What happened to Knit Knack and Happy Feet?

Two great small businesses, gone?

Is Happy Feet (children's shoes in Short Hills) really closed? I was there just a few weeks ago.

Yes. Store is for rent.

susan1014 said:
Is Happy Feet (children's shoes in Short Hills) really closed? I was there just a few weeks ago.


From Knit Knack:

It is that time. Tuesday, June 30th is the last day.
11 to 6
Everything is on sale for 70%.
I want to thank you all for being amazing.
This was a great journey because of you.
Everyday was entertaining and fun. I love that you all
felt comfortable enough to share your stories.
Thank you for that and thank you for enjoying my inventory.
I will cherish that past year.

Regarding Knit Knack, very surprised since at the street fair in June, talked about some upcoming classes and the like. Disappointed since I really wanted to restart knitting again.

Knitknack was a great little store with a lovely owner who was always happy to chat and brainstorm. But yarn stores are notoriously difficult to turn into profitable enterprises. If you open a yarn store, it really has to be for the love of it, not out of a desire to make lots of money. Which is a damn shame. As a knitter/crocheter and real lover of yarn, I hate it that two of my favorite yarn stores have gone under (the other was in Montclair behind the Bank of America).


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