Ukraine's Friends and Heroes

Thought it would be nice to look at the many ways people in and out of Ukraine are lending their support for the Ukrainian people.

I'll start with First Lady Jill Biden's surprise visit to Ukraine.

I heard Bono did a live concert in the subway station in Kyiv over the weekend. I don’t have a link. Maybe some of our resident librarians can get it. 

Here you go:

Jaytee said:

I heard Bono did a live concert in the subway station in Kyiv over the weekend. I don’t have a link. Maybe some of our resident librarians can get it. 

Saw the Bono appearance and an interview with the Ukrainian group The Edge. Very cool.

This is a list of hotels and travel companies that are assisting Ukraine's refugees. When I read about a company doing good I like to send "thank you" emails. Learned that as an animal rights advocate. Sure I like to complain to the bad guys, but a recognition of kindness is  good business.,America.%20...%204%20Uber.%20...%205%20Miles4Migrants.%20

If anyone isn't already familiar with Yale Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld's daily updated list of which companies have suspended business operations in Russia, who is still active and all those in between, this is the story behind it.

Here is the link to Prof. Sonnenfeld's list. When opened you will see it is over 1000. He had done a great deal to push big business to action.

I saw this on my FB friend's page from Ukraine.

Japan is blocking exports to russia of high-tech products. Quantum computers, spare parts for them, microscopy, equipment for modeling (3D printers), catalysts for oil refining, equipment for the preparation of microelectromechanical systems and for the production of water fires, vacuum pumps, cooling equipment and other components, polymers.Thank you for supporting Ukraine

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joanne said:

Morganna, can you spread the word of this project to quilters and artists, please?

I LOVE this! Going to post on my FB page and I'd like to make a square! Be great to gather some SOMA artists willing to try. This is so beautiful @joanne and thank you for sharing this! 

I think it needs it's own thread on MOL as most don't venture to All Politics.

I used to collect Victorian Crazy Quilts and tried my hand at a bit of embroidery. I had run across pictures of Gloria Vanderbilt's home with patchwork floors, drapes etc. Then I bought her book of personal collages. I still have the pics from the old Vogue and a few years ago replace the old book of her work.

Can you tell that I'm psyched?

"9 LIONS SUCCESSFULLY EXTRACTED!!!For the past 72 hours Tom and the team have been working alongside Lionel (@warrior of wildlife) & Veterinarian Gemma (Worldwide Vets) to extract 9 lions from Ukraine. We are so pleased to tell you that all nine lions are now successfully out of Ukraine and on there way to there temporary home before going to South Africa. Over the coming days Tom will place up a full post with all the details of the extraction but for now they still have an incredibly long drive to do with these magnificent lions."

Graduation in Kharkiv, class of 2022.

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