Amy Coney Barrett

Judge Barrett is presenting herself as someone incurious about, among other things, the science of climate change, the pervasiveness of systemic racism, and Catholic Social Teaching about educating oneself about these issues and the response to them.

drummerboy said:

Here's a good breakdown on what was probably the most important testimony so far - Sen. Whitehouses's breakdown of the forces behind Republican judicial nominations.

 Wow, even knowing there was major corruption in our political systems, after looking at Whitehouses breakdown, it’s imperative to get dark money out of politics and to reform and probably remove many of these bought and paid for judges from the court

So when she does research, she probably concludes that cigarette smoking causes cancer because experts overwhelming believe that. There are, if you remember the "controversy," a few Big Tobacco "scientists" who disagree...kinda like the radiologist who's in charge of WH epidemiology for some crazy reason.

For a jurist who is admittedly brilliant in her job, she relies on the lamest of GOP responses: "I'm not a scientist." No siht Sherlock. If you were an expert in every issue you rule on, you'd be a god. And so, assuming you're mortal, you must rely on overwhelming scientific evidence.

I believe strongly in climate change and its causes, gravity and its continuing mysteries, evolution, Big Bang (until there's a more sound theory), etc. We all do this reasoning every day.

GL2 said:

So when she does research, she probably concludes that cigarette smoking causes cancer because experts overwhelming believe that. There are, if you remember the "controversy," a few Big Tobacco "scientists" who disagree...kinda like the radiologist who's in charge of WH epidemiology for some crazy reason.

For a jurist who is admittedly brilliant in her job, she relies on the lamest of GOP responses: "I'm not a scientist." No siht Sherlock. If you were an expert in every issue you rule on, you'd be a god. And so, assuming you're mortal, you must rely on overwhelming scientific evidence.

I believe strongly in climate change and its causes, gravity and its continuing mysteries, evolution, Big Bang (until there's a more sound theory), etc. We all do this reasoning every day.

This is not a serious confirmation process for an independent, qualified SCOTUS justice that will maintain a fair and independent judiciary. Just like the Senate Trump impeachment trial was never a quest for the truth. In both cases the results were already in before the process even started. Which means SCOTUS is now a Republican partisan body. We"ll just need to act accordingly. After last night's townhall, I am even cautiously optimistic that Biden will consider responding in kind.

GL2 said:

So when she does research, she probably concludes that cigarette smoking causes cancer because experts overwhelming believe that. There are, if you remember the "controversy," a few Big Tobacco "scientists" who disagree...kinda like the radiologist who's in charge of WH epidemiology for some crazy reason.

FWIW: Barrett defended this conclusion with the fact that cigarette packages have a warning on the label.

mtierney said:


Can you find ONE Democrat who has criticized her Catholicism?

And I bet the Monty Python reference in that cartoon is missed by 90% of the MAGA audience for that cartoon.

mtierney said:


 Biden is catholic 

Pelosi is catholic 

Try explaining that cartoon to Trump’s cult clinging to their guns and bibles. 

drummerboy said:

Can you find ONE Democrat who has criticized her Catholicism?

I'll criticize - maybe her Catholicism needs some work.  She professes ignorance about climate change and systemic racism, for starters.  As a Catholic who is a professor at a Catholic university, she should be a little more familiar with those topics.

drummerboy said:

And I bet the Monty Python reference in that cartoon is missed by 90% of the MAGA audience for that cartoon.

You can't be sure that Ms. mtierney even caught the reference. 

Jaytee said:

 Biden is catholic 

Pelosi is catholic 

Try explaining that cartoon to Trump’s cult clinging to their guns and bibles. 

 A large part of Trump's cult will go back to their usual Catholic-bashing after Judge Barrett is confirmed.

Bill Maher pointed out last night that when she is confirmed, 7 out of 9 justices will be Catholic. One converted and is Episcolpalian.  So where is the bias against Catholics on the court.

