When to start putting down fertilizer and grass seed.

When is it good to start yard Spring cleanup? raking, fertilizer down, grass seed. Etc.. Looking for a grass seed that doesn't die and turn brown in fall . Scotts? Brand suggestions

Good God I never know.  Been fighting my lawn for years.  I will say go for a 100% grass mix vs. those that have the blend with weird varieties.  Plus, lime for proper PH.

I have used a mix of Kentucky blue grass and fescue for years. I would seed in the beginning of fall.  But you can do it now before it gets too warm. Scott's sun/shade mix is very good, and Scott's weed and feed is what I use. Over fertilizing can result in brown grass in the cool months I have found. 

Good luck, there is nothing more rewarding than getting the lawn just right.

Just a pitch for minimizing grass and all the work and chemicals that necessarily go into it.  We've been planting wild flowers over time and cutting back on the footprint of the lawn, front and back.  They look good and basically take care of themselves once they grow in.

bub said:
Just a pitch for minimizing grass and all the work and chemicals that necessarily go into it.  We've been planting wild flowers over time and cutting back on the footprint of the lawn, front and back.  They look good and basically take care of themselves once they grow in.

 Stepables has a wide variety of grass alternatives 

spontaneous said:

bub said:
Just a pitch for minimizing grass and all the work and chemicals that necessarily go into it.  We've been planting wild flowers over time and cutting back on the footprint of the lawn, front and back.  They look good and basically take care of themselves once they grow in.
 Stepables has a wide variety of grass alternatives 

 We've been kinda suckered over the decades into the cult of grass.  There are lots of nice alternatives that don't involve Roundup and all of the other crap we put into the ground in the worship of grass. 

I have had a lawn for over 40 years in 4 different houses. Never used fertilizer or weed killer in that time. My lawn was just as green as the neighbor who has a lawn service which sprays crap on their lawn every month.

ETA: Their lawn greens up about a week before mine in the Spring.

Nixon, as I recall, was into fertilizer, weed killer and stuff. He used to always be talking about bringing lawn order to the country.  

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