toddler flat feet - can anything be done for it?

JerseyBoy is 2 1/2, and appears to have flat feet.  My aunt tells me that she had flat feet when she was younger and wore corrective shoes for years, and that fixed the problem.  When I asked the pediatrician 6 months ago, however, he said JerseyBoy was too young to do anything about it, and that even when he's older, all you can really do is trim down a women's arch support to try to fit it in his shoe, and that might help.  I am wondering if anyone has successfully resolved this problem in his/her own child, and how it was treated.  I've done some research on my own for toddler orthotics and came up with some company in West Orange called the Hanger Clinic, but then I started wondering why our pediatrician either didn't know about them or didn't want to recommend them, given that it's so close...Would love any insight that any of you might have to share on what actually works!

Thanks in advance!

Talk to a podiatrist, particularly a pediatric podiatrist. 

It might be that trends change with time re what your aunt did in her day and what is generally accepted by AMA today. I don't know this as a fact. 

My own experience with toddler feet is about 15 years out of date, but my recollection is that flat feet are normal well into childhood, and a quick Google search seems to bear that out. If my pediatrician was unconcerned, I'd be very wary of putting anything into the shoes of a new walker.

Hanger specializes in braces and prosthetic limbs. If your concerns go beyond the appearance of flat feet, they might be able to suggest a doctor.

My feet are flat. Yet they are about function. I never had any discomfort and always felt I could walk for miles. My older brother also had flat feet. I think the army gave him some inserts or special boots. I don't think they were necessary and he never had special shoes when he left the army.

My daughter (14 y/o) has flat feet.  Her ankles also pronate in slightly.  She wears orthotics everyday because they make her feet do what that would do if she had arches.  It is most problematic for her dancing.  She dances 5 days a week and this is going to be a real issue going forward.

your pediatrician is wouldn't just trim down a women's product....he would likely get custom made inserts in needed...

call up a podiatrist and ask if it would be worth bringing him in..or at what age you should address it


Flat feet in a child do not need treatment if they are not causing pain or walking problems.

  • Your child's feet will grow and develop the same, whether special shoes, shoe inserts, heel cups, or wedges are used.
  • Your child may walk barefoot, run or jump, or do any other activity without making the flat feet worse.

In older children and adults, flexible flat feet that do not cause pain or walking problems do not need further treatment. 

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