Wegmans coming...to Brooklyn

A Wegamn's is coming... to Brooklyn.  LOL


To quote my 7-year old daughter, "it's not FAIR!"
(If I still lived in Brooklyn, I'd be ecstatic right now. Fairway AND Wegman's? Dang!)

Wegmans is also coming to Hanover:  http://www.dailyrecord.com/story/news/local/2015/01/19/wegmans-breaks-ground-hanover/22016133/

Elle_Cee said:

Wegmans is also coming to Hanover:  http://www.dailyrecord.com/story/news/local/2015/01/19/wegmans-breaks-ground-hanover/22016133

 That's still a good 20-25 minutes from my SW Maplewood home. Waaaaaah. cheese  #FirstWorldProblems

Give it time. I remember when Trader Joe's had a policy of not locating in "urban" areas because of their conviction that customers wouldn't shop in a store they couldn't drive to and park at. 

Of course, Wegman's may be reluctant to venture into Shop Rite territory... we do have quite a few of those in the area (West Orange, Millburn, Union, Springfield)...

If you read the article about the store in Hanover, a prior effor in E. Hanover failed due to opposition from residents.  The stores are enormous.  And they are on 35 - 40 acres.  Given the amount of traffic created by such a large store it pretty much limits them to open on major roads (22, 10, etc).  Trader Joe's are tiny markets by today's standards so easier for them to open in urban settings.  I can't think of a location within 10 minutes of SOMA that would work (Well maybe if they took over SHU, lol) and guessing a 20 minute drive is going to be as good as it gets if you really want to go to a Wegmans.  

So who can explain the SFA lot in Millburn/SH remaining vacant for what -15 years??? It would possibly work for a Wegmans....

truegrid said:

So who can explain the SFA lot in Millburn/SH remaining vacant for what -15 years??? It would possibly work for a Wegmans....

 No, it wouldn't. Unless they could get concessions from the counties regarding the roads and from the towns regarding just about everything else.

This has been discussed ad nauseum in the past.

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