replied that no one was worse than Hitler but I heard similar things from others.

Hitler is a historical example. The perpetrators of genocide in Bosnia and Rwanda can be compared to the Nazis. The treatment of the Rohinga in Burma resembles the treatment of the Jews by the Nazis at the beginning of their reign.

And when people march through American streets carrying the flags of the Third Reich there are bound to be remarks about the Third Reich. 

Our democracy is threatened. Other democracies are threatened. These threats are real. We need to take action. Please read this piece, Will We Stop Trump Before It’s Too Late?

At one time or another, Trump has attacked the judiciary, ridiculed the media, defended torture, condoned police brutality, urged supporters to rough up hecklers and — jokingly or not — equated mere policy disagreements with treason. He tried to undermine faith in America’s electoral process through a bogus advisory commission on voter integrity. He routinely vilifies federal law enforcement institutions. He libels immigrants and the countries from which they come. His words are so often at odds with the truth that they can appear ignorant, yet are in fact calculated to exacerbate religious, social and racial divisions. Overseas, rather than stand up to bullies, Mr. Trump appears to like bullies, and they are delighted to have him represent the American brand. If one were to draft a script chronicling fascism’s resurrection, the abdication of America’s moral leadership would make a credible first scene.

It is well beyond disliking the president. I recognize the damage he is doing and needs undoing. This is much more serious than dislike. If you don't see this as damage, you're not paying attention, or you don't remember what we all agreed as Americans is important.

to a great extent Trump is a symptom, not the problem.  If he resigned tomorrow, there would still be tens of millions of people looking for someone similar to "shake things up."  

terp said:

He's Hitler, so let's give him all our guns.  Brilliant stuff on this board.

If Trump went all Erdogan and started jailing opponents and shutting down media outlets, do you think that the mass of American gun owners would take to the streets opposing him? 

Don't make me laugh. 

The majority of assault rifle owners are members of the far right and a lot of them are Trump supporters.  Banning assault rifles would just even things up a bit.  

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