Where to get biometrics done for a visa application

Has anyone done this? My son has to go for a study-abroad visa and we can choose among locations in Elizabeth, Hackensack, and New York City. The NY location looks independent (VFS Global?), while the Elizabeth one is a USCIS application support center. Easier to drive to Elizabeth, but regardless hoping to get in and out without too much hassle so we can get the rest of the paperwork shipped off asap. Does it matter where we go, or is it the same everywhere? Thanks!

I had my Global Entry biometrics done in Elizabeth.  

Not sure if its the same location but,it was super easy, in and out, super fast.

Awesome--that's what we decided on. Every step of this is seemingly unnecessarily complicated. I couldn't confirm the appointment without paying a UK immigration health surcharge, but we already have health insurance plus a special study-abroad one. Do I really have to fork out another $200 on this? Argh!

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