I like the current Pope but let's not ignore the dark side of the faith.

nohero said:

I'll criticize - maybe her Catholicism needs some work.  She professes ignorance about climate change and systemic racism, for starters.  As a Catholic who is a professor at a Catholic university, she should be a little more familiar with those topics.

 She certainly knows about respect for life. She adopted two children from Haiti — does that make her racist? She brought a disabled child into the world. I think she understands Catholicism very well.

nohero said:

You can't be sure that Ms. mtierney even caught the reference. 

 Give the man a cigar! 

mtierney said:

nohero said:

I'll criticize - maybe her Catholicism needs some work.  She professes ignorance about climate change and systemic racism, for starters.  As a Catholic who is a professor at a Catholic university, she should be a little more familiar with those topics.

 She certainly knows about respect for life. She adopted two children from Haiti — does that make her racist? ...

Does that make her not racist?

mtierney said:

nohero said:

I'll criticize - maybe her Catholicism needs some work.  She professes ignorance about climate change and systemic racism, for starters.  As a Catholic who is a professor at a Catholic university, she should be a little more familiar with those topics.

 She certainly knows about respect for life. She adopted two children from Haiti — does that make her racist? She brought a disabled child into the world. I think she understands Catholicism very well.

I gave two specific examples.  Your "does that make her a racist" question to me is insulting.  If you didn't want to address my point, you could have chosen not to post.  Maybe you're just unaware of the teachings that I referenced.

As a resigned Catholic since my teens, I haven't kept up with the tenants of the faith, but I think ethics dictate her examination of the conditions of her appointment and it's dishonesty.

She clearly knows, though I'm sure she would not be compelled to comment, that McConnell refused to consider Merrick Garland claiming it was not permissable during an election year.

If she were honest and ethical she would request to be removed from consideration during an election.

Morganna said:

Bill Maher pointed out last night that when she is confirmed, 7 out of 9 justices will be Catholic. One converted and is Episcolpalian.  So where is the bias against Catholics on the court.

I like the current Pope but let's not ignore the dark side of the faith.

 With conservatives, the fact that the Catholic ones are Catholic is often pointed out.  With liberals, hardly ever.

As we know, Joe Biden is Catholic, and has been, even when he was in the lead on marriage equality during the Obama administration.

Nancy Pelosi is Catholic.  The Democratic nominee before Obama is Catholic (John Kerry).

RFK was Catholic (big time), and he's a liberal icon.

Those are just some examples.

When I read the pronouncements of Francis and then read the words of certain right-wing American Catholics I must ask:

Is the Pope Catholic?

STANV said:

When I read the pronouncements of Francis and then read the words of certain right-wing American Catholics I must ask:

Is the Pope Catholic?

You can find some who say, "No".

Seriously that's not a joke.  Interestingly, you find them in the MAGAs.

Pope Francis’s latest encyclical Fratelli Tutti is a planting of the church’s flag firmly in the Joe Biden camp against President Trump, whom Francis has already scolded for “building walls and not bridges.” In it, Francis waxes romantically like an elderly John Lennon about a utopian brotherhood of man all the while portraying Our Lord and Savior as nothing more than a good-hearted humanitarian. The document uses the name “Jesus” but never His divine titles (Son of God, Christ the King, etc). Mary is also denied the honor of being called “the Blessed Virgin.” Instead, she’s simply called “the Mother of Jesus.” No doubt this was done to not offend Protestants.

Sounding more like leftover lecture notes from a social justice course at UC-Berkeley, Fratelli Tutti is not merely a list of Democratic talking points about diversity and immigration (although it is that). It's a blueprint for the socialist world order Pope Francis and his allies want to help usher in should Joe Biden become president. Without a doubt, it was deliberately released to coincide with the U.S. election. The Vatican desperately wants Sleepy Joe to win. He’d fulfill many of Francis’ goals on environmentalism, immigration, China, and more.

