rule for backyard fence height when it's adjacent to COMMERCIAL property?

We've been trying to get an official answer from the city but haven't yet succeeded. Does anyone know what the maximum height for a backyard fence is in Maplewood

when it's immediately adjacent to a private tennis club? I'm presuming that it might be higher than the 4' I've heard for a typical backyard situation, but wanted to check. Thanks for any help! - rj

Have you reached out directly to Bob Mittermaier at TH?

In the past if a residential property owner adjacent to a commercial property wanted a fence the owner could put up a fence at the same height as the commercial owner could put up. A difference of a couple of inches (your side of property to other side) is inconsequential. There may be a need for an official variance and that is handled via the town buildings guy referring you to the Zoning Board. So, if you put in a work permit for a 6' fence he may refer you to the zoning board for the variance. I was on the board for 13 years and we never turned down such a request. Do not know the current state of affairs on this, so check with the buildings dept. It may be streamlined by now -- don't know.

The municipal code is available on line and quite searchable. There are links on the Official Town website and on the Library website.

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