Stolen UPS package.

Looks like I've joined the stolen package club. Kind of stupid on my part because I had it delivered while I was away on vacation. It was a $10 can of cleaning solution from Amazon so no big loss but it still sucks. I'm on the 200 block of S. Ridgewood road by the way. I've heard of a few others in the neighborhood having packages swiped but haven't had one stolen myself in 2 years. 

Whoever took it is probably pretty pissed off now that s/he's opened it... ;-)

I'm glad it wasn't something more valuable.

PeggyC said:

Whoever took it is probably pretty pissed off now that s/he's opened it... ;-)

I'm glad it wasn't something more valuable.

 I'm sure its sitting in the gutter or garbage somewhere now. Its a pretty specific cleaner so most will have no use for it. 

@GGartrell did you file a report? If not, please do so.

ace789nj said:

@GGartrell did you file a report? If not, please do so.

 I did not. If it were a higher dollar item I would look past my opinion of the SOPD and file one but for 10 bucks I'll leave it to karma.

GGartrell said:

ace789nj said:

@GGartrell did you file a report? If not, please do so.

 I did not. If it were a higher dollar item I would look past my opinion of the SOPD and file one but for 10 bucks I'll leave it to karma.

 Sounds like Karma may have already happened.

You do your neighbors a disservice by not reporting a theft. You were a victim but it's not just about you. Having these incidents on file help the police tailor their patrols. Lookouts are generated. Officers are put on alert that the thefts are going on and where they are happening. The info can be disseminated to various neighborhood watch groups so that we can look out for one another and be more apt to report suspicious activity. The police can issue town wide alerts so that people can be on the look out...and of warn them against doing something like scheduling a delivery while they are away. 

ace789nj said:

GGartrell said:

ace789nj said:

@GGartrell did you file a report? If not, please do so.

 I did not. If it were a higher dollar item I would look past my opinion of the SOPD and file one but for 10 bucks I'll leave it to karma.

 Sounds like Karma may have already happened.

 You are entitled to your opinion. 

Someone probably thought it was an Apple Watch!

qrysdonnell said:

Someone probably thought it was an Apple Watch!

I believe proper Apple etiquette would have required me to sleep on the steps waiting for my watch to arrive. 

If it makes you feel any better, we had a few packages 'disappear' (including a model of iPhone on its first day of availability!) our past few years while living in a co-op in Washington Heights.  So even when living in a place with a managed mail room stuff can still get lost/stolen. 

qrysdonnell said:

If it makes you feel any better, we had a few packages 'disappear' (including a model of iPhone on its first day of availability!) our past few years while living in a co-op in Washington Heights.  So even when living in a place with a managed mail room stuff can still get lost/stolen. 

Thanks. I've had stuff stolen in the past just feels different when I'm shelling out 25k in taxes. "Good neighborhoods" have issues as well I guess?   

Precisely my thought as well .scottgreenstone said:I am confused as to why you would take the time to post hear about it, but won't take a few minutes to call the PD to report the crime? 

GGartrell said:

Thanks. I've had stuff stolen in the past just feels different when I'm shelling out 25k in taxes. "Good neighborhoods" have issues as well I guess?   

Of course they do! If you're a criminal, would you be more likely to target a "good neighborhood" or a "bad neighborhood?"

I have had only good experiences with the SOPD and if they say, file a report with us, that's exactly what I would do, if it helps them do their jobs better...

Somethingz_Fishy said:

GGartrell said:

Thanks. I've had stuff stolen in the past just feels different when I'm shelling out 25k in taxes. "Good neighborhoods" have issues as well I guess?   

Of course they do! If you're a criminal, would you be more likely to target a "good neighborhood" or a "bad neighborhood?"

 Good point. That reminds me of undergrad and my one question final exam in Statistics. Something like "explain and expound upon the positive correlation between churches and liquor stores". I guess in this case it would be petty theft and trick-or-treaters?  

GGartrell said:

qrysdonnell said:

If it makes you feel any better, we had a few packages 'disappear' (including a model of iPhone on its first day of availability!) our past few years while living in a co-op in Washington Heights.  So even when living in a place with a managed mail room stuff can still get lost/stolen. 

Thanks. I've had stuff stolen in the past just feels different when I'm shelling out 25k in taxes. "Good neighborhoods" have issues as well I guess?   

 Could always be the UPS guy.  They strike in any neighborhood.  We always suspected that was likely who took the iPhone as they'd know how to spot it.  (That's why I was thinking of Apple Watch originally, maybe the box looked enough like what they're coming in.)

qrysdonnell said:

GGartrell said:

qrysdonnell said:

If it makes you feel any better, we had a few packages 'disappear' (including a model of iPhone on its first day of availability!) our past few years while living in a co-op in Washington Heights.  So even when living in a place with a managed mail room stuff can still get lost/stolen. 

Thanks. I've had stuff stolen in the past just feels different when I'm shelling out 25k in taxes. "Good neighborhoods" have issues as well I guess?   

