Maybe try real names instead?

DaveSchmidt said:

Redfruit said:

I’ve been personally attacked half a dozen times on this thread alone for suggesting maybe we should use our real names so we know who’s attacking us.

The easier they bruise on social media, the more pseudonyms make sense.

That’s deep man. 

Tall_Mocha said:

Well considering MOL is VERY biased, a little “old fashioned” and not very helpful depending on your views and or interests, that could be a reason. I can remember when I first joined MOL to see what was going on, also used it to get recommendations regarding home repairs, childcare etc, Now, it’s seriously outdated, out of touch and downright boring. Real names mean nothing. 

You left out curmudgeonly.

sprout said:

You left out curmudgeonly.

we can start a thread about grumpy old men. 

Jaytee said:

sprout said:

You left out curmudgeonly.

we can start a thread about grumpy old men. 

Maybe a Top 25 list?

sprout said:

Maybe a Top 25 list?

do we have that many? That’s just depressing!

Maybe a top 10 list. But then again they might complain to Jamie that they’re being personally attacked. Could be fun thing though.

What made MOL special 20 years ago was the blurring of online and off line communities.  Face to face gatherings helped us to get to know one another, even if we did did not know each other's IRL identity.  There were numerous instances of MOL posters helping one another (online and in person) and joining together to make a difference in the IRL community.  Sadly, I don't see much of this happening anymore.

joan_crystal said:

What made MOL special 20 years ago was the blurring of online and off line communities.  Face to face gatherings helped us to get to know one another, even if we did did not know each other's IRL identity.  There were numerous instances of MOL posters helping one another (online and in person) and joining together to make a difference in the IRL community.  Sadly, I don't see much of this happening anymore.

I remember the first mol gathering at Cent-Anni’s. It was maybe 10 of us. Then there was a huge get together/fund raiser  at Bunnys that Jamie organized to cover some nonsensical law suit filed against the site. That was a reals who’s who event. Jamie and Dave stood strong on that one helping the site grow. I actually admired their fortitude in the face of disingenuous lawyers. Then there were the great holiday face to face events that followed that everyone looked forward to. 

Jaytee said:

sprout said:

Maybe a Top 25 list?

do we have that many? That’s just depressing!

No... I don't think we do usually, although I know I have my curmudgeonly moments! It was a passing reference to a Redfruit post on pg.2 of this thread.   blank stare

I love Soapbox All Politics. It has had some great discussions and most posters on those threads are very knowledgeable. It isn't a large group but most of us have made thoughtful comments or posted helpful links.

I'm on threads on the general page and have looked forward to comments by posters that I've grown to really like. I rarely read through posts on either page without chuckling.

Facebook is great for the visual aspect, or sharing something when only a quick comment is required.

I'm quite happy here.

Morganna said:

I love Soapbox All Politics. It has had some great discussions and most posters on those threads are very knowledgeable. It isn't a large group but most of us have made thoughtful comments or posted helpful links.

I'm on threads on the general page and have looked forward to comments by posters that I've grown to really like. I rarely read through posts on either page without chuckling.

Facebook is great for the visual aspect, or sharing something when only a quick comment is required.

I'm quite happy here.

That’s great to hear! Like all great things though, a tweak here and there can never hurt especially if it drives up business. That’s all this thread was meant to discuss because the site is as you say good for so many people so how to increase brand awareness, etc is the goal. 

Redfruit said:

Morganna said:

I love Soapbox All Politics. It has had some great discussions and most posters on those threads are very knowledgeable. It isn't a large group but most of us have made thoughtful comments or posted helpful links.

I'm on threads on the general page and have looked forward to comments by posters that I've grown to really like. I rarely read through posts on either page without chuckling.

Facebook is great for the visual aspect, or sharing something when only a quick comment is required.

I'm quite happy here.

That’s great to hear! Like all great things though, a tweak here and there can never hurt especially if it drives up business. That’s all this thread was meant to discuss because the site is as you say good for so many people so how to increase brand awareness, etc is the goal. 

Are you collaborating with the brothers Ross, or suggesting business strategies/goals off the cuff?

sprout said:

Redfruit said:

Morganna said:

I love Soapbox All Politics. It has had some great discussions and most posters on those threads are very knowledgeable. It isn't a large group but most of us have made thoughtful comments or posted helpful links.

I'm on threads on the general page and have looked forward to comments by posters that I've grown to really like. I rarely read through posts on either page without chuckling.

Facebook is great for the visual aspect, or sharing something when only a quick comment is required.

I'm quite happy here.

That’s great to hear! Like all great things though, a tweak here and there can never hurt especially if it drives up business. That’s all this thread was meant to discuss because the site is as you say good for so many people so how to increase brand awareness, etc is the goal. 

Are you collaborating with the brothers Ross, or suggesting business strategies/goals off the cuff?

I’m just doing what I’ve always attempted to do on social media, be interesting, I do believe this thread provides that. 

Redfruit said:

I’m just doing what I’ve always attempted to do on social media, be interesting... 

Is that a personal goal, or is it a means to business ends?

Redfruit said:

Are you collaborating with the brothers Ross, or suggesting business strategies/goals off the cuff?

I’m just doing what I’ve always attempted to do on social media, be interesting, I do believe this thread provides that. 


sprout said:

Redfruit said:

I’m just doing what I’ve always attempted to do on social media, be interesting... 

Is that a personal goal, or is it a means to business ends?

look, everyone has their  thing. Some people give weather reports, some people try and be funny, Others try and be annoying or argumentative. I just try and be interesting and as I said earlier, I’m confident I provide that. 

OK. Does your spouse provide a cheering section for you across all social media platforms, or just this one?

My band started with a classified on MOL. The band is still together and playing gigs 19 years later. 

For those who care, here’s our EPK

ml1 said:

My band started with a classified on MOL. The band is still together and playing gigs 19 years later. 

I think you guys played the first  maplewoodstock too. 

ml1 said:

For those who care, here’s our EPK

sounds good. I'm also impressed that you're wearing a long sleeve shirt and pants. I thought it was really hot that year. Well it's really hot every Maplewoodstock. 

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