When is South Orange switching water providers and will we still have hard water?

Thanks for the info

Estimated date for switching is Jan 2017 I think. Hard water?? Probably....

Switching to New Jersey American, same as Maplewood, mostly Passaic River water with some wells. However, SO does have one well of their own which feeds into the system.

South Orange is already listed on the N.J. Am. website as a municipality that is served. I don't know if that is accurate, or wishful thinking.

Jan 1, 2017 is the switch over date. And yes, the water will still be hard, though maybe not as bad (Have heard that NJ American Water in Maplewood is not as hard as SO water.) However, water hardness is based on the source more than anything, as well water is hard. As long as there are wells feeding the system, the water won't be as soft as a system that sources rivers.

A small part of SO is apparently already on NJ American, which would explain the listing on their website.

No, it wouldn't, at least according to the format of their website. The website lists either whole towns, or parts of towns with the differently covered areas spelled out, for example Irvington east of the Parkway is in a different service area than west of Parkway. South Orange is listed in its entirety. I don't question you; the website could be inaccurate. But can you say what part of S.O. is already served if the whole town is not? And what would be the reasoning?

I think that NJ American may be supplying some of its water along with Newark to the EOWC water, so as to dilute the EOWC water, which if not diluted with the water of these suppliers, would exceed the legal level for tetrachlorethylene. I could be wrong about NJAWC, but Newark water is definitely being used.

We have NJ Am Water in WO and the water is hard.. you get a nice white cloudy film on your dishes and crusty deposits on dishwasher and showerhead -- yum

I have been advised that only in emergencies are the Newark Holland Ave. and/or NJAW Walton and Luddington Rd. connections opened, such as last week.

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