Snow 1/17/2016

Snowing in Maplecrest.  Sticking to roof tops and grassy surfaces.

My kids are throwing snowballs and having fun running around. It was a great surprise for this late afternoon!

"max_weisenfeld Jan 10, 2016 at 10:36pm

While the models are showing a small system for Sunday, it is way too early to make any sort
of prediction.  I would not be surprised to see a couple of inches, but I would be surprised to see a serious storm."

Also, the NWS has had snow showers in the forecast for several days.

I wouldn't have, but we take such grief when we are wrong about the weather....

When is it ending?  I have to drive somewhere early in the morning. is suggesting a possible significant storm for Friday and Saturday   

be careful out there - spouse just took a hard fall on black ice in driveway! 

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