What is eating the leaves on my rose bush?

And what do I use to stop it?

Possibly leafcutting bees. I saw a few out this morning - they are really fascinating. Check out the link below and see if the cut pattern matches up. The bees I saw this morning were only cutting the rose bush leaves, nothing else. And then flying around with leaf pieces to bring back to their nest.


I have the same damage on my roses and I believe that it is insect damage. Given all of the recent press on the damage to our bee colonies and other pollinators, I am reluctant to treat with pesticides. For now, I am just trying to ignore.

I'm not much of a flower grower, but I use Neem oil for this kind of thing on other plants http://amzn.to/1Fjcyof

You can also find it in the form of a product called Bon Neem.

You could start by spraying with a dilute solution of detergent and water. Be sure to get the undersides of the leaves too.

TigerLilly said:
I'm not much of a flower grower, but I use Neem oil for this kind of thing on other plants http://amzn.to/1Fjcyof
You can also find it in the form of a product called Bon Neem.

Thanks - looks like Home Depot has this one:

tom said:
You could start by spraying with a dilute solution of detergent and water. Be sure to get the undersides of the leaves too.

This is what we used to do for aphids on our roses. You just have to remember to re-apply it after a heavy rain. In your case, however, the culprits aren't there waiting to be sprayed (aphids are dumb that way) so maybe a stronger solution is needed. I say go for the Neem, or another more generic insecticide.

I don't think it will harm the bees everyone is worried about unless you spray it directly into an open flower. That's where the bees feed.

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