Senator Booker endorses Iran nuclear deal

Senator Booker endorses the Iran nuclear deal!

Please email, call or tweet him and express your thanks. He was under intense pressure and
this decision took great courage:

Call Senator Booker: (202) 224-3224

Email Senator Booker here:

Tweet Senator Booker at @corybooker

It's about friggin' time. After sending him numerous e-mails and phone calls, I was about to send him my last e-mail telling him how utterly disappointed I am with him (not only on this matter, but on several other matters that he never even bothered to confirm receipt of my e-mails, one of which was a very specific request) when I heard the news that he finally endorsed the deal.

mumstheword said:
It's about friggin' time. After sending him numerous e-mails and phone calls, I was about to send him my last e-mail telling him how utterly disappointed I am with him (not only on this matter, but on several other matters that he never even bothered to confirm receipt of my e-mails, one of which was a very specific request) when I heard the news that he finally endorsed the deal.

This is my reaction exactly. I've been extremely frustrated with him on this issue and am relieved that he's finally, finally, finally made his decision.

Will be voting for whomever runs against him, poor decision and poor leadership. Not listening to his constituents (the majority, not represented on MOL, I'm aware, I'm aware) and then waiting until Obama had enough support to then support Obama. What a typical politician.

BubbaTerp said:
Will be voting for whomever runs against him, poor decision and poor leadership. Not listening to his constituents (the majority, not represented on MOL, I'm aware, I'm aware) and then waiting until Obama had enough support to then support Obama. What a typical politician.

Yeah, he played it really safe, which shouldn't be surprising. But "leadership" isn't always "listening to your constituents." In fact, it is sometimes the opposite. I don't want a Senator who governs exclusively by the polls.

BubbaTerp said:
Will be voting for whomever runs against him, poor decision and poor leadership. Not listening to his constituents (the majority, not represented on MOL, I'm aware, I'm aware) and then waiting until Obama had enough support to then support Obama. What a typical politician.

Actually, waiting until Obama had adequate support in the Senate gave him the opportunity to go against the deal, knowing his President would get the deal anyway.

I'd like to see some evidence that the majority of his constituents were opposed. Not sure I believe it.

I'm glad we live in a state where the local Democratic machine can occasionally be challenged and defeated. I like Booker, but as a Senator he's under-performed and the way he handled this is just not very inspiring. This isn't NJ focused but it's conventional wisdom that most Americans don't support the deal.

mjh said:

BubbaTerp said:
Will be voting for whomever runs against him, poor decision and poor leadership. Not listening to his constituents (the majority, not represented on MOL, I'm aware, I'm aware) and then waiting until Obama had enough support to then support Obama. What a typical politician.
Actually, waiting until Obama had adequate support in the Senate gave him the opportunity to go against the deal, knowing his President would get the deal anyway.
I'd like to see some evidence that the majority of his constituents were opposed. Not sure I believe it.

No, you want a Senator who doesn't listen to polls when he agrees with you oh oh And all other times, listens to the polls (since those would also agree with you). oh oh

dave23 said:

BubbaTerp said:
Will be voting for whomever runs against him, poor decision and poor leadership. Not listening to his constituents (the majority, not represented on MOL, I'm aware, I'm aware) and then waiting until Obama had enough support to then support Obama. What a typical politician.
Yeah, he played it really safe, which shouldn't be surprising. But "leadership" isn't always "listening to your constituents." In fact, it is sometimes the opposite. I don't want a Senator who governs exclusively by the polls.

Yes, of course there is that. We all love to have our biases confirmed. Booker has never shown anything resembling political courage and I'd gladly vote against him if a strong primary opponent magically appeared.

BubbaTerp said:
No, you want a Senator who doesn't listen to polls when he agrees with you <img src="> And all other times, listens to the polls (since those would also agree with you). <img src=">

dave23 said:

BubbaTerp said:
Will be voting for whomever runs against him, poor decision and poor leadership. Not listening to his constituents (the majority, not represented on MOL, I'm aware, I'm aware) and then waiting until Obama had enough support to then support Obama. What a typical politician.
Yeah, he played it really safe, which shouldn't be surprising. But "leadership" isn't always "listening to your constituents." In fact, it is sometimes the opposite. I don't want a Senator who governs exclusively by the polls.

