I think we have your snow up here in CT. Hoping you are out of surgery now, or soon, and recovering comfortably. Thinking of you and sending positive vibes. ><
Sending many more good thoughts your way for a successful surgery and easy recovery.
Yay for Max and NWS. No snow to complicate 6 am drive to Surgery Ce nter.
Yay to daughter who sat and waited for 7 hours till spinal wore enough enough to discharge
Yay for Vicodin as I am going to lala land for a while
!!!! Home in bed
Doc Says damage wasn't quite as severe as he expected. Bad but not as bad. Didn't need to take toe tendon
Beck at doc tomorrow for more detail
Thanks for all your support. I'll check back in soon
Jumped the gun just a wee bit. Spinal block wore off over the night and , even with the Vicodin, I am in a LOT of pain and quite queasy from the medicine.
I have a 10 am doc visit post-op this morning. Hope there is something he can do to make me feel more comfortable
This is not going to be a picnic,
It is not going to be a picnic. Doctor can help somewhat with pain killers but distractions will be a big factor. Good books, tv/films, visitors, hobbies, all should help. If you do go the pain killer route, be sure to follow the schedule exactly so you can stay ahead of the pain. It will take some time for the pain killers to kick in so you need to be very brave at first. It will get better.
Poor LL! As I discovered after hemorrhoid surgery, this is no time to tough it out. Take your meds, on schedule, as Joan suggests -- don't wait for the agony to reach its height -- and let them help you get through the pain. Sleep as much as you can. This too will pass.
I'm so sorry... But listen to what Deborahg and Joan say about sticking to the medication schedule. Hang in there. It will get better.
I swear. I have a support crew better than the "Pink Ladies" here at MOL. Gonna go watch Grease!! You are wonderful..
The first 24- 48 hours after surgery is the worst. The pain will start to ease very soon.
if the Vicodin is making you queasy, could the doctor prescribe a scopolamine patch or pills to keep the nausea at bay until the worst is past?
Echoing the above advice. If you wait to take the pain meds it is harder for them to do their work. Don't be a hero. Hope the doc can help if adjustments are needed.
Just got back from post op doc visit. Two weeks more with my leg up and no weight bearing activities. Take the painkillers round the clock for at least a week and then slowly wean off. Eat crackers and drink gingerale for the queasiness. Miralax and Colace for the other side effects..This is gonna be interesting
Yeah, sad to say it will very likely suck, at least for the first day or two. You will get into a rhythm, though, and then it will just be annoying as hell that you can't get around easily. But this, too, shall pass!
Hope the crackers and ginger ale do the trick and that the pain gets handled.
help!! Anyone off to the market in the morning ? Not doing that well after all
Need sugar free jello and sugar free ice pops can't keep anything down and becoming a bit dehydrated
I live on N Wyoming need the So Orange/ West Orange border.
Text me in the early morning at 973-518-2202. Thanks so very much
Something with sugar may be in order if you can't keep anything down. Controlling your sugar includes having some sugar to control. If you take insulin or pills to stimulate insulin production, you need to speak with your endocrinologist about adjusting your medication. This could be necessary even if your digestion was fine and you were less active than normal. While on the phone, ask about any possible diet adjustment. There may be some permitted foods that are easier to tolerate than the foods you have been eating.
It would also be prudent to call your doctor's service and ask for an alternative to the medication you are on. Not being able to keep anything down is a side effect that should be avoidable with a medication you can tolerate.
Library Lady, did you get any help with that request for a run to the market???
I just exchanged text messages with LL and she did get someone. She asked me to post a request that people refrain from texting her now as she is going to try to sleep.
LilMissLL'a boss sent her home in a car from downtown this morning so she could take care of me. People are good all over, ya know!
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Bon Voyage. Just looked out the window and not a trace of snow could be seen. Have a safe journey.