It’s been said that this election is the most important election in our lifetimes. That’s undoubtedly true. Not only is the fate of the American republic at stake but, quite possibly, the fate of the entire Westen world. As Archbishop Viganò has already remarked, “if Trump loses the presidential election, the final kathèkon [withholder] will fail (2 Thess 2:6-7)...and the dictatorship of the New World Order, which has already won Bergoglio over to its cause, will have an ally in the new American President [Joe Biden].”

Of course there are those who say that the pope is the real catholic, and all those right wing Catholics are not. This opinion is of course heavily supported by the New Testament, which pretty much says the opposite of what the conservatives are saying about how you should treat people in need.

Of course there are those who say that the pope is the real catholic, and all those right wing Catholics are not. This opinion is of course heavily supported by the New Testament, which pretty much says the opposite of what the conservatives are saying about how you should treat people in need.

It is difficult for me as a Jew to understand.

As a lawyer I know the statement by Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes that "the Constitution is what the Judges say it is".

I always though that Roman Catholicism is what the Pope says it is and anyone who was a Catholic had to follow it and anyone who disagreed should leave the Church.

What is the basis of Roman Catholicism if not what the Pope says? Is there something like a written Constitution?

nohero said:

I gave two specific examples.  Your "does that make her a racist" question to me is insulting.  If you didn't want to address my point, you could have chosen not to post.  Maybe you're just unaware of the teachings that I referenced.

 Oh, dear! I have “insulted” — however inadvertently — you yet again! You, as well, could have chosen not to post.

I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. So seeing the cartoon just posted I googled "Did Cory Booker call Amy Coney Barrett a white supremacist"? There were no results.

Knowing Booker I would have been surprised if there were any. If there is any basis for the assertion that Booker aid such a thing perhaps you have an obligation to direct me to that.

STANV said:

So I tried to educate myself:

 Great! Francis is closer to the persona of Jesus, no wonder he’s labeled as “communist”. He’s from the third world. He wants to upturn the money changers tables in the temple...

STANV said:

I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. So seeing the cartoon just posted I googled "Did Cory Booker call Amy Coney Barrett a white supremacist"? There were no results.

Knowing Booker I would have been surprised if there were any. If there is any basis for the assertion that Booker aid such a thing perhaps you have an obligation to direct me to that.

You're not going to find it convincing, whatever Ms. Mtierney points you to.  It requires "right wing logic" (oxymoron) to begin to follow the "reasoning".  There are probably two reasons the cartoonist singled out Senator Booker.

First, Senator Booker is featured as the "scary Black man" in Trump's speeches.  Trump implores "suburban women" (white) to "love" him because he's "saved the suburbs".  Trump says that if Biden is elected, Senator Booker will be put in charge of - something involving nonwhite people moving into suburbs.  It doesn't make any sense, but as Joe Biden pointed out, the only way Trump would know a suburb is if he took a wrong turn.  So the cartoon plays on the racist arguments that are a big feature of Trump's message.

Second, Senator Booker did ask Judge Barrett questions about racial bias in the courts.  Judge Barrett said she didn't know much about that [Link].  Senator Booker expressed concern about her lack of knowledge (or even interest in the subject).  Booker: "I hope you understand my heart when I look at a justice who it seems that the fix is in, is gonna serve on the Supreme Court, and hasn't taken steps to understand the pervasiveness, the facts, the truth about cases of race that are going to come before you."  Run that through the Trump filter, and that turns into calling her a white supremacist.

This illustrates my earlier point about how well Judge Barrett represents what could be called "Catholic thought" on a host of issues.  Not only is she a judge, but she was a professor at a law school, one at a Catholic university.  Her own law school, Notre Dame, touts its emphasis on the social justice teachings of the Church.  As an educated professional and academic in the law, she would have had to put her hands over her ears and say "La-la-la, I can't hear you" to miss the conversation and the teaching in Catholic academic institutions about systemic racism.  

systemic racism exists, because human nature is selfish, protecting what they have. Just a thought, perhaps there is a need for more people as educated as Judge Barrett, who was immersed in the Catholic teachings you believe? 

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