Glad we agree on general principle my friend oh oh

dave23 said:
Yes, of course there is that. We all love to have our biases confirmed. Booker has never shown anything resembling political courage and I'd gladly vote against him if a strong primary opponent magically appeared.

BubbaTerp said:
No, you want a Senator who doesn't listen to polls when he agrees with you <img src="> And all other times, listens to the polls (since those would also agree with you). <img src=">

dave23 said:

BubbaTerp said:
Will be voting for whomever runs against him, poor decision and poor leadership. Not listening to his constituents (the majority, not represented on MOL, I'm aware, I'm aware) and then waiting until Obama had enough support to then support Obama. What a typical politician.
Yeah, he played it really safe, which shouldn't be surprising. But "leadership" isn't always "listening to your constituents." In fact, it is sometimes the opposite. I don't want a Senator who governs exclusively by the polls.

But can we agree on best SOMA pizzeria? I'm 100% in the Roman Gourmet camp (pizzeria pizza, not in the Arturro's degree of fancy)

dave23 said:

BubbaTerp said:
But can we agree on best SOMA pizzeria? I'm 100% in the Roman Gourmet camp (pizzeria pizza, not in the Arturro's degree of fancy)

dave23 said:

There aren't that many pizzeria pizzerias to choose from.

True, only maybe a dozen between SOMA, WO, Millburn.

dave23 said:

BubbaTerp said:
But can we agree on best SOMA pizzeria? I'm 100% in the Roman Gourmet camp (pizzeria pizza, not in the Arturro's degree of fancy)

dave23 said:
There aren't that many pizzeria pizzerias to choose from.

BubbaTerp said:
True, only maybe a dozen between SOMA, WO, Millburn.

dave23 said:

BubbaTerp said:
But can we agree on best SOMA pizzeria? I'm 100% in the Roman Gourmet camp (pizzeria pizza, not in the Arturro's degree of fancy)

dave23 said:
There aren't that many pizzeria pizzerias to choose from.

Ah, I thought you were limiting it to the two towns.

Too bad that Booker can never be out in front on anything. He is proving to be a lousy representative of this state but given his role model in Menendez maybe we don't deserve anything better. Booker is so deep in the pockets of his funders that he will never be open minded about important issues of the day. Shame on us for electing him and Menendez. And to think that I have been a registered Democrat for well over 40 years.

festus said:
Too bad that Booker can never be out in front on anything. He is proving to be a lousy representative of this state but given his role model in Menendez maybe we don't deserve anything better. Booker is so deep in the pockets of his funders that he will never be open minded about important issues of the day. Shame on us for electing him and Menendez. And to think that I have been a registered Democrat for well over 40 years.

On this vote Booker voted against his biggest funder.

paulsurovell said:
Senator Booker endorses the Iran nuclear deal!
Please email, call or tweet him and express your thanks. He was under intense pressure and
this decision took great courage:
Call Senator Booker: (202) 224-3224
Email Senator Booker here:
Tweet Senator Booker at @corybooker

This was the right decision. If it was difficult, it was only because he put the security of the planet on the same level of importance as his own reelection. This is politics as usual.

festus said:
Too bad that Booker can never be out in front on anything. He is proving to be a lousy representative of this state but given his role model in Menendez maybe we don't deserve anything better. Booker is so deep in the pockets of his funders that he will never be open minded about important issues of the day. Shame on us for electing him and Menendez. And to think that I have been a registered Democrat for well over 40 years.

I do not know why you think Booker considers Menendez a role model.

On this issue they took opposite positions, but more than that, what is people's problem with Menendez? He is a straight down the line center-left Democrat on most issues.

What is the model? Is it Bill Bradley, an intellectual who led on some big issues? I can't remember his actual accomplishments.

Or is it Frank Lautenberg, who concentrated on practical, perhaps "small bore" problems and had concrete victories. (No smoking on planes).

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