Maybe try real names instead?

 Being back on MOL really since 2010 has been fun but it’s still strange to see the lower traffic count. I’m wondering how that could be bumped up. I do know that the SOMA Action site which I belong to has long criticized FB for the corporate entity that it is. Members there would love a group share site that wasn’t FB.  MOL could certainly supply that group with a home base. What I’m wondering, would the anonymous nature of posters here be a negative since those posters would likely use their real names? Or perhaps it’s time for all posters to give up the cloak of anonymity? We’re all adults, do we really need these silly handles? Just throwing ideas out there to maybe help regrow the brand. 

What do you see as the problem?  We already have a significant number of real name posters on MOL.  Some posters  choose to remain anonymous for personal reasons and that's fine.  MOL gives posters the option. It is highly likely that you are not the only SOMA Action member to post here. 

as a victim of domestic violence who was once found online by that said ex, i understand the need for anonymity. I actually don't really use FB or other social media for my safety.  I do have a Fb account, but just for things like news, organizations posting events, etc  I don't actively use it.

joan_crystal said:

What do you see as the problem?  We already have a significant number of real name posters on MOL.  Some posters  choose to remain anonymous for personal reasons and that's fine.  MOL gives posters the option. It is highly likely that you are not the only SOMA Action member to post here. 

 I think there have been 5 posts on MOL today. 5 on a Monday. How to fix that? Something needs to change. Maybe the anonymity thing should change, start getting anti FBers over here to discuss important issues. Rebuild the MOL brand with all real people. I got hounded this past weekend by an anonymous poster who knows I’m Lee Navlen, it was a little strange and frankly made me a little uncomfortable because of the tone used. So we eliminate the wall of anonymity. Can that help drive a new audience to the site?

jmitw said:

as a victim of domestic violence who was once found online by that said ex, i understand the need for anonymity. I actually don't really use FB or other social media for my safety.  I do have a Fb account, but just for things like news, organizations posting events, etc  I don't actively use it.

 Well that’s certainly one very important reason to protect your identity. 

It depends on your interest: loads of activity in other subject areas (like Politics), some under real names. 

Redfruit said:

What I’m wondering, would the anonymous nature of posters here be a negative since those posters would likely use their real names? Or perhaps it’s time for all posters to give up the cloak of anonymity? We’re all adults, do we really need these silly handles? Just throwing ideas out there to maybe help regrow the brand. 

I would say it's a mixed bag when it comes to deciding on using an anonymous handle or your real name. I was thinking about it and recalled that many users had either their full or partial names as their handle already. A little while back I decided to just get rid of bikefixed (since I no longer ride was one reason) and go with my name, but that's just me. I got an assist from Jamie regarding converting my posting history over but I guess you could just begin with a new handle. You needed to go with Redfruit because of a tech glitch when the MOL shift was made, right? That's what happened or did I misunderstand how you made the change? Did the posting history get converted?

Anyway, I don't know if mandating it would slow down activity on MOL but it has always been a choice.

PeterWick said:

Redfruit said:

What I’m wondering, would the anonymous nature of posters here be a negative since those posters would likely use their real names? Or perhaps it’s time for all posters to give up the cloak of anonymity? We’re all adults, do we really need these silly handles? Just throwing ideas out there to maybe help regrow the brand. 

I would say it's a mixed bag when it comes to deciding on using an anonymous handle or your real name. I was thinking about it and recalled that many users had either their full or partial names as their handle already. A little while back I decided to just get rid of bikefixed (since I no longer ride was one reason) and go with my name, but that's just me. I got an assist from Jamie regarding converting my posting history over but I guess you could just begin with a new handle. You needed to go with Redfruit because of a tech glitch when the MOL shift was made, right? That's what happened or did I misunderstand how you made the change? Did the posting history get converted?

Anyway, I don't know if mandating it would slow down activity on MOL but it has always been a choice.

 I tried going with strawberry but the old password didn’t work plus the email that I used back then i no longer use so retrieving info was out of the question. So I Just signed up with Redfruit to make it easy. Jamie ross must have known it was me since the email was my real name. Figure if red fruit is ok with him, it’s ok with me.  

Nobody is really interested in knowing people’s full name. If you choose to use it, have at it. I don’t see how that would create more traffic on MOL. You can start a bunch of silly threads and get people to start bickering…that would get your adrenaline flowing. If you’re bored waiting on some fish to bite that worm on your hook, then that’s your problem. You are the one who went down to Florida. Can’t find anyone around you can have an intelligent conversation with? Berating New Jersey and the northern liberals can wear you down man.,,,

Redfruit, the day that you saw ‘only 5 posts’ were you including both MOL threads -

Main Forum and Political?

We're kinda like old friends here.... whether we go by 'real name' or handle. Sometimes we chat a lot. Other times we hang out near each other, but just quietly read a book/watch TV, and talk some other time.

I don't think you have identified an actual problem, or an approach that will address what you perceive as a problem. (That said, if people want to shift to their real name, MOL has a mechanism to do that in the accounts setting, as shown below).

