RIP Elizabeth Bing, and thank you

I can't think of a single family I know that hasn't been affected by the changes in delivery practice over her career. Certainly my mother's delivery experiences changed radically from her first in the late '40s to my younger brother (just off 1960). When my sister came to give birth in the mid-70s, 'accepted wisdom' was now the breathing classes, dads in the delivery rooms, everything my grandmother would have found shocking or primitive...

A very very long life. I hope it was indeed rich, full and satisfying:  Ms Bing devoted herself to improving conditions for other women, she deserves a peaceful rest now.

Note: I know that should be Elisabeth in the title. I can't fix it! LOL

When I was a young (and scared) mom to be back in the early 80s my ob-gyn sent me to Ms Bing for Lamaze classes. She lived and practiced on the Upper West Side. I knew nothing about her history, just that she made me calmer and more relaxed about the upcoming birth of my son. She had this amazing laugh, I remember. We all sat on the floor in her living room, the moms to be moaning and groaning as we attempted to get ourselves comfortable on the floor while this sprightly little old lady ( I just realize that she was only 5 years older than I am now!!) bounced up and down easily . She was amazing . It was only later that I learned how influential she was in changing the way we approached childbirth in the West.

When the 7 children in our class were born we all had a mini-reunion. If I can find the picture later I will post it.

Thank you, Ms. Bing..I've never forgotten how you turned what I fully expected to be a terrifying experience into a labor of love

Breath in, breath out.

fascinating article, amazing woman. Dr. Lamaze sounds like a misogynistic git though...

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