Kentucky clerk still won't issue gay marriage licenses

Says she must answer to a higher authority. Then she should resign her government position. Her husband sounds like a real piece of work.

The clerk's husband said she is doing God's work and said he believes in the Second Amendment: "I'm an old redneck hillbilly, that's all I've got to say. Don't come knocking on my door." A nice Christian threat to shoot anyone that comes to his home.

Hypercritical much?? The woman has been married FOUR times!!!

Of course, Kim Davis’ conscience should already feel unclean. She’s an
Apostolic Christian, a denomination that believes in literal
interpretation; thus, according to the Bible’s teaching, she might
reasonably have been stoned to death years ago by her community because,
as the Apostolic Theological Seminary points out,
“God hates the separation of husband and wife.” God also forbids his
followers to pass judgment on others, as well as to marry non-believers.
There’s a lot of stuff that God forbids, actually, that Kim Davis seems
happy to ignore.

Oh FFS. The bit at the end about how their beliefs aren't being accepted is rich

I just read that and was about to post it! Unbelievable.

Her position requires her to follow the law and serve all the people of Kentucky, not those that fit into her religious beliefs (which she tends to pick and choose from, discarding the inconvenient ones).

Just resign your position and go work in a church.

Is God paying her salary?

Apparently they have already taken the first steps necessary to fire her, but it won't be quick because as an "elected official" she is not a regular employee who is easy to let go.

As much as I despise what she is doing, I think it would be better if she were merely fired rather than jailed for contempt of court. The latter would draw out more supporters. The former has a better chance of dying down quickly and will send a message to other asshats who want to pull the same stunt, do so at the risk of being unemployed and losing your government job along with your government health benefits and pension.

She makes $80,000 per year, paid by the citizens of Kentucky, including those couples who have requested a marriage license from her. I'm sure 80K goes a long way in Kentucky. She should put her money where her beliefs are and resign from this situation which is violating her religious beliefs.

I can't help but think that if she embraced The Gays, she might have better hair.

Nepotism in county government is alive and well in Kentucky (as in NJ). She was a Deputy Clerk under her mother and was then "elected" to the County Clerk position when her mother retired. Now her son is one of six Deputy Clerks.

I predict she (eventually) loses her job, maybe even goes to jail for a few days due to contempt of court, and a GoFundMe campaign gets started in her name and people give her lots of money.

Has she stated anywhere why she doesn't simply resign the position if she can't in good conscience continue to serve?

tom said:
Has she stated anywhere why she doesn't simply resign the position if she can't in good conscience continue to serve?

Methinks she has 80 thousand rea$on$ why she won't simply resign.

If she resigns, she loses her position as a "martyr" for the cause. She loses the ability to be videotaped "taking one for the team", and her handlers lose an opportunity to rally the base and do some serious fundraising.

If government were run like a business, she'd get a nice buyout package and be shown the door.

At this point she's like a vegetarian complaining about working in a meat packing plant.

I love how she picks and chooses exactly which parts of her Bible to enforce and ignore.

Gays -nope

Divorce - Sure Why Not?

Hippocrites just slay me. That's why the Josh Duggar thing infuriated me. Wanna have a affair? Who am I to judge? Do it while going around being the "model" of proper marriage espousing how "The Gays" are destroying civilization? Not so much

She's gotta be going for a potential jackpot - kinda like that pizza joint case. Martyrdom and reward in this world. Sweet.

I'm guessing early retirement and a few hundred thou in donations.

GL2 said:
I'm guessing early retirement and a few hundred thou in donations.

Sadly, yes. Pension, healthcare, and a sweet new consulting gig with some bizarro gay-hating TV minister.

She should use some of that 80K on some shampoo.

Woot said:
I can't help but think that if she embraced The Gays, she might have better hair.

And nicer clothes.

The Creation Museum is in Kentucky. I'm sure she could get a job there.

bettyd said:
The Creation Museum is in Kentucky. I'm sure she could get a job there.

Yeah, she could model as one of the dinosaurs.

I used to live in Kentucky so this does not surprise me one bit. Also, that she still has a job, which she should not.

This is a big moment for a little person. Kim Davis is using a bronze age tome and a fictional deity, as an excuse to treat people badly, defy the law of the land and just not do her job.

spontaneous said:
Apparently they have already taken the first steps necessary to fire her, but it won't be quick because as an "elected official" she is not a regular employee who is easy to let go.
As much as I despise what she is doing, I think it would be better if she were merely fired rather than jailed for contempt of court. The latter would draw out more supporters. The former has a better chance of dying down quickly and will send a message to other asshats who want to pull the same stunt, do so at the risk of being unemployed and losing your government job along with your government health benefits and pension.

When you write of the woman's being fired; do you refer to the impeachment process, or is some other avenue for dismissal available?

Thanks for any help in better understanding your point.


nan said:
I used to live in Kentucky so this does not surprise me one bit. Also, that she still has a job, which she should not.

It's not trivial to remove her from her job.

Tom_R said:

spontaneous said:
Apparently they have already taken the first steps necessary to fire her, but it won't be quick because as an "elected official" she is not a regular employee who is easy to let go.
As much as I despise what she is doing, I think it would be better if she were merely fired rather than jailed for contempt of court. The latter would draw out more supporters. The former has a better chance of dying down quickly and will send a message to other asshats who want to pull the same stunt, do so at the risk of being unemployed and losing your government job along with your government health benefits and pension.
When you write of the woman's being fired; do you refer to the impeachment process, or is some other avenue for dismissal available?
Thanks for any help in better understanding your point.

I don't know exactly how they go about firing her. I had just read that mentioned it was a long, involved process and that they have taken the first steps towards that. I will google it and see if I can find the article.

ParticleMan said:

nan said:
I used to live in Kentucky so this does not surprise me one bit. Also, that she still has a job, which she should not.
It's not trivial to remove her from her job.

The job she inherited from her mother. And she's probably related to half the people in town who can't stand her, for various reasons, but will stick by. They are probably enjoying the attention while acting like they don't. When I was there two of the towns I lived in were featured on 60 minutes for negative behavior. Everyone, including me, was afraid to talk to reporters because of possible local backlash. The reporters were also nervous.

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