Star-Ledger machine

I walked by the Star-Ledger machine across from Kings a few days ago and noticed that the paper on display is from....June 2013!

Uh, guys, maybe it's time to decommission the machine

I heard it can't be removed as the Village Keepers have petitioned that it be added to the National Register of Historic Places.

apple44 said:
I heard it can't be removed as the Village Keepers have petitioned that it be added to the National Register of Historic Places.

And your source so we all have the facts.

Can't we "repurpose" it into a redbox machine, or perhaps a latte dispenser

Robert_Casotto said:
Can't we "repurpose" it into a redbox machine, or perhaps a latte dispenser

I could live with that. Good practice for re doing the Post Office.

Robert_Casotto said:
Can't we "repurpose" it into a redbox machine, or perhaps a latte dispenser

Think outside the box. Let your imagination soar. In Uruguay, citizens of a small town have repurposed an old coke machine as a solar powered wifi hotspot.

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