Inconsequential Chat

I'm thinking about learning another language.

The sausage sizzle is a staple at many Aussie polling booths, come election time.

Queensland is holding State elections today.

Ever wondered where you would pop out if you started digging straight down into the earth?

Find out:

Grandpa reflects on the internet...

The thought just struck me... what did cats do before the invention of the internet?

Cute story from Western Australia - a kangaroo that thinks it's a dog.

That almost bears reposting in Pets and Animals!  The pic of the 'roo in the ute tray is adorable!

First Dog in the Moon on foster dogs.

(The image is too small to be easily readable here, but the link will (should) open up to a readable size.)

From a time when language was innocent ... 

Ummm, I suspect not quite so innocent, which was why they used it... cheesecheese

Yebbut, we were.  Or, at least, I think our parents hoped we were.

*big grin*

Maybe they were more innocent than many others?? cheese

I want to go back to the Kimberley region of Western Australia.   I was there a few years ago, and it was immediately re-added to the bucket list when we left.

Beaut pic of you - love the cabbage leaf hat!! oh oh

Is that one of the area earmarked for closure??

I hadn't realised our water lilies were so special, let alone this new one. Wow.

Hey - you oughtta be here! The frogs are just deafening and incredible after all that rain! We also have waterfowl calling that supposedly moved well out of this area.  Too bad it's dark and we can't see anything, and the frogs are pretty much underground anyway. 

Marksierra, I told you it was where you left it!! Sheesh, next time, give it a 'girls look'.

Reposted: did it 'ping' yet???

Ahem - mr marksierra? Hello?

joanne said:

Ahem - mr marksierra? Hello?

 You rang?

(Seen the marsupial hospital visitor in VC?)

Yeah, hours before you posted! Didja check the microwave above anda find your £1 note???

your £1 note???   How old do you think I am?

Marsupial hospital visitor?  Did you post it here on MOL?

The microwave story reminds of one I heard a couple of years ago.

A householder in Australia complained to the authorities that their TV had become unwatchable, and their radio unlistenable due to huge amounts of interference that both were receiving.

Upon investigation, it was discovered that a local take-away food joint had removed the door from their microwave oven, jammed the safety interlocks that stopped it operating when the door was open, and the staff were just placing food into it to heat before handing it over to the customer/s.  So here was this microwave oven operating continuously, heating the food, along with the staff who were putting their hands into it, and anyone else who passed in relatively-close proximity to the front of it! 

Re koala:  read it, didn't post it. 

Re £1 note: *emoticon*

A friend had a flu jab the other day and afterwards had this strong urge to buy crayons.  Yet more proof that vaccinations make you artistic.

I'm very taken with this line from one of our local (Australian) TV programs, as uttered by the show's heroine:

"Men. Can't live without them, can't hit them with an axe."

So much good stuff around at the moment...

What a fascinating story!

Researchers are using seals to discover what goes on in the Southern Ocean...

How to stop time: kiss.

How to travel in time: read.

How to escape time: music.

How to feel time: write.

How to release time: breathe.

Matt Haig, Reasons to Stay Alive


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