Limbaugh Still Dead

Personally, I hope they bury him under a urinal because would love to pee on his grave.  Over the long term, it would be hard to think of anyone other than Trump who has done more lasting damage to our nation.  Good riddance to bad garbage.

Can we get his medal back? 

fitting that he died of cancer, since he had himself BEEN a cancer for decades.

Klinker said:

Personally, I hope they bury him under a urinal because would love to pee on his grave.  Over the long term, it would be hard to think of anyone other than Trump who has done more lasting damage to our nation.  Good riddance to bad garbage.

 The words of the Ayatollah:

Khomeini on Urinating and Defecating

Urinating and defecating are forbidden in four places: blind alleys, except with the permission of those living along them; the property of a person who has not given permission to do so; places of worship, such as certain madrasas; graves of believers, unless one does so as an insult to them. (#64, (Resaleh p.40))

I think it is safe to say that Limbaugh was not a believer.  In anything.

Rush was a sociopathic con man who made millions manipulating rubes and destroying America in the process.

Klinker said:

I think it is safe to say that Limbaugh was not a believer.  In anything.

Rush was a sociopathic con man who made millions manipulating rubes and destroying America in the process.

 I honestly think it’s because of Rush spewing his garbage on talk radio, that really influenced Trump and all those MAGATs out there. I can guarantee you they all listened to him. Trump actually mimicked Rush. Look at the way he called people names. Same style. Trump is a disciple of mr Limbaugh. I won’t wish cancer on anyone. I won’t wish suffering on anyone. I let their lives judge them. I have too many people in my life who have passed and suffering with cancer. You never know when it might affect you. 
Rush was a cancer in and of itself. Insidious and evil. 

Rush is dead; long live Rush.

“The Rush Limbaugh Show” will continue, using archived segments and clips, primarily airing Mr. Limbaugh’s voice, “until his audience is prepared to say goodbye,” Premiere Networks, which distributes the show, said in a memo to affiliates. It will continue to air in its regular noon to 3 p.m. time slot Monday through Friday. ...

“No one can replace Rush Limbaugh,” said Hosea Belcher, senior vice president of affiliate marketing for iHeartMedia Inc.’s Premiere Networks. “Our plan is to provide the millions of loyal listeners with the voice of Rush Limbaugh for long term.”

Mr. Limbaugh’s 30 years of audio has been archived and cataloged by subject, topic and opinion, Premiere said in its memo. The show will address the day’s news using relevant clips and guest hosts such as Mark Steyn, Todd Herman and Ken Matthews, who helped fill in while Mr. Limbaugh underwent cancer treatment over the past year, will help guide the show from segment to segment, the network said.

Rush Limbaugh’s Conservative Radio Show Will Remain on the Air, Despite Host’s Passing - WSJ

I think Rush was the guy who first started saying “democrat” party rather than democratic.

Used to catch Rush for 1/2 hour on drive home (1:00pm to 1:30) where FM was static. Got used to it. Actually enjoyed hate-listening to him. Then again, I also listened to Bob Grant during my hippie college days.

He’s evil and should rot in hell but the guy had his finger on the pulse of “the great unwashed.” (Yup, I know how awful that term is). He praised to the heavens his ill-informed audience, mostly ill-informed by him, and gave them confidence in their grievance mentality.

They were “politicos” because they had such “informed” opinions. No need to read, research, etc. He was the Trump University of poli-sci. 

A real man of the people with his private jet and FL mansion - a very Trumpy populist.

I’m very gratified by the no-holds-barred obit  critiques of the mainstream media. No respect for the despicable. Very good.

We need to realize that the country was born in Christian values, which included dominion over every-fcuking-thing in the Western Hemisphere, as we think about the right wing backlash against everything non-white and non-Christian. Acknowledging our racist origins is key to making peace with our multicultural present.

They’re dead enders but they have guns and the will and the god to keep things very unstable for a while. 

GL2 said:

I think Rush was the guy who first started saying “democrat” party rather than democratic.

Looks like there’s a long history. Both references to the incumbent administration in the 1948 Republican platform, for instance, call it “the Democrat Administration.”

Russell Baker on “this illiterate phrase” in 1976:

Don't we all miss NY Times columnists who could actually write?

Thanks Dave. Ah, Russell Baker. Takes me back. From your link:

“The origin of this illiterate phrase goes back, I believe. to the era of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy. At some point in the 1950's, I recall a suggestion sheet being circulated to Republican campaign orators, which urged them to abjure the use of “Democratic Party” in favor of “the Democrat Party.” This was a time when words and phrases were first having magical psychological powers ascribed to them in a systematic way by marketing students, and the theory was that “Democrat Party” was a whiz‐bang that could blow the Democratic Party right out of the (trenches.”

It's very telling that they're running reruns.  Did the content ever matter?  Or was he only riling up dittoheads for the purpose on riling them up?

Yup, I’m foul and this is really sophomoric, but I really appreciate the analogy. I remain gleeful at this guy’s death.

”Yes, Limbaugh changed media forever, but he changed it forever in much the same way that a dark brown skid mark changes a pair of men’s briefs.”

Here’s Why Conservatives Are Always Saying The Name Of The Democratic Party Wrong

I can't help but think that, two months later, Limbaugh's cosmic cancellation has improved America just a little bit.

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