Snow again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is snowing in South Orange, at this second

There's already a thread on this.

To be fair to George, the thread title that you selected for the other thread does not exactly point to the subject matter.

mrincredible said:

To be fair to George, the thread title that you selected for the other thread does not exactly point to the subject matter.

 And I cannot edit the thread title.  I tried.  According to the FAQ, it is a known issue and they are working on it (not being able to edit, not my poor choice of thread title).

Is it snowing in Boston though? Its very important to know the weather about 220 miles away from here.

I'm not there any more.

Freeway said:

Is it snowing in Boston though? Its very important to know the weather about 220 miles away from here.

I'm in NJ now, sorry.  

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