Train Station Snow Removal Who the hell is in charge??????? Town Snow Removal Who is in Charge I give it a D+ grade, F at station

Who is in charge of removing snow from the train station parking spots?  The snow was not properly removed and most spots at the station are not usable.  What is up with that?  The snow needs to be removed from the parking spots, people need to go to work!!!  The mayor got to get on this ASAP.  Overall snow removal in town is poor as well.  Who is in charge???????

whoa, dial it back a few notches. The DPW worked all weekend, including into the wee hours of this morning. They were using back loaders to remove snow into dumpsters and cart it away from the village at 2 am today. I know because it woke me up, but you don't hear me whining about it, because they do a phenomenal job for days on end.

And furthermore, NJ Transit is responsible for their own lots, not the town.

It could be done faster if we wanted to pay for more trucks and have fore people on staff so emergency overtime could include more people.  But if we were to do this, would we then not be complaining about the excess costs?  And we probably could have had even more cleared from the train station had it not been for a few people parking illegally and blocking the progress.  The delays in waiting for tow trucks could have been used for removal.

I arrived with my car at the station at 5 am and got one of 7 spots cleared.  There was plenty off opportunity today to remove the snow from the station spots.  When I returned at 5:30 this afternoon no additional snow removal was done all day.  The is totally unacceptable I have lived here for 20 years and I have never remember snow not being removed from the station.  Mr. Mayor get our town or NJ Transit to remove the snow.  We had no snow removal all year there is money in the budget!!!!

Some people just want to whine (and use excessive exclamation points). 

from the Maplewood PD.

The DPW is planning to remove snow from Maplewood Avenue and Dunnell Rd overnight, sometime between the hours of midnight and 10 am (with the hope of being completed by 6 am). Part of the plan includes using their equipment to remove as much snow from the sidewalks as possible.

jamie said:
from the Maplewood PD.
The DPW is planning to remove snow from Maplewood Avenue and Dunnell Rd overnight, sometime between the hours of midnight and 10 am (with the hope of being completed by 6 am). Part of the plan includes using their equipment to remove as much snow from the sidewalks as possible.

The release also says NO Parking on either street during those hours. 

I did notice that all the train station spots that you pay for separately vs permits were cleared completely.  

Exactly....we don't staff or supply Public Works to the levels needed to deal rapidly with a level of event that happens less than once a decade. That excess capacity does not exist anywhere in the system (public or private) because we don't want to pay for it.  

How much would you pay in taxes to have more DPW workers and plows all the time, just so that we can deal with historic storms more effectively?

After a storm this large, expect a few days of difficulty.  I know it is hard if you have Manhattan-dwelling bosses and colleagues whose commutes aren't as disrupted as yours, but managing that is part of moving to the 'burbs.

(waiting for the call to pick up spouse, since I drove him the morning, leaving his space for someone who couldn't walk or get a ride to the station)

jeffhandy said:

It could be done faster if we wanted to pay for more trucks and have fore people on staff so emergency overtime could include more people.  But if we were to do this, would we then not be complaining about the excess costs?  And we probably could have had even more cleared from the train station had it not been for a few people parking illegally and blocking the progress.  The delays in waiting for tow trucks could have been used for removal.

jamie said:
from the Maplewood PD.
The DPW is planning to remove snow from Maplewood Avenue and Dunnell Rd overnight, sometime between the hours of midnight and 10 am (with the hope of being completed by 6 am). Part of the plan includes using their equipment to remove as much snow from the sidewalks as possible.

Gee.  Sounds like a perfectly rational and acceptable approach to me. 

My mail was 20 minutes late today! I discovered moisture on one of my Ferragamo Nayon high tops! Ashley Marketplace is out of organic chanterelles! And I had to park my BMW on a sidestreet! A SIDESTREET!!!

My GOD, man.  Tough day right there.

for $50 you can park in my driveway

for $50, you can say you know me and that I might let you park in my driveway

if you can fix my snowblower, you can park in my driveway for free.

Thank you to all the DPW people who worked long and hard to clear the streets.  I know that a lot of the plowing is subcontracted out to various companies, but it seems they have difficulty gauging where the curbs are.  I would say they miss by a good four to five feet on each side of the street, creating a single lane on some of the side streets. I know they do follow up removal such as on Maplewood Avenue in the center of town, but does the DPW go around and try to clear some of the obstructed intersections or try to widen some of the already plowed streets? This is a suggestion, not a complaint.

When we have 2+ feet of snow on the roadways, the town is limited when it comes to places to put the plowed snow safely.  I doubt that loading that snow onto trucks and transporting it somewhere if a viable option.  Thus, for a time  the roads are much narrower, visibility at corners is shot, piles of snow may end up partially blocking the lesser used road(s) at intersections, crosswalks become impassible etc. This makes for difficult walking and driving in some areas while nature takes its course but we are still way better off than the images of parts of Queens that were shown on the news last night.

MapSO DPW has done a commendable job. Compare it to other thanks to them! 

ps There was a black parked SUV car there yesterday whose passenger side brake light and bumper had obviously been hit by someone....all the pieces were still on the ground leading me to believe it was a hit and run. No note anywhere. THAT sucked for whoever owned it. Did anyone else see it?

joan_crystal said:
we are still way better off than the images of parts of Queens that were shown on the news last night.

You don't have to go that far. Most of Newark is still unplowed. It's a complete mess and ambulances and emergency vehicles can't get through. People needing to go to the hospital are having to be transported to main roads on sleds, dragged by hand. I'm very thankful for the amazing folks at the Maplewood & S.O. DPWs who got our streets as clear as they could, as soon as they could. 

As usual, DPW did a fantastic job cleaning up after a major snowstorm.  My only complaint is with private contractors who clear driveways and push the snow up onto the sidewalk across the street.

SORescue said:

You don't have to go that far. Most of Newark is still unplowed. It's a complete mess and ambulances and emergency vehicles can't get through. People needing to go to the hospital are having to be transported to main roads on sleds, dragged by hand. I'm very thankful for the amazing folks at the Maplewood & S.O. DPWs who got our streets as clear as they could, as soon as they could. 

+1.  Newark snow removal (or lack thereof) is pretty much a disaster.   I recognize that there are many, many severe challenges to getting the job done here, but incompetence seems to also be part of the problem.

I have to say that the snow removal ON the South Orange platform was absymal. This morning was just a little better, but it made it slippery.

The person in charge of NJ transit (platform and lots) is in New Hampshire for some job interview thing. Unfortunately, my understanding is that the hiring committee sees neglect of things like basic infrastructure as a plus, so we probably can't expect too much improvement in the near future.

PVW said:

The person in charge of NJ transit (platform and lots) is in New Hampshire for some job interview thing. Unfortunately, my understanding is that the hiring committee sees neglect of things like basic infrastructure as a plus, so we probably can't expect too much improvement in the near future.


PVW said:

The person in charge of NJ transit (platform and lots) is in New Hampshire for some job interview thing. Unfortunately, my understanding is that the hiring committee sees neglect of things like basic infrastructure as a plus, so we probably can't expect too much improvement in the near future.

Interestingly, the rest of the stations east of South Orange are clear. so I am not so sure that's the reason.

There is a basic principle of capacity planning which applies to capacity of many various resources: If you have enough for your time of greatest need, you have spent too much.

PVW said:

The person in charge of NJ transit (platform and lots) is in New Hampshire for some job interview thing. Unfortunately, my understanding is that the hiring committee sees neglect of things like basic infrastructure as a plus, so we probably can't expect too much improvement in the near future.

 oh oh  oh oh  oh oh 

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