Hearty Congratulations to Julian Assange For Completing 1,000 Days In His Putrid Cell

nan said:

This lawyer should be world-famous for his battle with Chevron – but he’s in jail


Thanks for the link, which I was capable of clicking myself, but the information in my question was intended to indicate that I wasn’t flying blind.

nan said:

Donzinger was only prosecuted because he successfully opposed Chevron and they were found guilty.  The details of the case are just an incredible miscarriage of justice.  

Same for Assange. 

The Hague would disagree with you about his being involved in a fraud.

I'm no expert on Donzinger, but from what I've read he has unjustly got the shaft because he pissed off Chevron.

The difference between him and Assange, of course, is that Assange would be a government prosecution. Donzinger was not. (Except for maybe his last case?)

1267!  Still rotting.   

1327!  Still rotting!   Nice.

Looks like the Biden admin has put a plea deal on the table that would drop all charges against Assange except for one misdemeanor.

This is good.


I see our media has the following reports:

and more importantly: 

8h ago16.46 AEDT from Guardian Australian, Politics Live

Julian Assange ‘may not survive’ trial and extradition, David Shoebridge says

Julian Assange may not survive his trial and extradition to the US if the segment of the US Department of Justice that wish to take Assange case “as far as they possibly can” succeeds, the Greens’ spokesperson for justice, David Shoebridge, has said.

Speaking on ABC’s Afternoon Briefing a short moment ago, Shoebridge said of the WikiLeaks founder:

The extradition itself could effectively be a death sentence against Julian Assange. That’s what some of the medical opinions show.

I think what we desperately need is we need an outcome where Julian and his family can come back to Australia and be free. And have that happen as a degree of urgency. It’s a matter for Julian and US officials as to whether or not a deal is struck.

But the ideal outcome would be the dropping of the charges and his return to Australia as a free person so he could be with his wife and family.

On Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal reported reported that the US justice department was looking at ways to cut short Assange’s long London court battle against extradition to the US to face espionage charges for the publication 14 years ago of thousands of classified US documents related to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

The report said a plan under consideration would be to drop the current 18 charges under the Espionage Act if Assange pleaded guilty to mishandling classified documents – a misdemeanour offence. Assange would be able to enter the plea remotely from London and would likely be free soon after the deal was agreed to, as he has already spent five years in custody in the UK.

But Assange’s lawyers say they have been “given no indication” Washington intends to change its approach.

Shoebridge said he thinks the Biden administration was “testing the waters” by dropping the story in the Journal:

Does the Biden administration really want to be jailing one of the world’s most prominent whistleblowers in the lead-up to an election? I think that context shows why this story was dropped with one of the most prominent US papers, which is often the space where the administration goes to drop these stories. It’s really a testing of the waters – as much with the Assange team as I think with the national security community in the United States.

well, I hope the WSJ report is true and that we're heading for a resolution. I'm not the biggest fan of Assange, but our treatment of him has been pretty crappy, to say the least.

He needs to be set free.  Our government is prosecuting a journalist for telling the truth about war.  We also let Gonzalo Lira die in jail. We also fund the country that has killed scores of journalists and/or their families in Gaza.  We don't have a leg to stand on criticizing other countries about protection of free speech.  

The guy who exposed war is much like war to an unsuspecting public.

dave said:

The guy who exposed war is much like war to an unsuspecting public.

And the fact that the "good guys" often aren't all that good. It's a bit more complicated than what you might see in the corporate media or on the What Putin Wants thread.

Glad the best journalist of the last 50 years is free.

terp said:

And the fact that the "good guys" often aren't all that good. It's a bit more complicated than what you might see in the corporate media or on the What Putin Wants thread.

Glad the best journalist of the last 50 years is free.

how is he a journalist?

answer - he's not. he published leaked documents that were passed to him. that's not journalism.

He also has a fantastic interview show that was cut short for some reason.  Corporate media outlets simultaneously won awards for reporting on information he exposed and advocated his imprisonment.

terp said:

dave said:

The guy who exposed war is much like war to an unsuspecting public.

And the fact that the "good guys" often aren't all that good. It's a bit more complicated than what you might see in the corporate media or on the What Putin Wants thread.

Glad the best journalist of the last 50 years is free.

Good to know hyperbole isn't dead and that you have an open mind about the communist party. 

.  So great Assange is free, but here is a reminder of the mainstream media lies about him.

Speaking of a lie made in the media - Julian Assange on Seth Rich. 

nohero said:

Speaking of a lie made in the media - Julian Assange on Seth Rich. 

what was the lie?

nohero said:

Speaking of a lie made in the media - Julian Assange on Seth Rich. 

There is no lie said there.  

I didn't look at the video. Are there pictures of Julian Assange on Seth Rich?

ETA: I mean, why would he be on Seth Rich? Was he on ALL of Seth Rich, or just a small amount, like his feet or something?

ridski said:

I didn't look at the video. Are there pictures of Julian Assange on Seth Rich?


ridski said:

I didn't look at the video. Are there pictures of Julian Assange on Seth Rich?

I still think you’re funny.


terp said:

nohero said:

Speaking of a lie made in the media - Julian Assange on Seth Rich. 

what was the lie?

paulsurovell said:


terp said:

nohero said:

Speaking of a lie made in the media - Julian Assange on Seth Rich. 

what was the lie?

The lie was that Julian Assange was on Seth Rich, as confirmed by nan.

sorry, what does "on Seth Rich" mean?

I keep hearing “me and Julio down by the school yard”… 

Any minute now somebody is gonna bring up white water…

drummerboy said:

sorry, what does "on Seth Rich" mean?

It's my fault. Instead of using the short phrase "Julian Assange on Seth Rich", it should have been "Julian Assange smearing an innocent man who was tragically killed".

ridski said:

paulsurovell said:


terp said:

nohero said:

Speaking of a lie made in the media - Julian Assange on Seth Rich. 

what was the lie?

The lie was that Julian Assange was on Seth Rich, as confirmed by nan.

That's a lie. @nohero said "Julian Assange on Seth Rich." He didn't say "Julian Assange was on Seth Rich".

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