Supergirl on CBS October 26th

Watched a preview on the youtubes. Seems like a real disaster.

Hm. I haven't watched the long (6-minute) preview yet. So far I see a young woman flying around in a blue, red and yellow costume catching planes and punching bad guys.

So far so good as far as I can see.

A few wrinkles on the genre but bound for the dust bins of history.

Looks like it could be fun. All of you shut up. surprised

Oh brother. Where's the kryptonite?

Greg Berlanti and Geoff Johns are involved and if they can make it as fun as the Flash and the Arrow are I will watch. I wish it was on CW so they could do crossovers with those shows and Legends of Tomorrow when that starts.

Oh well.

I remember the old Flash TV show -- it had a very stylish art deco decor thing going on, really nice to look at.

I miss Helen Slater...


tom said:
I remember the old Flash TV show -- it had a very stylish art deco decor thing going on, really nice to look at.

The old Flash plays the dad of the new Flash on the CW show.

Three days to go. DVR set. Cape ironed.

Be honest... You are just hoping there's a chance someone will cast you in a series about the Incredibles.

soda said:
I miss Helen Slater...

She's in the new one! She and Dean Cain play "Supergirl's" adoptive parents. Really fun casting.

TarheelsInNj said:

soda said:
I miss Helen Slater...
She's in the new one! She and Dean Cain play "Supergirl's" adoptive parents. Really fun casting.



Well, I thought it was fun. I like Melissa Benoist in the role. The first episode felt a little rushed but you definitely don't need to rehash her origin in too much depth.

mrincredible said:

Are you related to this SUPERPOWER?

Nope. Just an old school DC Comics fan. Especially all things Kryptonian.

I hope this show is not joyless like Gotham and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I am not sure why both of those shows, especially Gotham, are going into such dark territory. I wish they would lighten up a little.

I could see it going either way. There is a definite Agents of SHIELD aspect to the storyline. It doesn't have to make the whole show dark though.

I like that Supergirl is not the only strong and capable female character. I like that her sister has her back. Also notice who finds the bad guy.

At first her awkward fighting bothered me but then I realized it makes sense. She's never superheroed before. Looks like this will be addressed in future episodes.

I like the casting of Melissa Benoist. I think she's charming and looks the part. But she's not the hyper-buxom skimpily dressed pinup girl that comic book heroines often become.

Helen Slater is Supergirl. Period.

Just watched pilot. I'm done. Just too silly.

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