Where to View Fireworks

For years we watched fireworks from behind the library but last year we weren't able to. Any suggestions?

Meaning, without paying for a tag?

The best place is from the designated viewing area which requires a tag purchase. And remember that the fireworks aren't possible unless enough people buy tags, since that's where the money comes from to pay for the display.

That being said, I think you can see them from the surrounding streets, some of which are blocked off during that time. And many people sit on the front lawn of town hall, also.

The fireworks are funded through the tag sales. Fireworks only tags cost $10 each and will admit the tag holder to the designated viewing area which is the best place to view the fireworks. If you cannot afford to pay for the tags and want to see the fireworks, there may be surrounding areas where some or all of the fireworks display is visible. I I doubt anyone would be able to view the fireworks from behind the library this year since the fireworks are being set off from the adjacent hill.

Where were they set off last year?

nan said:
Where were they set off last year?

Same place as this year for the last two years - the hill area between the train station and the river, and between the Library and Oakview Avenue. Before that, they were set off from in front of the police station and the viewing area was directly across Valley Street from Town Hall.

Cubby, try the lawn in front of town hall.

The lawn in front of town hall seems to have been set up as a viewing area this year. There were several evenly spaced trash bags on stands set up there when I walked by yesterday. I don't know if this means the area will be designated for tag holders only this year (it was not fenced in when I passed in the early morning.) If not restricted, it should be an excellent place from which non-tag holders can view the fireworks; but, expect it to be in high demand. Get there as early as possible to claim your spot.

Pay your way, no one else is funding these expensive fireworks other than tag-buyers.


Or make a donation to the July 4th committee. In other words, you'll see the people selling tickets at the park throughout the day. Decide how much you want to contribute - maybe you're a family of 4 and choose to pay for 2 - and give them the money, telling them it's a donation since you can't pay full freight but want to help.

are the fireworks still on tonight ?

As of now. If it is still raining heavily this evening, the rain date is tomorrow night.

I just got back from selling tags in the park. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of persons who made a donation in addition to buying their tags. Thanks to all who did.

Thinking about trekking to MSU for $3 fireworks where I can sit on the bleachers and have easy parking. LOVE Maplewood but a solo trip is unappealing without some extras.

nakaille, there's also West Orange high school, a bit closer than Montclair:

Date/Time: Saturday, July 4 (fireworks take place at dusk)
Place: West Orange High School
Details: Featuring live music at 7 p.m. No bottles, food, chairs, gum or smoking. Admission is free.


luvmaplewood said:
Pay your way, no one else is funding these expensive fireworks other than tag-buyers.


I get your point, but I have to say $10 just for fireworks seems pretty high relative to other towns. I wonder how they are paid for in our neighboring towns that charge less.

Not just for fireworks. $10 dollar tag includes for approximately 5 hours of live music in addition to the fireworks.

Thanks, Wendy. Will consider that as well.

Is alcohol allowed at the Maplewood town fireworks extravaganza?

As in alcoholic beverage? Doubtful since alcoholic beverages are not permitted in any of Maplewood's parks. One exception is the Maplewoodstock Beer Garden but that there with permission of the TC and is in a fenced in area with admission tightly controlled.

Is there usually room to bring a kid's wagon into the viewing area? Or is it too crowded for that?

My favorite viewing spot: the deck in my backyard. cheese #NotHelpful

meganlibrarian said:
My favorite viewing spot: the deck in my backyard. cheese #NotHelpful

Also my viewing spot

Y'all... We just returned from the fireworks (paid the $10 to get into the fenced area) and when I tell you Maplewood DOES. NOT. PLAY. AROUND with these fireworks!!! I have never been so close to the cannons before. I think I might have hearing damage. And we were covered in ash... But it was AWESOME. Seriously, kudos to the peeps who put this shindig up every year because it was off the CHAIN.

Next year I think we might just give a donation and find a place to watch that's not quiiiiite so close, though...

Fireworks were great. They started a bit later than usual and I believe ran about 5 minutes shorter than last year's but they packed multiple patterns and were so creative this year that it wasn't noticed much. Kudos to all on the committee for all they do.

jed said:
Y'all... We just returned from the fireworks (paid the $10 to get into the fenced area) and when I tell you Maplewood DOES. NOT. PLAY. AROUND with these fireworks!!! I have never been so close to the cannons before. I think I might have hearing damage. And we were covered in ash... But it was AWESOME. Seriously, kudos to the peeps who put this shindig up every year because it was off the CHAIN.
Next year I think we might just give a donation and find a place to watch that's not quiiiiite so close, though...

I recommend ear plugs...

I attended the fireworks in Maplewood and purchased a tag at the gate. My ex and kids and I set up shop just this side of the infield dirt and I thought they did an absolutely wonderful job this year. IMO better than prior years. My son and I laid back and you could swear they were going off directly above us.

Great job. Crowd was orderly, kids selling glow sticks people having just a good time and it was a perfect night.

sportsnut said:
My son and I laid back and you could swear they were going off directly above us.

yes! worth the price of admission for that vantage point.

Definitely worth the money! Thanks to the Boy Scouts who sold glow sticks and food.

We greatly enjoyed the music and the chance to see friends and neighbors. What I enjoyed most was the diverse group of children of all ages dancing along to the DJ. My only complaint was the inappropriate "show me your breasts/back up" song. Thankfully most people did not notice the lyrics.

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