What are the best food co-ops?

Are they for real? Can you receive different amounts of veggies? Would like to know if it's worthwhile.

It would help if you could say why you are asking. I'm a fan of Purple Dragon, which is mostly organic produce. I am not a current member, but I like to cook and enjoyed finding a way to use the contents of my share with little notice of what it would be. We are a small household, so a half share was plenty, but it wasn't the only produce we consumed over two weeks.

I've been hosting an Alstede site for several years. There are three size options and it's a great variety. If you go to the Alstede website you can get more info re/ pricing etc. I like that it's all local, some organic, all sustainable. 

I love the food co-ops in Vermont and Oregon that are actual grocery stores.  Is there anything like that in NJ?

Klinker said:

I love the food co-ops in Vermont and Oregon that are actual grocery stores.  Is there anything like that in NJ?

Although it is one hour from soma, there is the Sussex County Food Coop in Newton.


Klinker said:

I love the food co-ops in Vermont and Oregon that are actual grocery stores.  Is there anything like that in NJ?

I don't know of any, but I don't know much of anything.

We are members of the High Falls Food Coop in High Falls, NY. It is like a small grocery store where nearly everything is organic. Anything that can be local is local. It has enough variety of food that we rarely have to shop anywhere else. But it's about a two-hour drive from Maplewood. We have a weekend house in High Falls.

If the OP was asking about farm shares (CSA) and not a co-op store, Honeybrook Organic Farm in Pennington delivers to MPD and SO and has four sizes of boxes ranging from very small to large.  It is mostly veggies with occasional fruit.  Everything is very good quality.  The Sunday pickup works better for me than some of the other local options which have weekday pickups.

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