Who has seen Fun Home or some other great Bdwy musical?

Looking for a Broadway play.  Musicals preferred.  Saw A Gentleman's Guide.  Saw Curious Incident.  Hand To God?  Something Rotten? Other thoughts?

Did you see this one, Weezer?


You know I did.  Did you know that you can now see the film, Once, on Netflix?

Soul_29 said:

Did you see this one, Weezer?


jeffl said:

You know I did.  Did you know that you can now see the film, Once, on Netflix?
Soul_29 said:

Did you see this one, Weezer?


I was not sure if you did. 

I didn't know it's on Netflix, but I'm gonna check it out ...

I saw Glen Hansard on Tuesday night in NYC. Incredible show. 

just saw "Beautiful: the Carol King Story" with teen daughter.  We both loved it  

bak said:

just saw "Beautiful: the Carol King Story" with teen daughter.  We both loved it  

Beautiful was pretty good. We saw it early this year ... 

Once is supposed to be wonderful as a musical... I somehow missed it on Broadway but may catch it in New Brunswick too. You can also see upcoming musicals close to home at MPAC - Ragtime is coming January 28, A Night with Janis Joplin February 25 and more.

But to answer your question about Broadway, I did see Fun Home and it's terrific. However, it's not a "traditional" musical so it depends on what type of experience you're looking for. I'd almost describe it more like a play with music. It's a really strong character piece, if that makes sense.

If you haven't already, choose a date 6-8 months out and go ahead and buy Hamilton. You won't regret it!!

Curious Incident is definitely on my list. How did you like it? 

I also can't believe I haven't seen King & I yet. Kelli O'Hara hung the moon as far as I'm concerned, and I'll kick myself if I miss it. (So buy a damn ticket already, she says!!) 

I echo Tarheels’ endorsement of “Fun Home.”  It’s superb and is, indeed, basically a play with some very engaging music.  I would put it on par with “Curious Incident” in terms of character development and of intricacy of the staging in support of the story.


Saw Fun Home earlier this week.   GO SEE IT! Outstanding!  Intense and funny.   Performances were excellent

In case you couldn't tell,  I really liked it.


Saw Fun Home at the Public a while ago. It is NOT like going to see Jersey Boys or Beautiful..Each has it's pluses and minuses but I wouldn't see Fun Home if I was in the mood for a song and dance. I loved it as well. But I also loved Newsies, so there is no accounting for my taste!

Hamilton. Worth planning ahead for.

I really liked Hand to God, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. Enjoyed Beautiful a lot, too.  And, of course, Wicked and Book of Mormon are both terrific.

Thanks, Tom, and others.  Will see what I can get.

tom_kerns said:


Saw Fun Home earlier this week.   GO SEE IT! Outstanding!  Intense and funny.   Performances were excellent

In case you couldn't tell,  I really liked it.


Hamilton was one of the best I've seen.  We bought tickets 5 months in advance.

Something Rotten is great - especially if you are at least somewhat familiar with Shakespeare and Broadway Musicals, as it is a spoof on both.  My daughter and I loved it!

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