case said:
I loved that whole 'died of thirst' thing - assumed he was an alcoholic and if so that's a great way to broach the subject.
TarheelsInNj said:
Did anyone else think for a second that Don was going to jump/fall off the balcony at the end, like the opening credits?! It was unlikely but I did think, "wow, THAT sure would start things off with a bang!"
kibbegirl said:
That was Neve Campbell? I had no idea.
Funny how Freddy is now DD's mouthpiece. Wonder if Peggy will catch on? I mean, really, has Freddy ever been that good?
Me thinks Lou is going to give Peggy a hard time. She's used to being the darling of the office, especially with DD, but Lou doesn't seem to find her as charming.
TarheelsInNj said:
j_r said:
What's up with Megan's dizziness?
I think we call that "drunk"
TarheelsInNj said:
case said:
I did too. I thought that whole scene was really touching. We've never heard Don admit that he's a terrible husband, and I thought that exposed a new side of Don. He's far from the arrogant husband he was to Betty, but he's also still fundamentally the same person deep down. He's a man who just loves and is fascinated by women (especially brunettes!). But yet he resisted the temptation at the end, so what does that mean?
I think it means Don is giving up on himself. :/ And we thought the same thing about the jumping out of the's like they are setting up a final scene from the opening credits.
Soul_29 said:
I think that the absolute last thing that will EVER happen on Mad Men is a recreation of the opening credits ... Won't happen.
Overlooked line: "And then you'll get your teeth fixed ..."
composerjohn said:
TarheelsInNj said:
Did anyone else think for a second that Don was going to jump/fall off the balcony at the end, like the opening credits?! It was unlikely but I did think, "wow, THAT sure would start things off with a bang!"
Yup! Had the same thought!
TarheelsInNj said:
@hankzona I was wondering if you'd have a comment on that. I took the "French champagne" reference as a sign the agent was kind of an ass and trying too hard to impress But perhaps not the case!
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