 Could always be the UPS guy.  They strike in any neighborhood.  We always suspected that was likely who took the iPhone as they'd know how to spot it.  (That's why I was thinking of Apple Watch originally, maybe the box looked enough like what they're coming in.)

 Anything is possible but I'd bet against our UPS guy being the thief. He routinely goes out of his way to get us our stuff. He has even lugged a flat-screen to our garage and left it inside because it was the third attempt and it was going to be sent back. There are substitute drivers pretty often though or maybe a shiny apple watch was his breaking point. 

GGartrell said:

Looks like I've joined the stolen package club. Kind of stupid on my part because I had it delivered while I was away on vacation. It was a $10 

can of cleaning solution from Amazon so no big loss but it still sucks. I'm on the 200 block of S. Ridgewood road by the way. I've heard of a few others in the neighborhood having packages swiped but haven't had one stolen myself in 2 years. 


Amazon uses the USPS to deliver packages  last week we got such a package and it was left on our porch in an extremely noticable position -- very unlike how our usual USPS guy leaves packages and how UPS or FEDEX packages have been left  It was so obvious, I wonder if it is intentional.  before assuming it was a UPS Delivey, check  Which service that is doing this is important. maybe it is all, but if not, it is important to know for the police.


You could bet that it was not a UPS guy.  While anything can happen it would have to be a real Stupid one.  Any driver or person working in this trade has been taught how Security works for these devices.  If a TV, computer or Apple; anything like them is turned on and connected to the Internet, the Serial numbers and location are uploaded to Da Man.  Back in the day when the iPhone 3 went out and this feature first turned on a number of folks were arrested and lost jobs.

I had a guy ship 5 iPhone 5's and they were reported as lost.  They could not be found and claims were paid, then one at a time they became active and were tracked down to a group down south.  All were recovered.

So, it would have to be a real stupid UPS person.

Later, Da

The UPS Store


Who was it that said it is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt?

I would bet against a UPS delivery guy. They work so hard, in all weather (think 2014-2015 winter and spring snows and freezing rain) to be foolish and underhanded now.  My UPS guy is caring and careful, very kind and gives top customer service. It's a shame they are suspected of theivery here without a hint of proof of any wrong-doing.  

Please report this, no matter how small. Two weeks ago my UPS guy told me that someone came up to his truck a block away, said he was my husband and he could pick up his laptop that was being delivered that day. Luckily the UPS knows me and knew that wasn't my husband. He said he didn't have any packages for my husband and the guy left. The UPS guy then came to my house and told me. I'm a little annoyed my UPS guy didn't call the police right away but I did. The police asked that I come to the station and file a report. I'm so thankful that my UPS man didn't give him our laptop. 

Another question is how did someone know we were expecting a laptop that day? We bought it online and didn't pay with our credit card so I'm not sure how someone found out. Very scary!!! The police at least have it on record and know to look out for strange people waiting for the UPS truck. Keep your eyes open in our neighborhood please! Report anything strange. 

festus said:

Who was it that said it is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt?

 God, Abe Lincoln and Mark Twain to name a few.

gonoles said:

Please report this, no matter how small. Two weeks ago my UPS guy told me that someone came up to his truck a block away, said he was my husband and he could pick up his laptop that was being delivered that day. Luckily the UPS knows me and knew that wasn't my husband. He said he didn't have any packages for my husband and the guy left. The UPS guy then came to my house and told me. I'm a little annoyed my UPS guy didn't call the police right away but I did. The police asked that I come to the station and file a report. I'm so thankful that my UPS man didn't give him our laptop. 

Another question is how did someone know we were expecting a laptop that day? We bought it online and didn't pay with our credit card so I'm not sure how someone found out. Very scary!!! The police at least have it on record and know to look out for strange people waiting for the UPS truck. Keep your eyes open in our neighborhood please! Report anything strange. 

 I saw this story over on NEXTDOOR. Creepy. Glad they didn't get your Laptop. 

Maybe UPS got wind of something going on locally. We got 4 packages today and they were all left at the back door. 

Have you considered setting up a webcam? It doesn't stop the thief but I may deter them. In any case it would be satisfying to capture the guilty party in action. 

byron said:

Have you considered setting up a webcam? It doesn't stop the thief but I may deter them. In any case it would be satisfying to capture the guilty party in action. 

 I have, Just looking for a cost effective solution that will store activity locally and also send it to my phone or tablet. 

Having your mail stolen is the worst, even if the item wasn't very valuable! Do you have a side/back door that's easily accessible? You can make an account with UPS online and specify where you want deliveries made. I had every package I ordered stolen off my porch when I first moved here. After the 3rd one I signed up and asked them to drop everything off at the back door instead, which they did. I called the South Orange post office and asked if they could do the same for USPS packages. They said to send it in writing, and they have since been delivering to the back door as well. Haven't had anything stolen since. It doesn't take much time so if you want to avoid this in the future and do have another door, it's not a bad idea. 

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