Sun. Feb. 12 Talk on Stories of Destruction & Death in 19th C. N.J. by historian Alan Siegel at Durand-Hedden

Disaster! Stories of Destruction and Death in 19th Century New Jersey A slide talk with historian Alan Siegel, Sunday, February 12, at 2pm

February 2017 – Superstorm Sandy in 2012 was a disaster of epic proportions, by any measure. The deadliest storm to strike the East Coast since Hurricane Diane in 1955, Sandy killed 37 people and caused more than $30 million in damages in New Jersey alone.

But our state’s history is filled with catastrophe. Using riveting images, speaker Alan Siegel brings talk participants face-to-face with natural and human-caused calamities between 1821 and 1906 ranging from train wreaks to wildfires. He focuses on tales of bravery and forgotten acts of courage in the face of danger. Mr. Siegel, a lawyer practicing in Chatham, has published numerous New Jersey history books, including Smile: A Picture History of Olympic Park, 1887-1965 and Beneath the Starry Flag: New Jersey’s Civil War Experience.

Join us at Durand-Hedden House & Garden on Sunday, February 12 at 2pm, for an unforgettable afternoon with fellow local history lovers. Disaster! will be available for purchase at the book signing following the talk. The event is free; donations welcome.

Exhibit on Maplewood Be sure to also see the fascinating exhibit on the history of the College Hill neighborhood From Farm to Suburb: The Birth of College Hill.

Country Shopping Check out our Country Store’s historic-themed treasures: early American games, books, and toys; facsimile documents; quill pens and ink; historic cookbooks; cookie molds; tin lanterns; and reproductive decorative items and ceramics. You’ll also discover the hardto-find original Doors of Maplewood poster, Smile: A Pictorial History of Olympic Park 1887-1965, and the new acid-free reproduction of the charming 1931 Map of Maplewood.

About Durand-Hedden House and Garden Durand-Hedden House is dedicated to telling the history of the development of Maplewood and the surrounding area in new and engaging ways. It is located in Grasmere Park at 523 Ridgewood Road in Maplewood. For more information or to arrange group tours call 973-763-7712. You can also visit our website at and find us on Facebook and Twitter.

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