Some Razza Dazzle in The Times

If you want a chuckle, don't miss the reader's comment about hazelnuts.

Is New York's Best Pizza in New Jersey?

Funny - I just read this. Is this a current article or is it old?

eta: I see it's brand spanking new. What a coinkadick!

Which comment? the hazelnut/sardine post? Personally I'm planning on going out there to specifically try the hazelnut things.


Which I wouldn't recommend on a pizza, either.

pizza is a concept, not a defined thing. If a topping works, it works. End of story. The palate doesn't lie.

Hazelnuts can be misused however.

I think a currant could actually work on a pizza. Little puddles of sweetness? Sounds good to me. (Of course, I also demand raisins in my meatballs. And I eat "Hawaiian" Pizza.)

Razza is owned by the man who originally opened Arturo's(in its current iteration), but is no longer involved.

I'm very happy for Dan but selfishly sad for us. Gonna be mobbed now, and deservedly so.

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