Maplewoodstock Dates? July 9th and 10th?

I was trying to find the exact dates of Maplewoodstock. I know it's usually the 2nd weekend in July. I just wanted to confirm it's going to be July 9th and 10th. I have a friend that's planning on flying in from Denver for it and I want to make sure I give the right dates.

Likely correct, unless there is another Covid-19 postponement/cancelation.

With the number of boneheads still not vaccinated, we are likely to see another variant soon.

I'm trying to be optimistic. I'm suffering severe Maplewoodstock withdrawal. 

Yes - we are planning for July 9 & 10!

Unfortunately, I'll miss Maplewoodstock this year since I'll be away on vacation. This will be the first one I've missed in many years. I hope it is a smashing success.  

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