Is this your orange and white cat? Maplewood Clinton School area, one block from South Orange

This orange and white cat has been in our neighborhood for about a week now, and it's desperately trying to make friends with all the human residents and keeps trying to convince us to allow it inside.  Though this cat might just be a very people oriented neighborhood pet, it seems desperate enough that I can't help but wonder if it is lost.

Sorry, I haven't checked close enough to tell if it is a he or a she

I'll post pictures in a few minutes

The kitty cat in question.  I added the blurry walking picture because it shows the cat's markings pretty well

I’m pretty sure it’s part of the annual crop of abandoned dorm pets that show up every year after graduation at Seton Hall...

Not one of your next door neighbor's cats?

joan_crystal said:
Not one of your next door neighbor's cats?

 No, I checked with her before posting

My guess is you know this, but St. Hubert's does animal control for Maplewood and will pick up the cat if you call them.  (973) 377-2295

joan_crystal said:
Not one of your next door neighbor's cats?

Actually she wouldn’t be asking if it were... 

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