Who is Phyllis Scalera?

Author reports that she is the Republican candidate for TC. Does anyone know her? What is her platform?

This one does not know a thing about her.  But if you stop to think.,  if she is running unopposed for the nomination why even bother to campaign.   If one Republican votes for her.............she is the nominee.

Then we will see what she has to offer.

according to the Google, not surprisingly, Phyllis Scalera lives in Maplewood.  She has been an active member of the Maplewood Senior Club.  and she's running unopposed as a Republican for TC.

Considering the raging controversy about the PO site you would think she would have an opinion. Perhaps she wants to see the results of the Democratic Primary before expressing it.

But to me it is interesting that she has declined an invitation to speak at a candidates forum when that is being held at the business owned by a leading Maplewood Republican activist.

The forum to which you are referring is being run by Senior Share, a newly formed senior citizen group whose political agenda, if it has one, is exploring means by which seniors in our town can more readily remain here. It just happens to meet in the location to which you referred but is not linked directly to the host or to either political party.  Since Ms Scalera is running unopposed in the primary, I can understand why she would pass on an invitation to speak at this meeting.

Thanks for the info Joan.  The one community involvement that ml1 found for her was the Maplewood Senior Club. I would think she would be very interested in this candidates' forum. 

It is very difficult to run as a Republican in Maplewood. If I were she I would take every opportunity for public exposure. In fact appearing at a forum where Democrats might be criticizing each other might be a very good tactic for a republican candidate.

Well..Phyllis has had a change of heart and will be joinIng us for informal conversations with attendees on Saturday 

She will not make a presentation .We welcome all of you to join us on Saturday, ask any questions and draw your own conclusions .And as Joan notes we are formed to advance the cause of Senior issues , one of them being to assist those who wish to remain here ..that is one reason for the forum ...to explore how all of the candidates will begin to advance the services offered in the town, in particular to the housing needs Seniors have 

 Art, a bona fide senior, has joined us in our efforts and graciously offered his facilities for meeting .we may be able to meet in the garden weather permitting ..

Seniors are a formidable voting block in town.Most have been here for decades having served in various capacities of a volunteer nature including but not limited to Senior Clubs, the Woman's Club , Friends of the Library and the Garden Club ..these are just a few of the of the many organizations that have made Maplewood  the friendly town that it is and a reason to consider how the present governing body can help them remain living here . All age groups are welcome .

Agreed.  But am I the only one reading her name as Phyllis Schlafly?

I thought that you are one of the only ones who can vote in the Republican Primary

What is the rule for independents in this town? Are they welcome to vote in either primary, or neither? I've been keeping my registration status as democrat solely because that is where the action is in this town. Perhaps I should just ask Profeta, since he's been an R, a D and an I during his runs for TC.


An unaffiliated voter can vote in the primary for one party. They then automatically become registered under that party.


Thanks a lot Kurt.

joan_crystal said:

The forum to which you are referring is being run by Senior Share, a newly formed senior citizen group whose political agenda, if it has one, is exploring means by which seniors in our town can more readily remain here. It just happens to meet in the location to which you referred but is not linked directly to the host or to either political party.  Since Ms Scalera is running unopposed in the primary, I can understand why she would pass on an invitation to speak at this meeting.

 Thank you Joan, perfect synopsis.

I met Art at a Rent Party function, I told him about the Maplewood Senior Share group and he offered to have a pancake breakfast for us. It was a fantastic event, and the pancakes were delicious. We are very grateful to Art, and since that first meeting he has offered the space to us for meetings and has been a great host.


"A candidates forum held at the business owned by a leading Maplewood Republican activist."

To help further clarify, no politics except  when I'm posting on the political soapbox where I'm a Conservative Republican. When I'm at the B&B I'm the pancake man, when I'm in a tow truck I'm the repo man,, and when I'm out and about in town, I'm Art, and just happy to be your friend... ;-)

"A Man for all Seasons"

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