There are many people here I enjoy discussing things with. If you want to run a site where post frequency is the metric of success, then you should probably invite prolific troll types, rather than banning them, as is typically done here.

Jaytee said:

Nobody is really interested in knowing people’s full name. If you choose to use it, have at it. I don’t see how that would create more traffic on MOL. You can start a bunch of silly threads and get people to start bickering…that would get your adrenaline flowing. If you’re bored waiting on some fish to bite that worm on your hook, then that’s your problem. You are the one who went down to Florida. Can’t find anyone around you can have an intelligent conversation with? Berating New Jersey and the northern liberals can wear you down man.,,,

Your anger issues are unsettling.  

My real name is Sir Walter Smalls Roundabout. That’s why I don’t use it.

Ask yourself why traffic has shifted from MOL to Facebook.  What does Facebook offer that MOL does not?  Are the additional features offered, features those of us posting here want to see added to MOL?  Are most of us happy with the way things are?

It's hard to compete with their algorithm for one. MOL doesn't has limitless funds to develop the right recipe like Mr. Zuckerberg.

As for the Real Name feature - you can start you own personal community or jamiespace as a real name space. Integration into the message board here would be tricky - could be possible for a subforum but not in the very near future.

The JamieSpace project is moving along and I'm getting good feedback. Ultimately, I'm trying to build an additional use/personal space that may be missing on the bigger platforms.

joan_crystal said:

Ask yourself why traffic has shifted from MOL to Facebook.  What does Facebook offer that MOL does not?  Are the additional features offered, features those of us posting here want to see added to MOL?  Are most of us happy with the way things are?

 I think it’s just the nature of the beast. Facebook is Goliath but Jamie offers something here too that perhaps with some readjustments can begin chasing that clientele as the David alternative. 

MOL is for connoisseurs. 

Facebook is for addicts. There are more of them.

jamie said:

It's hard to compete with their algorithm for one. MOL doesn't has limitless funds to develop the right recipe like Mr. Zuckerberg.

As for the Real Name feature - you can start you own personal community or jamiespace as a real name space. Integration into the message board here would be tricky - could be possible for a subforum but not in the very near future.

The JamieSpace project is moving along and I'm getting good feedback. Ultimately, I'm trying to build an additional use/personal space that may be missing on the bigger platforms.

 A site like soma action would do well to move their brand to Jamiespace. 

My real name is Crispin Weatherington-Smythe and it just wouldn't fir on the page. 

When I joined MOL I was employed by our local school district and wanted to make sure that whatever I posted on MOL wouldn't reflect (or be seen to reflect) on them. They were very strict about issues like that back then. I also had two teenaged kids and using my real name (which is not a common surname) would have immediately associated them with anything I said. Now, they are off on their own and I don't work for the District, but I'm used to my MOL name and have a history with it. I don't really want to change, but don't care if people know who I am in real life. I don't think using real names would drastically affect usage on MOL - FB is quicker and more immediately interactive, but it's not easy to have long conversations, or in-depth ones, especially if you want to be able to go back and find them a day or two later. Each has its own niche, and I think most of us are OK with that. 

Maybe Jamie could come up with some way to update our profile info to allow us to put our real names there, if we wanted to, but not to force a username change. I'd be OK with that.

Redfruit said:

Your anger issues are unsettling.  

 Anger issues…. You crack me up 

Redfruit said:

What I’m wondering, would the anonymous nature of posters here be a negative since those posters would likely use their real names?

As long as you promise them to become a keener heckler, what could possibly be negative?

steel said:

MOL is for connoisseurs. 

Facebook is for addicts. There are more of them.

MOL is Arturo's

Facebook is Pizza Hut

People who know me IRL generally know exactly who I am on MOL, but I see no need for strangers (including potential employers) to be able to search my name and find my whole MOL history with no effort.

susan1014 said:

People who know me IRL generally know exactly who I am on MOL, but I see no need for strangers (including potential employers) to be able to search my name and find my whole MOL history with no effort.

This. Potential employers and other busybodies. 

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:

susan1014 said:

People who know me IRL generally know exactly who I am on MOL, but I see no need for strangers (including potential employers) to be able to search my name and find my whole MOL history with no effort.

This. Potential employers and other busybodies. 

The first time we met you were a black guy wearing a Soulful Mr T cap at the MOL fundraiser at Bunny's who wouldn't tell me his real name.   Best prank ever.  


If you feel that dropping anonymity is desirable why aren’t you using your real name?

Apollo_T said:


If you feel that dropping anonymity is desirable why aren’t you using your real name?

I would if the moderators asked us to. 

Well considering MOL is VERY biased, a little “old fashioned” and not very helpful depending on your views and or interests, that could be a reason. I can remember when I first joined MOL to see what was going on, also used it to get recommendations regarding home repairs, childcare etc, Now, it’s seriously outdated, out of touch and downright boring. Real names mean nothing. 

Tall_Mocha said:

Now, it’s seriously outdated, out of touch and downright boring. Real names mean nothing. 

This has always been my dream.

With a hot beverage.

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