Bolivian workers have liberated Chapare

Has the mainstream media covered this story?


Here's an interview with ousted Bolivian president Evo Morales by Glenn Greenwald:


paulsurovell said:

Has the mainstream media covered this story?

 The times did have this story:

jamie said:

paulsurovell said:

Has the mainstream media covered this story?

 The times did have this story:

 That story is about the coup regime's violation of the Mexican embassy in La Paz. There is nothing in the article about the liberation of the territory of Capare by the local population.

Update on the embassy story:

Ousted Bolivian president Morales says he is convinced the US orchestrated the coup in Bolivia to gain control of Bolivia's lithium reserves, the biggest in the world.

It's a credible allegation.

paulsurovell said:

Ousted Bolivian president Morales says he is convinced the US orchestrated the coup in Bolivia to gain control of Bolivia's lithium reserves, the biggest in the world.

It's a credible allegation.

 And a like from nan...SURPRISE ! When does the ******** conspiracy nonsense end?

Morales had been selling cocaine to cartel de Los soles in Mexico. One big drug ring operation including Maduro in Venezuela. Stop feeling sorry for these miserable greedy corrupt leaders in Latin America. 

Paul - can you expand on this action by Morales? 

Many of those who turned out to protest against Mr Morales's response to the fires also carried placards accusing him of ignoring the result of a 2016 referendum.
The question posed in the referendum was whether Bolivians wanted to drop the limit of term numbers that Bolivian presidents can serve.
A majority voted "no" but President Morales's party took the issue to the constitutional court, which abolished the term limits altogether.

IMO - we will see Trump do something similar - and at that point - would stand by and accept a 3rd term? 

And also - what did Morales say to Glen regarding this:

Just quote the minute and I'll take a look.

Update from Chapare. Has this reached the MSM yet?


paulsurovell said:

Update from Chapare. Has this reached the MSM yet?


paulsurovell said:

Update from Chapare. Has this reached the MSM yet?


 I read the linked article. Just called my ex husband who was born in Peru and asked if he could check Telemundo and see what the coverage is. He was aware of the issue. When we travelled in Peru we were at the Bolivian border. I was hoping to return and explore. Thanks for sharing the coverage.

Dennis_Seelbach said:

 And a like from nan...SURPRISE ! When does the ******** conspiracy nonsense end?

 You are complaining that I "liked" Paul's post?  Seriously?  You made a post to complain about a "like."   I'm grateful to Paul for starting this thread on a topic that will be distorted or ignored by the mainstream media.  I don't have anything to contribute at this time because I'm just learning about it my self.  So, I liked a post and I hope to contribute at some point. Time for you to grow up and stop trying to control the narrative with personal attacks. 

Thank GOD Chapare has been liberated!

nan is complaining about controlling the narrative?  lol

Paul - can you address the questions I posted above about Evo?

In regards of coverage - now that the Ollie has reported on it.  What do you expect the US and allies to do?  As for the lack of coverage from the MSM - can put that aside for once and just report on an event that you consider important?  

jamie said:

nan is complaining about controlling the narrative?  lol

Paul - can you address the questions I posted above about Evo?

In regards of coverage - now that the Ollie has reported on it.  What do you expect the US and allies to do?  As for the lack of coverage from the MSM - can put that aside for once and just report on an event that you consider important?  

 So you don't care that your government lies to you or just does not tell you what they are doing in other parts of the world?  You just believe them, no matter what?

I'm here interested in what Paul has to say - with questions.  Why does everything have to be about the MSM with you guys?

Do you want to talk about Bolivia or the MSM?  I prefer to talk about Bolivia in this thread.  Or is that not the purpose of this thread?

There is a view from farther left that both options are anti-working class.


The history of South America’s Pink Tide exposes the sham of capitalist reform as a solution for the international working class. The track record of recently ousted Bolivian president Evo Morales is the latest proof. Workers in Bolivia have never run society; they control nothing. Before, during, and after Morales, the capitalist bosses have kept their iron grip on the Bolivian economy, courts, legislature, police, and army. Under the murderous profit system, the state serves the capitalist ruling class, first and last.

Only a communist revolution can create real power for workers to run all aspects of society, to create a world based on anti-racism and anti-sexism, and to fulfill the needs of the international working class.

Though workers in Bolivia have taken to the streets in militant mass protests, their militancy is being wasted on two anti-working class options. On one side is the Morales camp, backed by Russian and Chinese imperialists. On the other is new president Jeanine Anez, a far-right evangelical Christian whose interim government appointed the first Bolivian ambassador to the U.S. since 2008. Both sides are rotten and lethal.

We call on all workers to reject the dead end of indigenous nationalist identity politics, which kept Morales in power for 13 years. Identity politics fractures and disarms our class and prevents class-conscious solidarity. When we view ourselves as inherently different or opposed to other groups of workers, we are doing the bosses’ work. A revolutionary communist movement unites workers against the root cause of racism: the bosses’ drive for maximum profit....

(continues at link)

there are still people proclaiming the need for communist revolutions? how quaint.

While there is a big enough middle-class, it can seem quaint. However, if the divide between the haves and the have-nots continues to expand, it's likely to come back into fashion.

The Progressive Labor Party is alive and well and still pushing the same Maoist ideology as they did back in the 60s.

paulsurovell said:

Has the mainstream media covered this story?

 The answer to Paul's question is, "Yes".

From the December 24 article cited by Paul: "Known as Bolivia’s Chapare region, the Tropico of Cochabamba is a sanctuary for elected President Evo Morales’ most dedicated base of support. Since the November 10 coup, it has effectively become a self-governing territory where the military junta is absent."

From the NY Times, November 27

But farmers here in Villa Tunari, which I reached on a reporting trip in recent days, are determined to fight on for the return of their exiled leader.

For the 50,000 local coca farming families, the ousting of Mr. Morales represents more than the end of a government that gave them a political voice and vast improvements in infrastructure, education and health. It is a threat to the peace that Mr. Morales, called Evo by everyone here, brought to this stigmatized and violent region.
Farmers began to converge on Villa Tunari on Nov. 10, the day Mr. Morales announced his resignation from the country’s presidency at the nearby headquarters of the coca confederation, an act that turned this gentrifying tourism hot spot into a war camp.
“We don’t recognize this new illegal government,” said Andronico Rodríguez, Evo’s deputy in the local labor movement, who is seen by many here as the former president’s successor. “Our objective is to allow Evo to finish out his term.”

[Edited to delete the big empty space where the tweet doesn't "quote"]

The right-wing Bolivian coup was raised at today's start of Biden's OAS fiasco:

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